My cloud / Moj oblak

The “new” trend with adding every possible information that one has in a cloud on a server somewhere reminds me somehow of having my own cloud in my head with hundreds of thoughts constantly crossing my mind and I have no time to sort them. Today is the first time since ages where I left both kids in kindergarten, even if Adrian is staying just 2hrs. Long enough not to sit around there but too short to go back home.

“Novi” trend gdje sve moguće informacije stavljaš u oblak na nekim serverima me podsjeća na moj oblak u glavi gdje skupljam na stotine misli bez ikakve šanse da ih sortiram. Danas je prvi dan na duugo vremena gdje sam ostavila oboje djece u jaslicama, iako je Adrian samo 2 h ostao. Dovoljno dugo da ne čekam tamo, dovoljno kratko da mi se ne isplati kući otići. 
Ada is in the “Frozen” -world… / Ada u svijetu “Frozen”

I, on the other hand, ended up in a XXXL möbeln. Strolling around there I realized how genious Ikea is when it comes to selling things and how bad XXXL is. I am sure I would increase the turnover in XXXL for at least 2-3% if I could put things as I want them to. Strolling around here made me also think of my stock investments and my wish to get stocks where sustainability is an issue. I am also thinking of a friend that I am not managing to get on phone for ages now. Adrian is also becoming 1 year soon. How could the year pass so fast? I met a friend that is always having tons of stories and with whom I can chat forever. I have hundreds of thing I want to do or experience but for now these have concentrated to one…sleep. Sleep depriviation with kids is a killer! And so on and so on. Still lucky me I got a really fun and interesting book from one of my best friends that I highly recommend. So in all “my cloud” at least I can enjoy a book for a couple of minutes 🙂
Tako sam ja završila u XXXL prodavnici namještaja. Kako sam tamo malo šetala skontala sam koliko su genijalni vlasnici od Ikea. Sigurna sam kad bih ja poredala stvari kako ja hoću u XXXL da bi im barem za 2-3 % obrt skočio. 
Tako isto, dok sam se šetala, sam razmišljala o svojim dionicama i moju želju da buduće investicije budu više usmjerene prema održivost. 
Razmišljam o jednoj prijateljici koju nikako da uhvatim na telefon. 
Adrian je uskoro godinu dana. Kako tako brzo prođe godina?
Srela sam prijateljicu s kojom uvijek mogu stotine stvari da razglabam i satima možemo da pričamo. 
Ima stotinu stvari koje bih htjela uraditi i doživiti koje su se sve svele na jednu… da se dobro naspavam. Manjak spavanja kad imaš djecu je baš ubitačan.
Ipak kako imam sreće dobila sam jednu pravo smiješnu i zanimljivu knjigu od jedne od mojih najbolji prijateljica.  Knjigu “Bringing up Bebe” preporučujem za čitati. 
Tako da iako je “moj oblak” pun barem mogu par minuta da oćeifim dobrom knjigom. 🙂

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