I usually love birthdays. I love the feeling of finding out the gift I want to give and I love to see the happy face the person gets when he or she gets my gift. When thinking of it I actually love it more than getting a gift myself.
Imagine my frustration when I cannot come up with a gift to my husband(!!). For his 40th birthday!! I mean how can that be? He is not having any wish that I can catch up. He is not interested in trying some parachuting or diving. He is no fan of massage and saunas. He feels to tired for travels, but likes it when he arrives to the place. Books, he loves, but he didn´t even have time to read the ones he has. The only wish he has is to have a free weekend to sleep longer and afterwards to play with Ada…He will get it this weekend. But celebrating 40 years without a proper gift… not my style 😀
In any case Ada has prepared a gift for him ( I asked her what she wants to give her dad and she answered- “nose spray so he can stay healthy”!! Writing this post I also came up with a gift …but he´ll get it at Saturday 😀
Inace volim rodjendane. Volim onaj osjecaj dok trazim i razmisljam koji poklon dati i kad vidim sretno lice osobe kad dobije poklon. Kad malo razmislim vise volim dati poklone nego ih dobiti. Tako da zamislite moju frustraciju kad ne mogu muzu da nadjem poklon!! I to za njegov 40.i rodjendan!! Kako to moze biti tako? Svakome nadjem a njemu ne mogu. Nema nikakvih zelja na koje mogu dovezati. Ne zanimaju ga ekstremni sportovi da proba poput padobrana ili ronjenja. Ne voli saune ili masaze. Umoran je za putovanja, ali voli kad dodje na neko novo mjesto. Jedina zelja je da bude slobodan i da se naspava da bi poslije se mogao igrati sa Adom…To ce dobiti ovog vikenda. Ali slaviti 40.u bez pravog poklona…ne ide. U svakom slucaju je Ada pripremila poklon za njega…da bude zdrav. A i ja sam se sjetila dok sam ovo pisala. Ali njega ce dobiti tek u subotu 😀