
Lately, I am becoming a fan of Ecco shoes. I think they have some new designer(s) because as far as I can remember they always had these “grandma” shoes that were comfortable but not really looking nice (to put it nicely). But few days back I found these from Ecco. Love them, they are comfortable and warm and fit perfect for a walk with my daughter 🙂 (and no I am not payed by Ecco to say that :))


U zadnje vrijeme sam postala ljubitelj Ecco cipela. Mislim da su zaposlili nekog novog dizajnera, jer otkad za sebe znam uvijek su od Ecca bila udobne, ali nisu bas nesto lijepo izgledale (drugim rijecima bile su bas ruzne).Prije nekoliko dana sam kupila ove Ecco cizme/cipele i pravo su udobne i tople. Perfektne za setnju sa kcerkicom  🙂 (Ecco me ne placa za ovu reklamu :))

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