“MAMA” for the first time / Mama – prvi put

Today, Ada wrote “MAMA”  for the first time )ok not 100% correct but still). She did it all by herself so I got so surprised. She already knows how to spell her name but had some problems with the letter “D”, so I told her that “D” is a line “I” with a belly.  She remembered it but still asked if she wrote it correct 🙂
Adrian on the other hand is still sick with fever and very bad caughing. He talks much when he is ok and has already said something similar to “mama” a couple of times but I think it was more an coinsidence than purpose. Still it made me happy 🙂
Danas je Ada po prvi put napisala “MAMA”. Sama je to uradila tako da sam se pravo iznenadila. Zna već svoje ime napisati ali ima mali problemčić sa slovom “D”. Rekla sam joj da je to crtica “I” sa stomačićem. To joj je bilo smiješno i zapamtila ga, ali još uvijek pita ako ga tačno napisala:)
Adrian je i dalje bolestan. Gadno kašlje već sedmicama i samo je gore. Nadam se da neće preći u upalu pluća. Inače kad mu se temperatura spusti jako puno prića i već je nekolika puta nešto poput “mama” rekao. Mislim doduše da je to više slučajnost ali me ipak pravo obradovalo 🙂

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