Émile Zola – The Ladies Paradies / Émile Zola -Ženski Raj

I have gotten a taste for Emile Zola. This is my second book or actually third of Emile Zola – The Ladies Paradise that I have finished and then Adrian decided to read it too (it is never to early to start reading). The first book I read in school but I have forgotten which book it was. The only thing I remember is that he described a dead body so detailed that I felt disgusted back then. Anyone knows which book that might be?
Počele su mi se sviđati knjige od Emile Zole. Ovo je druga knjiga, bolje reći treća (Ženski Raj) koju sam pročitala i onda se Adrian odlučio da je isto čita (nikad nije prerano početi čitati). Prvu knjigu sam čitala u školi ali sam zaboravila koja je bila. Jedino što se sjećam je da je tako detaljno opisao mrtvo tijelo da mi se zgadilo. Zna li neko od vas koja je knjiga?

Thorns and communication / Trnje i komunikacija

The whole week Ada has been sick staying at home. I read somewhere that it is normal for a child to have 6-10 colds per year and if every takes a week or two to recover it is months of cold and wake nights I can expect :/
Today, Ada was finally getting better so we went out for a walk and a little play at the playground. She noticed for the first time that there are plants with thorns. She was so fascinated by it that she stopped at every bush to check if they had thorns or not. 🙂
Adrian has slept through the last two nights, which is something I can dream of with Ada. He also started to communicate with very cute sounds and two days ago he started to grab things. He especially likes to grab his moms hair 🙂
Ada je čitavu sedmicu bolesna i kod kuće. Čitala sam negdje da je normalno da djeca prvih par godina života imaju čak 6-10 prehlada i gripa godišnje i ako svakoj gripi treba sedmicu ili dvije da se oporavi onda imam mnogo budnih noćiju za očekivati :/
Danas je Ada bolje te smo izašle malo van u šetnju i da se malo igra na igralištu.
Prvi put je primjetila da neko žbunje ima trnje. Bila je tako fascinirana time da je stajala kod svakog žbuna da provjeri ako ima trnje 🙂
Adrian, za razliku od Ade, zadnje dvije noći je skroz prespavao. To je sa Adom nezamisljivo.
Počeo je i komunicirati i prava je pričalica. A prije 2-3 dana je počeo hvatati stvari sa rukama. Posebno voli maminu kosu čupati… 🙂


Oh Trump. Now the guy is a president!
For me it is an enigma that he got elected a president in the worlds most powerful country. It tells quite much of the mental level of the people in US. I also find it quite funny that everyone now is so loving and pitying for the time with Obama.
Realistically, is there any US president that have been using his power to stop wars, exploitations of foreign countries, exploitation of their citizens, of people in the world?
Obama did not close Guantanamo! He allows the use of drones killing people without trials! These drones are producing tremendous civil losses without anyone being charged for war crimes….and so on…
But hey Michelle looks great in her new Gucci dress!
They are all the same only some are behaving like some superstars and others like the drunk guy in some bar. They all have money, they are all psychopaths and are all doing the worst possible they can having such power to change.
The only thing I hope for now is that we do not get some nuclear bomb dropped somewhere :/ It would be possible…looking at the history the only country that ever nuked on purpose is the democratic USA…
Post of frustrated Me…

Toliko komentara čujem o Trumpu i njegovom govoru. Meni je enigma da je on uopšte izabran za predsjednika u najmoćnijom državi na svijetu. Sama ta činjenica dosta govori u kakvom su (jadnom) stanju stanovici Amerike. Isto mi je smiješno kako sada svi tako vole i žale za Obamom.
Realno gledajući da li je postojao ijedan američki predsjednik da je svoju moć koristio u neke pozitivne svrhe? Da li su zaustavili ratove, eksploatacije država, ljudi u svojoj državi, ljudi u svijetu?
Obama nije zatvorio Guantanomo! Dopustio je da dronovi ubijaju ljude bez ikakvog suđenja! Dronovi produciraju nevjerovatne civilne žrtve bez da iko preuzima odgovornost za to…
Ali hej, Michelle super izgleda u svojoj novoj Gucci-haljini!
Svi su oni isti, samo što se neki lijepo ponašaju kao neke superzvijezde a drugi kao krkani u nekoj birtiji. Svi oni imaju novaca, i svi su psihopati koji urade ono najgore što mogu uraditi na toj poziciji.
A sad jedino čemu se ja nadam je da neće doći na ideju da još negdje frndalji atomsku bombu jer ako gledamo istoriju…jedina država koja je ikad koristila nuklearnu na ljude je demokratska država USA…
Post od izfrustrirane “mene”….


Every day hero / Vardagshjältar

Across my seat a woman was eating chocolate. Ada seeing her wanted also a chocolate giving me (really, really) hard job to convince her that she will get it…another time. I was kind of lying.
Next time I was alone eating a chocolate when a woman and her child sat across. Of course the woman got the same problem as I have had. I felt busted and for a moment thought about if I should continue or stop eating. The option give it to the kid does not exist. I decided embarrassed to put my chocolate away.
All this made me think…
Is it ok to sit on the bus and eat a chocolate when a child across you is watching you? The same goes for all things be it chocolate or cigarettes!
Is it ok when you are in a hurry and you cross the street while other peoples (you wouldn´t do that to your own) children are watching you?
Is it ok to stare on your cell phone be it your or other people’s children around? What do we teach them with it?
I, as a parent, am really grateful for people thinking about these things and avoid to do these obvious things while my children are around, even if is restricting their comfort being.
You have no idea how much that helps. For me YOU are the true every day heroes!
(Djeca će tebe oponošati tebe, a ne tvoje savjete)
Preko puta mog sjedišta sjedi žena i jede (onako pravo uživa) čokoladu. Ada kad je to vidjela, odmah je (naravno) i ona htjela čokoladu. Imala sam par brutalnih minuta ubjeđujući je da će dobiti čokoladu jedan drugi put…t.j. slagala sam je.
Drugi put je scena obrnuta bila. Ja sam sjedila i jela čokoladu kad je žena sa djetetom sjela preko puta mene. Osjećala sam se kao uhvaćenom na djelu i u momentu sam kontala šta da uradim. Da nastavim ili prestanem jesti? Opcija dati djetetu ne postoji! Odlučila sam strpati čokoladu u džep!
Ovo me navelo da razmišljam o tome šta je ok raditi kad te djeca vide. Bilo to jesti čokoladu ili pušiti cigaru!
Da li je ok pretrčati (kad si sam(a)) preko ceste iako je crveno svjetlo…iako se žuriš? To ne bih nikad uradila kad sam svojom djecom!!
Da li je ok buljiti u telefon ? Bila vlastita ili tuđa djeca tu? Šta ih ustvari učimo sa tim?
Ja, kao roditelj, sam tako zahvalna svim onim nepoznatim i poznatim što unatoč svojoj komfornost ipak pripaze na te stvari kad smo roditelji u okolini sa djecom. Niste ni svjesni koliko nama roditeljima olakšate dan!
Vi ste za mene pravi svakodnevni heroji!

3 minutes / 3 minute

Todays big news in Swedish TV are about Swedish researchers that have done tests on children where they waited 3 minutes or more to cut the umbilical cord. They showed that these children obtained 1 deciliter more blood, iron, immune cells and stem cells. 1 dl is something like 30% of the babys blood. This extra blood gave these children better iron levels that the children could use up when growing as long as up to 6 – 8 months of age. Well, imagine you were sick and 1/3 of your blood was donated…
The child can get hypoglycemia, (sugar coma) like a diabetic, because of this and when I think about it, it is strange that no one- not the doctors nor the midwives, ever mentioned this.
I hope therefore that every pregnant woman gets more active and does not allow to cut the umilical cord the first couple of minutes after delivery.Danas bitne vjesti na švedskim vijestima su o švedskim naučnicima što su uradili testove na 500 novorođenčad  gdje su čekali najmanje 3 minute prije nego što su osjekli pupčanu vrbcu. Pokazali su da su djeca dobila čak decilitar krvi više a kroz to željeza, imunočelija i matičnih čelija. 1 deci krvi je oko 30% krvi što beba ima. Ovo ekstra krv što dobiju bebe mogu čak do 6-8 mjeseca da koriste kad rastu. A zamislite sad kad ste vi bolesni i neko vam uzme trećinu krvi…
Zbog ovog dijete može dobiti hipoglikemiju (pad šećera) kao što diabetičari dobiju.
I kad malo razmislim o tome nikad niko to nije spomenuo na kontrolama kojim sam išla. Zato se nadam da će trudnice biti tu aktivnije i ne dati da se presječe pupčana vrbca prvi par minuta u porodu.


Our Sunday / Naša nedjelja

Today I enjoyed a day with husband and kids. During the day we had a walk exploring the area we are living in. When it is freezing cold as today the best is to come indoors from the cold and enjoy a cup of tea. Only thing missing today was an open fire. Maybe something to have in mind for the next apartment/ house we move to 🙂

Danas sam uživala sa mužem i djecom. Izašli smo u šetnju u kvartu gdje sad živimo da ga malo bolje upoznamo. Kad je ovako hladno kao danas onda je najljepši trenutak kad uđem u stan i poslužim se sa vrelim čajem. Jedino još što je falilo je bio kamin. Nešto što hoću da imam u slijedeći stan /kuću gdje budemo živjeli 🙂

Shopping list / Lista za kupovinu

One of the basis things one starts with when saving money is writing a list of things needed. This is also never to early to start with. Here Ada wrote down all the things we have to buy in the store. The funny thing here is that Ada really remembers most of the things we have to buy when looking at her list 🙂

Jedna od osnovnih stvari kad kreneš štediti novac je da kad ideš u kupovinu napišeš listu svari. Ne može se prerano početi sa ovim. Ovdje je Ada napisala sve stvari koje trebamo kupiti u prodavnici. Zanimljivo je da kad je pitaš šta treba uzeti da se većinu stvari stvarno sjeti kad vidi svoju listu.

When it hits you in the head / Kad ti od glavu udari

A person I know had, for me funny not to say unbelievable, discussion regarding money. The withdrawal of the rent had been delayed/ forgotten and now suddenly 4 months of rent had been withdrawn in the same month. For me that would only mean that the money for rent had been at my account for 4 months but for this person it showed a fat minus on the account. Suddenly the person was in dispo (with interests of 13%) – 600 Euro which is quite a sum to be in minus with…especially if one is not earning much and it is not even a week since the last salary.  The best is the absolute resistance confessing that it was its own fault having no money. Reminded me of the post I once wrote that people should take more care of their own economy by structuring it. So what do we learn of this?

  1. have control of your bills
  2. keep a budget
  3. Save (until you have at least 3 months neto salary cash)

Imala sam jednu jako smiješnu, za mene prosto nezamisljivu, diskusiju oko novaca.
Slijedeće se desilo: Kirija nije četri mjeseca povućena sa plate bila, ergo osoba je ovaj novac potrošila. Eh  sad, naravno kod švaba nema toga da se nešto ne plati hem skinu četri kirije u jednom mjesecu. Ovo je dovelo osobu do ludila jer je odjednom bio debeli minus od -600 eura na računu. A minus je ovdje gadan jer su kamate od 13 % i dalje. Ovo je pogotovo gadno ako ne zarađuješ puno jer ti je tek onda svaki dinar važan.
Haj sve to, ali najzanimljivije što osoba nikako nije htjela da prizna da je to ipak njezina greška što nije imala para na računu. Ovo me podsjetilo na jedan stari post koji sam pisala o strukturiranju svoje ekonomije. Šta od ovoga možemo naučiti?

  1. Imaj pregled tvojih računa
  2. Drži budžet
  3. Štedi (dok ne budeš imala barem tri mjesečne neto plate )

Matter of perspective / Stvar gledanja

Sometimes you really have to laugh at childrens mentality. Today in the car Ada is telling me : Mama it is beautiful weather today. It is not raining and there are no clouds…Well, I guess it is all a matter of perspective 🙂

Danas u autu Ada meni kaže: Mama, danas je lijepo vrijeme. Ne pada kiša i nema oblaka….Pretpostavljam da je sve stvar gledanja 🙂

Ada´s first sledge / Adine prve sanke

This morning the first snow was falling and it was beautiful. What is winter without snow? Then I realized Ada has no sledge and that is a must, so we made a deal to buy a sledge after kindergarten. First we were off to Hornbach and there was nothing, then to Aldi, Real and finally to Toys ´r´us. All this caring Adrian in  his (heavy) car seat. This was after kindergarten quite a tough deal for Ada, she wanted to sleep but she stayed strong and finally we bought her first sledge. And my little sunshine was sooo happy. I found it so moving and she was soo cute when she looked for a sledge for Adrian. It really warmed my heart 🙂
Ovog jutra je prvi snijeg napado i bilo je bajno. Kakva bi zima bila bez  snijega ? Onda sam skontala da Ada nema sanke a to se mora imati, tako da samo se dogovorile sutradan otiči kupiti sanke. Prvo smo otišli u Hornbach. kad ono ništa, pa onda u Aldi, Real i za kraj u Toys´r´us i to sve sa Adrianom u korpi. Crkla sam vukljajući ga. Inače je Ada umorna poslije vrtića i borila se do kraja da ne zaspe. Sve za sanke!  Ada je bila tako sretna i zadovoljna kad smo napokon našli sanke. A najslađa mi je bila kad je tražila sanke za Adriana. Prava je sestra:)