Happy birthday to me :) / Sretan mi Rodjendan

rodjendan DE

Ada realized it is fun to play at 5.00h this morning. We tried to make her sleep, and she did after she had finished playing. My husband wanted to continue his “beauty sleep” but  I “kicked him out” from the bed, so he can come back home from his job earlier… Me and Ada fell asleep immidiately 😛 Nice as he is, my husband didn´t want to wake us up so he wrote a note to wish me happy birthday with a “P.s You kicked dad out from the bed, but you yourself continued sleeping…” I sense some jealousy here 🙂

Ada je shvatila da je jako zanimljivo igrati se u 5.ooh ujutru. Probali smo je uspavati,  i zaspala je kad je ona završila igranjem. Poslije toga muž je htio nastaviti spavati, ali htjela sam da ranjie dodje kuci s posla, tako da sam ga “izbacila iz kreveta” . Ada i ja smo u trenu zaspale. Muž me nije htio buditi tako da mi je napisao čestitku sa p.s:om Tatu si izbacila iz kreveta a ti zaspala” . Osjećam malo ljubomore ovdje 🙂


rodjendan SWE

When I was in Skövde my parents prepared a small celebration for my birthday

Kad sam bila u Skövdeu roditelji su mi pripremili malo rođendansko slavlje.

rodjendan SWE 1

The pictures from today, I couldn´t upload so I´ll have to update this post as soon as I manage 🙂
Slike od danas nisam mogla skinuti, tako da cu to uraditi cim stignem 🙂

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