Today, we handed over the keys to our apartment. We were also supposed to leave Karlsruhe and travel to Frankfurt. Stay there in a hotel and fly to New York tomorrow… Ada and Adrian were supposed to have a fare well party in the kindergarten today and get their gifts and say hi and bye. Instead Ada got sick and we had to go to the doctor. It turned out to be otitis so everything we planned was cancelled. Instead we landed in a hotel in Karlsruhe and now we are waiting for Ada to get well to continue our trip…

Danas smo predali ključeve od stana. Plan je bio da danas završimo sa Karlsruhe i odemo u Frankfurt. Tamo bi prespavali u hotelu i sutra bi krenuli avionom za New York…
Ada i Adrian su trebali da imaju oproštajno danas, da prime poklončiće i da kažu ćao…međutim to se sve promijenilo kad je Ada postala bolesna. Pokazalo se da je upala ušiju i sve što smo planirali je sad pomjereno.
A mi zaglavismo u hotelu u Karlsruhe dok čekamo da se Ada oporavi i da nastavimo naš put…

After a long day I went to the wellness center resting and “meditating ” …After sitting in the sauna I started wonder…why do people in Germany have the need to stay naked in the sauna? When they are finished they go to the shower room and have separated dressing cabines?
So it turns out it is ok for women to look at mens hanging things but when they shower they should cover themselves and keep away from the other women?? or how am I supposed to get it?’
Good night and over!

Nakon dugog dana otišla sam u wellness centar odmoriti i “meditirati”….Nakon nekog sjedenja u sauni upitala sam se zasto svi ljudi hodaju goli po saunama? I onda nakon toga se obicno tusiraju u tus sobi gdje su postoje posebne kabine za tuširanje i presvlačenje (barem kod žena). Šta to treba da znači?
Ispadne ok da gledamo golotinju po sauni a kad se treba tuširati onda treba da se sakrijemo jedna od druge…ili kako to drugačije da protumačim?