August update of our portfolios / August azuriranje nasih portfolija

Usually during the summer the stock market gets calmer and the prices fall a little bit making it possible to buy some stocks for a cheaper price. However, this year it seams that nothing is like it usually is.
Still I couldn´t resist but to buy a couple of Investor and Axfood stocks, adding to approximately 75 kr dividends per year to Ada´s portfolio. This feels (is) like a small sum, but I plan to give her this portfolio in 18-20 years so this sum will hopefully increase each year because I plan to reinvest this money in new stocks.
Ada august antal aktier Ada august värde aktier
For my portfolio I added 3 H&M, 8 Mycronic, 3 Axfood and 20 Sagax Pref adding some 96 kronor dividend per year. Looking at these sums you see it is not much but one should never underestimate the small savings. All the dividends I plan to reinvest so let´s see where this journey takes us… august antal aktieraugust value aktier
Obicno kad je ljeto dionice padnu i postaje mirnije na berzi, sto daje mogucnost da kupim par jeftiniji dionica. Medjutim ove godine se cinilo cak naprotiv. Iako tako, nisam mogla odoliti a da ne kupim par dionica od Investora i Axfood, sto dodaje otprilike 75 kr dividendi godisnje Adinom portfoliju.
Cini se malom sumom, ali planiram joj predati ove dionice za nekih 18-20 godina tako da se nadam da ce se do tad akumulirati sume. Planiram dividende da reinvestiram u dionice.
Za moj portfolio sam kupila 3 H&M, 8 Mycronic, 3 Axfood i 20 Sagax Pref koje ukupno dodaju 96 kr dividendi godisnje. Naravno kad gledam ove sume cine se malim ali ne treba nikad podcjeniti moc malih stednji. I ovdje isto planiram sve dividende da reinvestiram u dionice. Vidjecemo gdje nas vodi ovaj put…

Top month of dividends / Top mjesec dividendi

This time I made a mistake with my stocks.I had them on a common stock account instead of the ISK (investment saving account). So I nicely payed  30% taxes on the dividends I got, instead of paying no taxes.
I guess the only way to learn is the hard way.
For the next round of dividends I had some of my stocks transferred  to the ISK account and hope next time will be better. My goal of having higher yield than the year before has come true (honestly, I hadn´t really much). Next goal is to get the double for this year. Let´s see if that works. This money I invested ( I hope it is an investment) by buying a couple of Mycronic stocks for me and 2 stocks of H&M for Ada.
My dream and one of my long term goals is to have such dividends yearly that it could at least partly pay off some of my bigger bills.
Imagine having so much dividends that you can actually pay the rent of it…luxury 😀dionice
Ovaj put sam napravila gresku sa svojim dionicama. Drzala sam ih na pogresnom racunu tako da umjesto da izbjegnem porez skroz, morala sam platiti 30% poreza na dividende. Sta ces, nema drugacije nego po dzepu.
Za slijedecu rundu dividendi sam zato prebacila neke dionice na ISK (Investment stednji) racun i tako se nadam da cu slijedeci put biti bolje. Ove godine sam uspijela ciljem da poboljsam dividendu od prosle godine (doduse nije bas neka dividenda bila :)), a cilj za iducu godinu je da uduplam dividendu koju sam imala od 2015.
Od prosle dividende sam kupila nekoliko Mycronic dionica i dvije dionice od H&M za Adu.
San a i jedan od mojih dugorocni ciljeva je da imam takvu dividendu godisnju da mogu dio svojih vecih racuna otplacivati sa tim novcem.
Zamislite koji je to luksuz kad bi dio kirije mogao biti placen od dividende 🙂

Dividends in 2016 / Dividende 2016

Finally, the last information about the dividends has come up. My goal is to have a stock portfolio that gives me a bonus in dividends per year that can improve my economy. I started to buy stocks again in 2014 after having sold off everything in 2013 when buying my apartment. In 2015 I had a dividend of amazing 95 kr ( around 10 Euro). During the year 2014 and 2015 I bought a couple of stocks of Björn Borg, Mycronic, Telia, Sagax Pref and Acando B that are giving some dividend. The last stock I bought in 2016, giving some dividend, is the H&M. And this year I will get, if I don´t sell off the stocks, some 200 euro (brutto) in dividend. I know it is not some huge sum BUT it makes me feel happy. I already told you I am not a gambler and I do not have the guts for that. In any case my next goal is to get 1000 euro dividend next year. Wish me luck 😀dividend
Napokon, stigle su zadnje informacije o dividendama. Moj cilj je da imam portfolio dionica koji mi godisnje daje bonus u dividendama tako da mogu tim putem poboljsati ekonomiju. U 2014 sam ponovo pocela kupovati dionice nakon toga sto sam 2013 sve prodala kad sam kupila stan. 2015 sam imala dividendu od nevjerovatni 95kr (oko 20KM). Kroz 2014 i 2015 sam kupila nekoliko dionica  od Björn Borg, Mycronic, Telia, Sagax Pref i Acando B koje sve daju dobre dividende. Zadnje dionice koje sam kupila je 2016 i to su H&M dionice. Ove godine zato, ako ne prodam dionice, dobivam izracunatu dividendu od dobrih 200 eura (bruto).. Znam da je to za neke mala suma, pa cak i smijesna ALI mene cini sretnom da dobijem tu lovu. I kao sto sam i prije rekla nisam kockar da imam petlje da se kockam svojim novcem. Za iducu godinu mi je cilj da dobijem cak 1000 eura dividende. Vidjecemo samo kako ce to ici 😀 Pozelite mi srecu 😀

Stock / Dionice  Dividend(a) (kr)
björn borg 2
fingerprint 0
H&M 9,75
Mycronic 4
Telia 3
acando  1,2
sagax 1,5
telia 3


Update Dionice

Moj cilj da napravim sebi jednu dividendnu-tepih bombu (stari post) se nastavlja ali sam malo odstupila od plana jer nisam kupila samo dionice koje daju dividendu nego sam kupila i visokorizicne dionice, sa nadom da upali. Isto tako sam kupila jos dodatno Teliasonera jer su dosta bile pale. Nadam se samo da se dividenda nece pogorsati 😀

Adi sam isto otvorila racun i pocela kupovati dionice sa nadom kad bude 18 godina da joj imam dati barem neki kapital za buducnost. Kupila sam joj Mycronic, Fingerprint cards B, Björn Borg i Teliasonera. Let the journey start…

Dividende po mjesecu
Sagax Pref
Sagax Pref
TeliaSonera ( Ada i ja)
Acando  B
Mycronic (Ada)
Björn Borg (Ada)
Sagax Pref
October / Oktobar
Sagax PrefMotivational-Sales-Quotes