First time visit / Prva posjeta

Last weekend we had great visit. Uncle Senad, auntie Samra and her sister Jasmina came to visit Adrian (and Ada) for the first time since he was born. Ada was excited and was talking about it the whole day.
We also decided to celebrate her 3 year birthday also because we were all sick last weekend and she was soo disappointed that she didn’t´t get any ballons. This time she got it all and she was so happy.
Especially in moments like these I really miss Sweden and being close to family..

Prošlog vikenda smo imali dragu posjetu. Dajdža Senad, ujna Samra i njezina sestra Jasmina su došli u posjetu da vide Adriana (a i Adu). Ada je bila ushićena i čitav dan je samo o dajdži pričala.
Odlučili smo usput i da proslavimo njezin 3.i rođendan jer smo prošlog vikenda svi bili bolesni. Bila je tako razočarana tada što nije dobila “ni pokjone ni bajone”. Ovaj put je svega bilo tu i bila je tako sretna 🙂
Pogotovo u momentima poput ovih mi jako nedostaje Švedska i bliskost familije….


Weekend in Strasbourg / Vikend u Strasburgu

I booked a hotel in Strasbourg as a birthday gift to Ensar. The hotel I choose is Graffalgar hotel and it was very cool because every room was designed by a different artist. We had one called Monsta, and the room was designed with wolves. The hotel was great. It was clean and not far from the old center.
Za rodjendan Ensar je dobio putovanje u Strasburg. Bukirala sam jedan jako cool hotel koji se zove Graffalgar i dosta je blizu centra. Interesantno je sto je svaka soba u hotelu dizajnirana od nekog drugog umjetnika. Nasa se soba zvala Monsta, a u sobi su bili vukovi po zidovima. Sobe su bile ciste i dorucak je meni bio dobar.

Strasbourg old town was beautiful. It had beautiful old buildings, cafées, shops and restaurants. These old towns are made so beautiful that thousands of tourists are coming just to see it. Today´s architect should maybe consider beauty also when making new quarters of same looking cage buildings that no one will want too see in 50 years.
Stari dio grada u Strasburgu je prelijep. Ima lijepe stare zgrade, kafic, prodavnicic i restorane. Ovi stari gradovi su tako lijepo napravljeni da na hiljade turista dolaze da ih vide. Danasnji arhitekti bi mozda trebali i ljepotu uzeti u obzir kad prave zgrade da ne prave samo kvartove istih, kao kavez izgledajucih, zgrada koje niko nece htjeti vidjeti za 50 godina. With child it is different to travel because it is not really like I can take Ada to museums (I would just run after her and would not see anything). Still I love to go with her because she gets so fascinated of other things then we grown ups.
We decided to take the sightseeing train, that she loved (at least a while), she also loved one of Europe’s if not even worlds oldest carousels and the boat tour was also highly appreciated.
Putovati sa djetetom je malo drugacije nego kad sam ides. Nije bas da mogu Adu po muzejima voditi. Samo bih za njom trcala i nista ne bih vidjela. Ali volim sa njom putovati jer postane fascinirana sasvim drugim stvarima nego odrasli.
Odlucili smo ici na kratki krug sa vozicem, Adi se (barem neko vrijeme) pravo svidjelo. Adi se isto svidio ringispil, koji je jedan od najstariji (ako ne i najstariji) u Evropi ili cak u svijetu. A i voznja sa brodom nam se svima pravo dopala.IMG_4227 IMG_4295IMG_4210
The bridge you see in the picture has a dark history. In former times criminals, especially the ones who had hurt (killed, raped, abused and so on) children and women, were put in an iron cage and than thrown into the water.
Most na slici ima tamnu istoriju. U davnim vremenima su kriminalce, pogotovo one koji su zene i djecu ubijali, silovali, maltretirali itd. stavljali u zeljezni kavez, kojeg su onda bacili u vodu.
Here are some of the things that I really liked and I am sure I will go back to Strasbourg for, at least, a tea.
Ovdje je par stvari sto mi se pravo dopalo i sigurna sam da cu se opet vratiti u Strasburg, ako nista barem na caj. 

IMG_4217 svart vitIMG_4342

Happy 40th Birthday / Sretan 40.i rodjendan

I usually love birthdays. I love the feeling of finding out the gift I want to give and I love to see the happy face the person gets when he or she gets my gift. When thinking of it I actually love it more than getting a gift myself.
Imagine my frustration when I cannot come up with a gift to my husband(!!). For his 40th birthday!! I mean how can that be? He is not having any wish that I can catch up. He is not interested in trying some parachuting or diving. He is no fan of massage and saunas. He feels to tired for travels, but likes it when he arrives to the place. Books, he loves, but he didn´t even have time to read the ones he has. The only wish he has is to have a free weekend to sleep longer and afterwards to play with Ada…He will get it this weekend. But celebrating 40 years without a proper gift… not my style 😀
In any case Ada has prepared a gift for him ( I asked her what she wants to give her dad and she answered- “nose spray so he can stay healthy”!!  Writing this post I also came up with a gift …but he´ll get it at Saturday 😀spray
Inace volim rodjendane. Volim onaj osjecaj dok trazim i razmisljam koji poklon dati i kad vidim sretno lice osobe kad dobije poklon. Kad malo razmislim vise volim dati poklone nego ih dobiti. Tako da zamislite moju frustraciju kad ne mogu muzu da nadjem poklon!! I to za njegov 40.i rodjendan!! Kako to moze biti tako? Svakome nadjem a njemu ne mogu. Nema nikakvih zelja na koje mogu dovezati. Ne zanimaju ga ekstremni sportovi da proba poput padobrana ili ronjenja. Ne voli saune ili masaze. Umoran je za putovanja, ali voli kad dodje na neko novo mjesto. Jedina zelja je da bude slobodan i da se naspava da bi poslije se mogao igrati sa Adom…To ce dobiti ovog vikenda. Ali slaviti 40.u bez pravog poklona…ne ide. U svakom slucaju je Ada pripremila poklon za njega…da bude zdrav. A i ja sam se sjetila dok sam ovo pisala. Ali njega ce dobiti tek u subotu 😀


Yesterday, Ada was invited to Hannah´s and Sarahs Birthday. They celebrated it in the McDonalds which was very appreciated among children. For Ada it was her first time in McDonalds and I think she really like the cake she got. Thanks for a wonderful day Continue reading

Ada´s celebration in Munich / Adino slavlje u Minhenu

Last week, after arriving from Sweden, we made a spontaneous birthday party for Ada with our friends from Munich. Thank you for the beautiful gifts you gave Ada and I hope you enjoyed it. Here are some pics from the birthday.IMG_3213

Prosle sedmice, nakon dolaska iz Svedkse, spontano smo jos jednom proslavili Adin 2.i rodjendan sa prijateljima iz Minhena. Hvala vam na predivnim poklonima i nadam se da ste uzivali. Evo par slika sa rodjendana.


Lenin Rodjendan / Lenas birthday

Two weeks ago we went to Lena´s birthday party. I didn´t have any pictures and now I got some so I thought it would be nice to save it her on the blog. Lejla is, as I always say a “doer”, which always shows in the cake she organizes for her daughter. Not only does the cake look good but it is always delicious. Even I, as a grow up, always love to see what kind of masterpiece cake is made this time 😀
The party itself was wonderful for the children because children where running around screaming jumping, eating cake, running, jumping and so on. What more do children need 😀

Ima vec dvije sedmice otkako smo bili na Leninom rodjendanu. Nisam imala nikakve slike (ovaj put nisam ni jedne slikala :/) pa dobih dvije, pa rekoh da iskoristim sada priliku da zabiljezim Lenin (od Lejle kcerke) rodjendan. Lejla je kao sto sam prije pisala jedan “doer” i uvijek nabavi neku skroz cool tortu na Leninom rodjendanu. I ne samo sto izgleda super nego i super smeka! I moram reci da se cak ja kao odrasla osoba uvijek veselim pozivu da vidim kakvo su remekdjelo ovaj put napravili 😀 A rodjendan kao rodjendan je bio super za djecu. Trcali su, skakali, jeli tortu, opet trcali skakali a sta to bolje ima za djecu 😀image-7a4d135acd8490168a55e9053d96be59b50ad4aa839ed894d730d463254a5d39-V

Sretan Rodjendan Prince Aiden / Happy Birthday Prince Aiden

Happy Birthday Dear Prince Aiden. You are our cutest and most stubborn nephew. We wish you a beautiful day with a lot of fun and joy and delicious food ;).  See you later / Kisses Ada and your auntie 1  20150919_165423_resized_1  20150920_153004_resized
Sretan rodjendan nasem najsladji i najtvrdoglavijem sestricnom i bratu. Zelimo ti jedan prelijep, zanimljiv dan sa puno smijeha i dobro hrane 😉 Vidimo se kasnije / Pusa od Ade i tetke  .

Happy Birthday our little princess / Sretan Rodjendan nasa mala princezo

Happy birthday to the cutest niece on earth. Ada is calling you Joijoi everyday and smiles as a sunshine when she sees you. Hopefully we see each other soon so we can celebrate your 5th birthday together. Here are some pic from the year that passed. Kisses from Ada, Tietak (uncle) and keka

Sretan Rodjendan nasoj najdrazoj princezi. Da si nam ziva i zdrava i da te mama i tata pun slusaju. Ada te zove Joijoi svaki dan i svane kao sunce kad te vidi. Kao sto znas “Hon älskar dig mest i hela världen”. Nadam se da cemo se uskoro vidjeti da zajedno tvoj 5. rodjendan proslavimo. Evo ti par slika od protekle godine. Ljube te Ada, Tietak (tetak) i Keka 😀

Kumovanje / Birthday celebration…


In some parts of Bosnia there is a tradition when the child gets one year old to cut the hair and thus the person doing it becomes the godmother/godfather of the child. Since, the parts where my husband comes from does not have it I had free hands to choose the Pate 🙂 Usually, one selects the best friend or someone they know will buy nice gifts (though this is not usually admitted officially). I adapted this tradition to fit me and chose my best friend and someone that I know buys good gifts (who can be a better friend or buy better gifts than a sister / brother :))…My sister got the honor this time because she is the older one 😉

U nasim krajevima Bosne kad dijete napuni godinu dana bude i kumovanje. Znaci po prvi put se dijete nastrgne- sisa. Po propisu to se izabere dobar prijatelj ili prijateljica ili kako to kod nekih biva izaberes nekog dobrostojeceg “prijatelja/prijateljicu” 😛 Ja sam te propise prilagodila sebi. Izabrala sam svog najboljeg prijatelja (prijateljicu) a i nekog sto znam da ce dobar poklon kupiti :P… znaci koga drugog izabrati nego sestru ili brata. Sestru sam izabrala jer je starija.  

The oldest and the youngest guests. My grandmother with her great-granddaughter. 

Najstariji i najmladji gosti .

Thank you auntie for your wonderful gift.


Hvala tetka na predivnom poklonu


Many thanks to Amira Sadis that baked this wonderful cake. /
Hvala Amiri Sadic koja je napravila ovu prelijepu i ukusnu tortu.