How would you imagine your perfect life? Of course first that all are healthy but then? Last year I have been travelling more than usual and I loved it. This feeling when I pack and plan whom to meet and what to do, I just love it. For me the perfect life would be to have some 4-5 places where I could live 2 months and then go off to the second place and then third and so on. The even better thing would be that I have all things in all the places so that I don´t have to pack, but just like transfer from place A to place B. Additional to that I would have a great running business so I never have to think about Money (If you have an idea of what tell me 😛 )…My first place would have the interiour of swedish archipelago style, where everything is white and connected to the sea. The second would be like the maroccan style with tons of colors, third would be like (I think it is) canadian style with a house of timber, and another place in colonial style , and one in african style and one in bosnian old style..How would you imagine your perfect life?
Kako vi zamisljate perfektan zivot (osim osnovne zelje da su svi zivi i zdravi))? Prosle godine sam putovala vise nego uobicajeno i moram priznati da mi se svidjeo taj nacin zivota. Onaj osjecaj kad pakujes i pripremas se negdje jednostavno mi dadne nove energije. Tako da nesto razmisljam kako bi bio perfektan zivot kad bih imala kuce/ stanove na nekih 4-5 mjesta gdje mogu neka 2 mjeseca zivjeti i onda kad mi dosadi ici dalje. Da to sve financiram imala bih neku firmu koju super posluje (ne znam jos koja i kako 😀 primam sve ideje 😀 ) . Interijer prvog mjesta bi bio po svedskom stilu, gdje je sve bijelo ili vezano sa morem. Drugi stan bi bio u marokanskom stilu, treci bi bio u kanadskom (ja mislim da je kanadski 😀 ) gdje je sve od balvana, pa jedan u kolonialnom stilu, jedan u africkom stilu i jedan u starobosanskom stilu. Kakav bi vas zivot snova izgledao??
Moj odgovor bi bio slican 😀