Changing the mindset / Mijenjati nacin razmisljanja

I wrote previously that I had the feeling of being stuck. I don´t like it and today I had a quite intresting discussion about changing the mindset. I feel I have to change mine a little bit. Sometimes I get stuck and discussing it with the right people I get motivated.
I like discussing goals and I don´t mind being constructively critisized. I got some suggestions and some things I should think about. I came to the conclusion that there are three crucial questions (among others) I will need to go through with myself and these are as follows:

  1. What do I want – what are my long terms and short terms goals
  2. How do I get to it
  3. Who can help me reach them

Having them solved I can work fast for a better balance in my life. That is so great 😀 33638589_s
Pisala sam prije kako se ponekad osjecam zaglavljenom u zivotu. Ne svidja mi se to tako da sam danas imala jako interesantnu diskusiju o mijenjaju nacina razmisljanja. Osjecam da ja svoj nacin moram poceti mijenjati. Ponekad kad tako “zaglavim” meni pomaze da diskutujem to sa osobama koje me motivisu.
Volim diskutovati zivotne ciljeve i ne smeta mi kad me neko konstruktivno kritikuje. Dobila sam par prijedloga kako, sta i na sto trebam misliti. Dosla sam do zakljucka da trebam sama sa sobom prodiskutovati slijedeca tri pitanja

  1. Sta ja hocu – dugorocni i kratkorocni ciljevi
  2. Kako doci do mog cilja
  3. Ko mi moze pomoci u tome

Kad sama sebi odgovorim na ta 3 pitanja onda cu i dostici jedan balansiran i sretniji zivot. I to je super 😀

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