Usually during the summer the stock market gets calmer and the prices fall a little bit making it possible to buy some stocks for a cheaper price. However, this year it seams that nothing is like it usually is.
Still I couldn´t resist but to buy a couple of Investor and Axfood stocks, adding to approximately 75 kr dividends per year to Ada´s portfolio. This feels (is) like a small sum, but I plan to give her this portfolio in 18-20 years so this sum will hopefully increase each year because I plan to reinvest this money in new stocks.
For my portfolio I added 3 H&M, 8 Mycronic, 3 Axfood and 20 Sagax Pref adding some 96 kronor dividend per year. Looking at these sums you see it is not much but one should never underestimate the small savings. All the dividends I plan to reinvest so let´s see where this journey takes us…
Obicno kad je ljeto dionice padnu i postaje mirnije na berzi, sto daje mogucnost da kupim par jeftiniji dionica. Medjutim ove godine se cinilo cak naprotiv. Iako tako, nisam mogla odoliti a da ne kupim par dionica od Investora i Axfood, sto dodaje otprilike 75 kr dividendi godisnje Adinom portfoliju.
Cini se malom sumom, ali planiram joj predati ove dionice za nekih 18-20 godina tako da se nadam da ce se do tad akumulirati sume. Planiram dividende da reinvestiram u dionice.
Za moj portfolio sam kupila 3 H&M, 8 Mycronic, 3 Axfood i 20 Sagax Pref koje ukupno dodaju 96 kr dividendi godisnje. Naravno kad gledam ove sume cine se malim ali ne treba nikad podcjeniti moc malih stednji. I ovdje isto planiram sve dividende da reinvestiram u dionice. Vidjecemo gdje nas vodi ovaj put…