I guess everyone got a little surprised regarding UK and Brexit. Every expert says that today will be a dramatic decrease at the stockmarket. I have some stocks I am looking at and hope actually that these following days they will deacrese in price so that I can buy a couple of stocks on sales. Last few weeks there has been volatility which has given mi opportunity to buy a couple of H&M stocks. Hopefully, this is a good buy and that it will increase with the time. I am still keeping my strategy or idea to try to get a portfolio that is giving me dividends that I can invest again. The interest on interest effect so to say. Some of the stocks I keep an eye on / Neke od dionica koje pratim
Mislim da su se svi malo iznenadili sto se tice Velike Britanije i Brexita. Svaki ekspert kaze da ce danas biti prilicno velik pad na berzama u Evropi. Posto imam nekoliko dionica koje pratim onda se stvarno nadam da su ti eksperti u pravu da bih mogla kupiti par dionica na snizenju.
Zadnjih par sedmica su bile dosta volatilne i dale su mi mogucnost da kupim nekoliko H&M dionica. Naravno, nadam se da je to dobra kupovina bila i da ce se vrijednost dionice povisiti i da ce ostati dobra dividenda. Jer jos uvijek je moja strategija ili ideja da probam izgraditi portfolio koji mi daje dividende koje mogu ponovo uloziti u dionice. Tako reci da iskoristim efekat kamate na kamatu.
Aging and illness are terrible things. No matter how much you try to keep the hope inside you know it won´t get better. I try to convince myself how my grandmother had quite a long life but the moment I see her it doesn´t help. Even if she would have already lived for 200 years it would feel that the life is too short. Especially, when it is going towards the end. It is like a aeroplane landing. Up in the air you feel you fly slowly and when landing it feels faster and faster and suddenly you have landed and stopped. It is the same with a life.
And what does my grandmother say to me?
She tells me the chinese proverb ” A healthy man has 1000 wishes, a sick one has just one“. Remember that!
Starost i bolest je jedna grozna stvar. Koliko god se trudis da zadrzis nadu znas da nema nista od toga. Sebe ohrabrujes kako je ipak majka imala dug vijek ali dzaba kad je vidim kako bolesna i slaba lezi cini mi se da je i 200 godina zivjela da je vijek itekako kratak. Pogotovo kad se vijek sve priblizava kraju sve brze i brze ide. Isto kao kad avion slijece. Nekako sporo letis a u momentu kad sleces sve brzinski proleti i dok si rekao keks avion je stao. Tako isto zivot.
I sta mi kaze majka na to sve ?
Ponovi mi kinesku poslovicu ” Zdrav covjek ima 1000 zelja a bolestan samo jednu“. Zapamti to sine!
Last day in Iceland with rainy gloomy and pretty cold (11 degrees) weather we decided to go to the whale museum. The plan was to watch them live but many icelanders said that it makes no sense to watch wales in Reykjavik this time of the year, because the whales wander to the north of Iceland.
The whale museum itself was nicely made, but there where all just models. Although just models they were impressing and it was interesting to read about the whales.
After the whale museum we slowly finished off our Iceland trip by nice dinner (tried a mink whale steak, it was delicious) and walk around in Reykjavik. I admit here I was quite tired after all the impressions and felt that this wonderful trip went to the end.
Zadnji dan u Islandu je bio kisnjav, tmuran i dosta hladan (oko 11 stepeni) i tako smo odlucili otici u muzej kitova. Bilo smo planirali otici gledati kitove uzivo, ali su nam islandjani rekli da nema svrhe jer su vecina kitova otplivali u sjevernije djelove drzave.
Muzej kitova je bio lijepo uradjen. Iako su sve bili samo modeli, dobili smo osjecaj za velicinu kitova i bilo je interesantno citati informacije o njima.
Nakon muzeja smo vec bili iscrpljeni od citavog putovanja i utisaka sto smo imali i nase fantasticno putovanje u Islandu smo zavrsili tako sto smo otisli na veceru (probali smo steak od mink kita- jako je ukusno) i prosetali jos malo kroz Reykjavik…
Today, we had the Golden Circle daytour through Iceland. It was a fantastic tour with landscape we have never seen in our lives. First stop (some 10 min) was near the biggest fresh water lake Þingvallavatn. The view is beautiful, but it was so windy…at least I thought it was windy. Danas sam isla sa Golden Circle tour kroz Island. Pejsaz je fantastican i vidjeliasmo prirodu koju u zivotu nisam vidjela do sad. Prvo stajanje (nekih 10 min) je bilo pokraj najveceg jezera u Islandu zvano Þingvallavatn. Pogled je prelijep, mada je bilo jako vjetrovito… barem sam ja mislila to.
Next stop was a visit of Thingvellir National park at Pingvellir. Here the two tectonic plates break apart and the land between subsides so that one can stand literally at the euroasian and the north american tectonic plate at the same time 😀
Slijedeci stop je bio na Thingvellir nacionalnom parku u Pingvellir. Ovdje se dvije tektonske ploce odvajaju a zemlja izmedju propada tako da se bukvalno istovremeno moze stojati i na evroazijskoj i sjeverno americkoj tektonskoj ploci 😀 Althing, the Icelandic Parliament, was established at Þingvellir in 930, and remained there until 1798. Every year for a week all the chieftains came here to discuss all the new laws, some of them still valid, and to announce them so every chieftain could spread it further.
Althing, islandski parlament, je osnovan u Pingvelliru 930. g, i odrzavan je do 1798. godine. Sedmicu dana svake godine su sve poglavice dolazili da diskutuju nove zakone, neki od zakona i danas vrijede. Zakone su onda poglavice dalje sirili.
Criminals were either hanged or beheaded, however that couldn´t be done to women, so they were drowned. Even though being Vikings they didn´t want to get wet when drowning the women, so they even had a procedure for it. Here is the place where the drowning took place.
Osudjeni kriminalci su bili ili vjesani ili im je glava odsjecena bila. Medjutim to se nije moglo zenama raditi. Tako da su zene kriminalke gusili. Iako su to bili vikinzi nisu se htjeli kvasiti tako da je citava procedura izumljena kako zene ugusiti bez da se pokvase. Na ovom mjestu su zene gusene bile.
Third stop was watching the Geysers. It was so fascinating it felt like being a child. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the burst to come and when it came we were all soo happy. For all the ones that cannot see it live, I hope to be able to share it with you.
The only sad feeling was for a french girl in our tour bus that suddenly had such strong stomach aches that the ambulance had to pick her up. Seemed it was the appendicities.
Treci stop je bio kod gejzira. Bilo je jako fascinantno i osjecalo se kao da sam opet dijete. Svi su zeljno cekali da eksplodira gejzir i kad se to napokon desilo svi smo bili sretni kao djeca. Za one koje to ne mogu otici vidjeti sam snjimila da to vidite. Jedino sto mi je bilo zao cure jedne koja je isla sa nama koju je odjednom uhvatila bol u stomaku. Na kraju je ambulanta dosla po nju. Najvjerovatnije je bilo slijepo crijevo.
Fourth stop where the Golden falls, or Gullflossi. It was soooo windy that it was hardly possible to talk. The falls where impressive. So much power. When I saw this I really gained new respect for mother Nature.
Cetvrti stop su bili Zlatni vodopadi ili na islandskom Gullflossi. Toliko je puhalo da je bilo tesko pricati. Vodopadi su bili nevjerovatni. Tolika snaga i voda. Kad se nalazis tu dobijes novi respekt prema prirodi. Nema niceg jaceg.
Last stop, and now I was really tired, we visited some waterfall, I forgot the name of, and saw the iconic Iceland horse.
Zadnje stajanje, a sad sam stvarno bila umorna su bili opet neki vodopadi. Cak sam im ime zaboravila. Ali sam vidjela ikonske islandske konje.
And finally, the finish of the day… Na kraju, zavrsetak fantasticnog dana…
I wrote previously that I had the feeling of being stuck. I don´t like it and today I had a quite intresting discussion about changing the mindset. I feel I have to change mine a little bit. Sometimes I get stuck and discussing it with the right people I get motivated.
I like discussing goals and I don´t mind being constructively critisized. I got some suggestions and some things I should think about. I came to the conclusion that there are three crucial questions (among others) I will need to go through with myself and these are as follows:
What do I want – what are my long terms and short terms goals
How do I get to it
Who can help me reach them
Having them solved I can work fast for a better balance in my life. That is so great 😀
Pisala sam prije kako se ponekad osjecam zaglavljenom u zivotu. Ne svidja mi se to tako da sam danas imala jako interesantnu diskusiju o mijenjaju nacina razmisljanja. Osjecam da ja svoj nacin moram poceti mijenjati. Ponekad kad tako “zaglavim” meni pomaze da diskutujem to sa osobama koje me motivisu.
Volim diskutovati zivotne ciljeve i ne smeta mi kad me neko konstruktivno kritikuje. Dobila sam par prijedloga kako, sta i na sto trebam misliti. Dosla sam do zakljucka da trebam sama sa sobom prodiskutovati slijedeca tri pitanja
Sta ja hocu – dugorocni i kratkorocni ciljevi
Kako doci do mog cilja
Ko mi moze pomoci u tome
Kad sama sebi odgovorim na ta 3 pitanja onda cu i dostici jedan balansiran i sretniji zivot. I to je super 😀
We started the day with delicious pancakes and juice at Laundromate / Zapoceli smo dan sa ukusnim palacincima i sokom u kaficu Laundromate.
After that we booked a trip for tomorrow. Very cool I hope. I wanted to go for whale watching but this time of year they seem to be difficult to catch a sight of so we decided not to try our luck.
We found out that today the entrance to the National Museum is for free so we decided to visit it. On the way we joined the parade hold for the national day. Nakon palacinaka smo otisli da narucimo jedan izlet za sutra. Jako zanimljiv ce biti…nadam se. Htjela sam ici gledati kitove medjutim vise ih je reklo da se u ova doba godine tesko vide ovdje tako da sam odlucila ne ici. Saznali smo da je za nacionalni dan ulaz u nacionalni muzej Islanda dzabe tako da smo to iskoristili i otisli vidjeti. Na putu smo uletili u paradu.
The museum is interesting and well made. It describes the history from the first settlers to today. Here are some of the highlights Muzej je bio interesantan i jako lijepo uredjen. Mnogo stvari su na jako lijep nacin izlozili. Muzej opisuje istoriju od prvih naseljenika Islanda do danas.
As finish we were recommended the Sea baron restaurant so we went there for dinner. The place itself didn´t look as something special but the food was delicious. We ordered lobster soup and fish and I can tell you it was delicious 😀 Nekoliko islandjana nam je predlozilo da odemo jesti u Sea baron restoran tako da smo nakon muzeja otisli tamo. Narucili smo supu od jastoga i ribu i mogu vam reci da je bilo pravo ukusno 😀
First thing I did after arriving to Iceland was to go to the Blue Lagoon. A tip is that if you plan to go there you- prebook the tickets because the lagoon is always full.
The Blue Lagoon contains geothermal seawater that is taken from a nearby geothermal plant that processes water of 240C degrees. The water is then let to cool to comfortable 38C Degrees. The composition of the water is such that no bacteria is growing in it so there is no need to use any chemicals to keep the water clean. Plus that all the water is replaced in 40 hours. The best though is that the water is full of silica which is helping the collagen in the skin to strenghten the skin so everybody looks much younger when coming out of the water 😉
Prvu stvar sto sam uradila kad sam dosla u Island je otici u Plavu Lagunu. Ako planirate ici tamo unaprijed bukirajte karte jer je laguna uvijek puna.
Plava laguna se sastoji od geotermalne vode koja se uzima od geotermalnog postrojenja. Kad izadje iz zemlje bude 240 stepeni, i ta voda se pusti da se ohladi na ugodni 38 stepeni. Voda je takva da nikakve bakterije ne prezive i samim tim su kemikalije koje drze vodu cistom nepotrebne. Dodatno na to traje oko 40 sati da se sva voda izmjeni. Najbolje je medjutim sto je voda puna silicijuma koji pomaze kolagenu da ojjaca kozu, tako da svi izgledaju puno mladji kad izadju iz vode 😉
The first night without being with Ada went fine. I slept like a baby. Next stop was towards Västerås airport. On the way a truck driver was texting and reading from his phone not thinking of that his truck was crossing the files. Luckily, we were at the end of the truck so we breaked like hell and nothing happened. I got mad because I hate idiots texting or reading nessages while driving. If you do it STOP it because it endangers other peoples lives.
In any case, we arrived to the airport healthy and excited. The airport is cute and small.
Now next stop is Keflavik airport and then directly we are going to the Blue Lagoon. The journey is on!!!
Prva noc bez Ade je prosla super. Spavala sam k’o beba. Slijedeca stanica je bila Västerås aerodrom.
Na putu je vozac kamiona tipkao na telefonu i tako skrenuo na nasu traku. Srecom smo ga taman poceli prestizati tako da smo jako zakocili i nista se nije desilo. Ako tipkate kad vozite PRESTANITE sa tim. Mozete tako nekog ubiti.
Uglavnom, stigli smo citave na aerodrom i skroz smo uzbudjene. Slijedeca destinacija je Keflavik aerodrom i onda direkt idemo u plavu lagunu. Juhuu 🙂
I sit in the train to Stockholm, totally hyped. My body is feeling like I have taken some drugs making me FULL of energy. I giggle for myself, noticing people watching me as a drunk teenager. I cannot believe I am alone without Ada to take care of. For the FIRST time. I don’t have to talk, I don’t have to explain. I don’t have to think about Ada climbing the seats, walking the isle and so on. For the next few days it is just ME and my sister. Wonderful 🙂 Osjecam se kao da sam se nadrogirala necim sto mi je toliko energije dalo da imam osjecaj da cu eksplodirati. Smijem se sama sebi, dok me ljudi gledaju kao da sam pijani tinejdzer. Ne mogu da vjerujem da sam na putu bez Ade. To mi je PRVI put. Ne moram pricati, ne moram objasnjavati, ne moram razmisljati o tome sta ce (belaja) Ada napraviti, hoce li hodati po hodniku itd. Za slijedecih par dana smo samo JA i moja sestre bitne. Fantasticno 🙂