Bedroom plants / Biljke za spavaću sobu

I find the air in our bedrooms is heavy and smelly after a nights sleep,  so I want to have something making it fresher.  The options are to buy an air cleaner or try to get some plants doing the job. I prefer the plants because I hate sounds when I sleep.
However, I have been told that it is not good to have plants in the sleeping room. I found it odd because in my mind it should then be dangerous to walk trough a forrest during the night, because there would be no oxygen left to breath 🙂
Second thing why I want to have plants is that apartments in general are having too dry air which is giving me tough time with dry nose and all that comes with it.

I decided thus to find out what plants one can have in the sleeping room. If possible with flowers, because the green “leaf plants” I find a little bit boring. Finding the video underneath surprised me and motivates me to buy some of these plants 🙂

Nakon jedne odspavane noći meni uvijek tukne soba na ustajali vazduh tako da mi treba nešto da poboljša vazduh. Opcija je ili kupiti mašinu koja čisti vazduh ili naći biljke što to rade. Radije bih neku biljku jer mrzim zvukove kad spavam.
Međutim uvijek mi je bilo rečeno kako nije dobro imati cviječe u spavaćoj sobi. Bilo mi je to malo čudno jer moj mozak odmah konta da bi po toj logici trebalo biti opasno hodati kroz šumu noći jer ne bi trebalo biti dovoljno kisika.
Drugi razlog zašto bih radije biljku imala je što mi treba nešto što navlaži vazduh jer mi smeta suh vazduh.

Odlučila sam da saznam koje biljke mogu imati u spavaćoj sobi. Ako može nešto što cvjeta jer su mi malo su mi dosadne one sa samo zelenim listovima. Iznenadilo me kad sam gledala ovaj video i motiviše me da kupim neke od ovih biljki.

Here are some of the plants I am considering to buy to our apartment / Ovdje je nekoliko biljki koje kontam da kupim.

Sansevieria trifasciata- snake plant
My mother always had these at home. It seems to be an absolute killer when it comes to producing oxygen during the night. I read one should have 6-8 plants per person. Feels a lot having 12 plants in the sleeping room, especially when I have no idea where to put them. I will start with a smaller number maybe 6 than at least one of us can breathe properly 😛
Sansevieria trifasciata – svekrvin jezik
Mama je otkad znam za sebe imala ovu biljku kod kuće. Izgleda da je fantastična u produciranju kisika preko noći. Čitala sam da je potrebno 6-8 biljki po osobi. Čini mi se puno imati 12 ovakvih u našoj spavaćoj, pogotovo kad nemam pojma gdje da ih stavim. Počeću sa šest onda barem jedno od nas može dobro disati 😛

Chlorophytum comosum
Another plant that is supposed to be good is the Chlorophytum comosum.  This one is amazing in cleaning the air from formaldehyd. Formaldehyd is contained in all possible materials from colors to body creams. Benzen, xylen and toluen are other substances that this plant is cleaning the air of.Jedna druga biljka koja je navodno dobra je Chlorophytum comosum. Nevjerovatan je čistać vazduha. Čisti formaldehid direktno iz vazduha. Formaldehid se koristi  u svim mogućim materijalima od boje do kreme za tijelo. Benzen, xylen i toluen su druge substance koje ova biljka čisti.

What surprised me in the video is that Jasmine is a bedroom plant and that it has a sedative effect making the sleep better. I think I will by a couple for Ada that is waking up every night…
Što me začudilo je iz videa je da je Jasmin jedna biljka za spavaće sobe i čak da ima seditivnmi efekat što čini da bolje spavam. Mislim da par ovi nije loše za Adu jer se budi svaku noć…

I love it but I wonder if that is not a tick to strong for a sleeping room? On the other hand it is calming small children giving them better sleep… Sounds interesting for Ada´s room …
Volim lavandu ali se pitam da nije miris ipak malo prejak za spavaću sobu? Ali u drugu ruku ima smirujući efekat na djeci što ima daje bolji san….Opet nešto za Adu… i mene

This is something for me. My brain is spinning on maximum before sleep and obviously I just need to inhale the scent of the valerian and it will make me sleepy…one for Ada…and one for me 😛
Ovo je nešto za mene. Moj mozak je na 200 prije spavanja i izgleda da trebam samo malo mirisa inhalirati i čini će me uspavanom… jedna biljka za Adu i jedna za mene 😛
I find gardenias so cute. And they are as effective as valium in helping the body and mind to relax and prepare for sleep which means one for me and one for Ada 😛Gardenija
Tako su mi slatke. I isto su efektivne kao valium da opuste tijelo i um i tako pripreme tijelo za spavanje. Znaći jedna biljka za mene i jedna za Adu 😛

Aloe Vera
I got surprised that Aloe vera is  1) a plant producing oxygen over night and 2) that it is as good in it as the snake plant.
Začudila sam se da je Aloe vera 1) biljka koja producia kisik noću i 2) da je isto dobra u tome kao svekrvin jezik.

Gerbera daisy
I love it BUT I do wonder if it can survive me :/ It is one of the best plants in cleaning the air from bensen.
Prelijepe biljke, ali ne znam ako mene mogu preživjeti :/  Ove su biljke jedne od najbolji u čišćenja vazduha od benzena.

Spathyfillum – Peace Lilly
I love the name and last time I had it was in Sweden. It survived me which means that there might be a chance it survives me this time too. It does remove also formaldehyde and bensen from the air, as well as
trikloretylen, xylen, toluen, aceton, alkohol and ammoniak. It also increases the humidity in the room which is the k.o criteria for me. I want it to be more humid in the apartment. Spatifil- Ljiljan mira
Sviđa mi se ime i zadnji put sam imala ovu biljku u Švedskoj. Preživjela me što znači da postoji šansa da me opet preživi. Sklanja formaldehid i benzen iz vazduha kao t
rikloretilen, xilen (xylen), toluen, aceton, alkohol i amoniak. Isto povećava vlažnost u vazduhu što je za mene k.o kriterija jer hoću da mi bude vlažnije u stanu.

Last but not least are the orchids. The most common plant that I see on windows lately.  I got surprised that it is such a useful plant. It is cleaning the air from bensen, formaldehyde, xylen and toluene. It is also humidifying the air. All this packed into a beautiful plant.
I za kraj stoje orhideje. Ovo je u zadnje vrijeme najučestalija biljka koju vidim na prozorima i moram priznati da sam se pravo začudila kad sam pročitala koliko je korisna ova biljka i da je noćni proizvođać kisika. Čisti isto xilen (xylen), toluen, formaldehid i benzen i navlažava vazduh. I sve to upakovano u jednom predivnom cvijetu.

One thing I was surprised about  or rather did not think of was that some plants should be “cleaned” meaning the leafs should be wiped once a week. That is logic – when you think of the leaves as a filter that is filtering the air and gets stuffed with dust.

Jedna stvar koja me začudila ili bolje nisam nikad razmišljala o tome, je što neke biljke moraš “čistiti” što znači da jednom sedmično moraš obrisati lišće. Logično… kad ih gledaš kao filtere koji se začepe prašinom.


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