Icelandic national day / Nacionalni dan Islanda

We started the day with delicious  pancakes and juice at Laundromate / Zapoceli smo dan sa ukusnim palacincima i sokom u kaficu Laundromate. 20160617_103925_resized
fter that we booked a trip for tomorrow.  Very cool I hope. I wanted to go for whale watching but this time of year they seem to be difficult to catch a sight of so we decided not to try our luck.
We found out that today the entrance to the National Museum is for free so we decided to visit it. On the way we joined the parade hold for the national day.
Nakon palacinaka smo otisli da narucimo jedan izlet za sutra. Jako zanimljiv ce biti…nadam se. Htjela sam ici gledati kitove medjutim vise ih je reklo da se u ova doba godine tesko vide ovdje tako da sam odlucila ne ici. 
Saznali smo da je za nacionalni dan ulaz u nacionalni muzej Islanda dzabe tako da smo to iskoristili i otisli vidjeti. Na putu smo uletili u paradu.
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The museum is  interesting and well made. It describes the history from the first settlers to today. Here are some of the highlights
Muzej je bio interesantan i jako lijepo uredjen. Mnogo stvari su na jako lijep nacin izlozili. Muzej opisuje istoriju od prvih naseljenika Islanda do danas.

As finish we were recommended the Sea baron restaurant so we went there for dinner. The place itself didn´t look as something special but the food was delicious. We ordered lobster soup and fish and I can tell you it was delicious 😀
Nekoliko islandjana nam je predlozilo da odemo jesti u Sea baron restoran tako da smo nakon muzeja otisli tamo. Narucili smo supu od jastoga i ribu i mogu vam reci da je bilo pravo ukusno 😀



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