3 minutes / 3 minute

Todays big news in Swedish TV are about Swedish researchers that have done tests on children where they waited 3 minutes or more to cut the umbilical cord. They showed that these children obtained 1 deciliter more blood, iron, immune cells and stem cells. 1 dl is something like 30% of the babys blood. This extra blood gave these children better iron levels that the children could use up when growing as long as up to 6 – 8 months of age. Well, imagine you were sick and 1/3 of your blood was donated…
The child can get hypoglycemia, (sugar coma) like a diabetic, because of this and when I think about it, it is strange that no one- not the doctors nor the midwives, ever mentioned this.
I hope therefore that every pregnant woman gets more active and does not allow to cut the umilical cord the first couple of minutes after delivery.Danas bitne vjesti na švedskim vijestima su o švedskim naučnicima što su uradili testove na 500 novorođenčad  gdje su čekali najmanje 3 minute prije nego što su osjekli pupčanu vrbcu. Pokazali su da su djeca dobila čak decilitar krvi više a kroz to željeza, imunočelija i matičnih čelija. 1 deci krvi je oko 30% krvi što beba ima. Ovo ekstra krv što dobiju bebe mogu čak do 6-8 mjeseca da koriste kad rastu. A zamislite sad kad ste vi bolesni i neko vam uzme trećinu krvi…
Zbog ovog dijete može dobiti hipoglikemiju (pad šećera) kao što diabetičari dobiju.
I kad malo razmislim o tome nikad niko to nije spomenuo na kontrolama kojim sam išla. Zato se nadam da će trudnice biti tu aktivnije i ne dati da se presječe pupčana vrbca prvi par minuta u porodu.


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