From work bench to the lamps / Od kuhinjske ploce do lustera

I had so many plans for yesterday of how to find all possible things for the apartment but it turned out differently. First, the work bench for the kitchen turned out be such a mess to order that we had to go to two places before ordering it. Driving to the first one, we missed the exit on the high way so we had to travel extra 40 km (?) to come back to the store. I would have been annoyed but I guess I wouldn´t see the village Bruchsal otherwise 😛 After that we went to see some things for the bathroom, but I couldn´t find what I was looking for. I finished the day strolling around in the lamp section. I don´t know why but I love it. For me it is like a museum. Here are some of the highlights 😀

Jucer sam imala sam toliko planova kako cu naci pola onih stvari koje nam treba za stan medjutim na kraju se drugacije zavrsilo. Prvo ispala je citava odiseja da narucimo kuhinjsku plocu. Trebali smo ici u dvije radnje. Kad smo isli u prvu profulali smo izlaz sa autoputa i morali smo 40 km (?) dodatno voziti da bi se na kraju vratili da pocetnu tacku. Mozda bih se i nervirala oko toga, ali vjerujem da drugacije ne bih ni vidjela Bruchsal selo 😛 Poslije toga smo otisli da pogledamo par stvari za kupatilo, ali ni tu nisam mogla naci to sto smo trazili. Tako da je dan zavrsio time da se setkam po odjelu za lampe. Ne znam zasto ali ja to bas volim. Meni je to kao da se setam po muzeju. Evo par lampica koje su mi zapele za oci 🙂

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