Rose garden / Basta ruza

Yesterday I met my friend Suada and we went together to the Rose garden. A beautiful calm place in Munich, where one can take a walk among roses and other flowers. Suada is my first friend in Munich. It is the only person with whom I had a “blind date” and from that point on she was one of my best friends. I love her energy (even if now she is a bit tired with two Children :p) and that she is always so direct. When I came to Munich I was used to the swedish style, where you have to guess what the person wants from you and it was quite a refreshing experience that I tried to learn myself. Ada and Suadas daughter Lamija, where having some great time, and I was having some time removing the mud from Ada afterwards…



Jucer sam srela moju prijateljicu Suadu. Otisle smo u bastu Ruza, jedno prelijepo i mirno mjesto u Minhenu, gdje mozes prosetati i vidjeti ruze iz citavog svijeta. Suada je moja prva prijateljica u Minhenu…I jedina osoba s kojom sam imala “blind date”. I od tog naseg prvog sastanka ostale smo jako dobre prijateljice. Suada ima nevjerovatnu energiju (barem prije nego sto je dobila dvoje djece :P) i uvijek je bila negdje zakazana. To sto me najvise odusevilo kod nje je bila njezina direktnost. Kad sam dosla iz Svedske bila sam navikla na svedski nacin. Nista se ne kaze direktno  pa uvijek moras kontati sta je pisac htio reci. Uglavnom to sam probala od nje nauciti. Sto se tice Ade i Lamije (Suadine kcerke) one su uzivale u parku. Ada pogotovo. Kao sto se moze primjetiti po slici…

Munich (Crikvenica ) / Minhen (Crikvenica)

Since, Ada had some bad days with fever above 40 degrees Celsius my husband felt more comfortable that me and Ada join him to Munich for some Days. We have now safely reached Munich, so if anyone wants to go for a coffee call me! Before leaving Crikvenica I just had to make a profile picture of Ada. It is quite impressive how fast that guy is. In 30 seconds he finished of Ada´s profile. Quite cute, even though he fixed her “Rudi Völler”- haircut…20150729_202609 20150731_171029

Kako je Ada bila bolesna sa temperaturama preko 40 stepeni, moj muz se osjecao sigurnijim da odemo svi zajedno u Minhen pa da se Ada prvo malo oporavi prije nego sto odemo u Bosnu. Sigurno smo stigli u Minhen, tako da ko je za kafu nek se javi!  Prije nego sto smo krenuli iz Crikvenice naisli smo na ovog ciku sto za 30 sekundi izjece profil iz papira. Jednostavno sam morala napraviti jednu takvu sliku za Adu. Pravo slatko i super ideja. I cak joj je uljepsao njezinu “Rudi Völler”- frizuru  😀

Up in the air/ U zraku

again…This morning started very stressful. I didn´t manage to pack yesterday so I had to do it this morning. Despite bad planning we somehow managed to be in time at the airport. I was convinced that I am tooo early and that I have another 1h for strolling around through the stores before I realized that we are boarding in 10 min.

opet…ovo jutro je bilo jako intenzivno. Nisam uspijela sinoc nista spakovati tako da sam to sve morala jutros uraditi. Iako smo lose planirali uspijeli smo na vrijeme biti na aerodromu. Bila sam ubijedjena da sam dosta poranila i da imam jos 1h fore da hodam po prodavnicama, medjutim skontam da je ustvari za 10 min boarding.


when you are in hurry these rolling bands feel like they are 10 km long.

kad se zuris ova pokretna traka se osjeca kao da je 10 km duga…


After too few hours of sleep I am trying to make a selfie where I look good, but unfortunately it wasn´t working. Another quite annoying thing was that after handing in the buggy there was no buggy one could borrow. Considering the fact that Munich airport is huge, that is really bad that one cannot borrow a buggy directly from the airport, but one has to call the company you are flying with. When landing in Stockholm, there was a buggy directly outside the exit so I didn´t have to carry Ada so much. Definitely, something  airport should copy.

nakon slabo ospavane noci probavam da uslikam neku dobru sliku od nas dvije, medjutim jednostavno nije islo .Jedna stvar koja me malo zivcirala je ta da se ne mogu pozajmiti djecija kolica na minhenskom aerodromu, nego sse moras javiti toj kompaniji sa kojom letis. A kad smo izasli iz aviona u Stokholmu , odmah nakon izlaza su stojala djecija kolica za pozajmiti. Definitivno nesto sto bi minhenski aerodrom trebao da kopira…

ada u stanu

Ada loved coming to our apartment in Stockholm, especially when having so many new toys

Ada je uzivala da dodje u nas stan u Stokholmu, pogotovo kad je bila pretrpana svojim novim igrackama …

Medival fair in pictures/ Srednjovijekovna pijaca u slikama

Yesterday I visited the medival christmas fair with a friend and enjoyed the beautiful weather. I was quite fascinated that someone comes up with the idea to make chocolate tools or all these tapers made of bees wax. Looked lovely. My favorite is the chocolate dipped banana:) Here are some pictures from the fair.

Posjetila sam srednjovijekovnu pijacu sa prijateljicom i uživala u lijepom vremenom. Bila sam fascinirana kako se neko sjeti praviti čokoladu u obliku alata ili svijeće od pčelićnog voska. Izgledale su lijepo. Moj favorit je ipak banana polivena čokoladom 🙂 Evo par slika sa pijace.

Münchener Residenz part 2./ 2.dio Minhenske residencije

Gold, gold and more gold…gold is everywhere. This is the most impressive residence that I´ve seen. Haven´t seen Versaille inside though (it was closed :/). Fantastic place to visit …

p.s did you notice that in all old pictures people are never showing their teeth when smiling 🙂 A guide said that is because their teeth were so bad …hmm

Zlato, zlato, zlato… svugdje samo zlato. Moram reći da je ovo jedna od najimpozantnijih residencija koje sam vidjela. Nisam vidjela Versaille, bio je zatvoren kad sam tamo bila. Fantastično mjesto za posjetiti…


p.s jeste li primjetili da se ljudi na starim slikama nikada ne smiju tako da pokazu svoje zube ?? Jedan vodić je to objasnio tim da su im jako slabi zubi bili …hmm

Happy birthday to me :) / Sretan mi Rodjendan

rodjendan DE

Ada realized it is fun to play at 5.00h this morning. We tried to make her sleep, and she did after she had finished playing. My husband wanted to continue his “beauty sleep” but  I “kicked him out” from the bed, so he can come back home from his job earlier… Me and Ada fell asleep immidiately 😛 Nice as he is, my husband didn´t want to wake us up so he wrote a note to wish me happy birthday with a “P.s You kicked dad out from the bed, but you yourself continued sleeping…” I sense some jealousy here 🙂

Ada je shvatila da je jako zanimljivo igrati se u 5.ooh ujutru. Probali smo je uspavati,  i zaspala je kad je ona završila igranjem. Poslije toga muž je htio nastaviti spavati, ali htjela sam da ranjie dodje kuci s posla, tako da sam ga “izbacila iz kreveta” . Ada i ja smo u trenu zaspale. Muž me nije htio buditi tako da mi je napisao čestitku sa p.s:om Tatu si izbacila iz kreveta a ti zaspala” . Osjećam malo ljubomore ovdje 🙂


rodjendan SWE

When I was in Skövde my parents prepared a small celebration for my birthday

Kad sam bila u Skövdeu roditelji su mi pripremili malo rođendansko slavlje.

rodjendan SWE 1

The pictures from today, I couldn´t upload so I´ll have to update this post as soon as I manage 🙂
Slike od danas nisam mogla skinuti, tako da cu to uraditi cim stignem 🙂

In the air again…/ Ponovo letimo

After a long night with a crying child it was quite a tough thing to get up  early in the morning and prepare for the flight. Yesterday we were flying toward Munich. Despite both of us being tired we were enjoying the trip 🙂

Nakon jedne duge noči sa plačućim djetetom bilo je prilično naporno probuditi se ujutru i pripremiti se za let. Jučer smo opet letili za Minhen. Iako smo obje bile umorne uživale smo u putu 🙂

on the way to the airport,
na putu prema aerodromu

ada 2
in the air
u avionu

ada 3
just arrived n Munich
taman stigle u Minhen


Meeting old friends/ Susret sa starim prijateljima

Having a child makes the time fly away. All the things I planned are forgotten and all the friends I was supposed to meet shortly after birth got “postponed”. Finally, though I got the chance to meet my dear friend Selma. She has twins(!!) and it is for me an enigma how she deals with two babys in the same time…Respect 🙂


otkad imam dijete vrijeme (pro)leti. Sve stvari koje sam planirala uraditi su zaboravljene i svi prijatelji koje sam trebala kratko nakon poroda sresti su “odgodjeni”. Ali napokon sam uspijela sresti moju dobru prijateljicu Selmu.  Selma ima dvojke i moram priznati da mi je to enigma kako uopste zna gdje su joj noge a gdje glava …Svaka cast 🙂


I also managed to go to my old working place 🙂 I planned to do that in May :/ But better late than never 🙂



Uspijela sam otici i do mog starog radnog mjesta 🙂 To sam planirala da vec u Maju uradim. Ali bolje ikad nego nikad 🙂


On the way home I just HAD to stop by the chocolate store and buy a special gift to my little niece. This is Ada´s first time in a chocolate store 🙂


Usput smo navratile u prodavnicu cokolada jer sam morala kupiti jedan poseban pokloncic mojoj necakinji. Ovo je Adin prvi put u jednoj takvoj prodavnici 🙂

Weekend / Vikend

This weekend was a “Birthday-weekend”. The daughter of my friends celebrated one year. She got soo big. It is amazing how time flies by.  Somehow, with children it passes by much faster then before… or I was just better in ignoring it… 🙂

Ovaj vikend je bio rođendanski vikend. Kćerka mojih prijatelja je slavila prvu godinu. I tako je velika narasla. Nevjerovatno je kako vrijeme prođe. Imam osjećaj da sa djecom vrijeme puno brže prolazi nego prije…ili sam jednostavno bila bolja u ignorisanju ga…:)







and the second birthday was of Zoofa, one of my best friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FRIEND 🙂  You are truly unique 🙂

a drugi rođendan je bio od  moje jako dobre prijateljice koja je stvarno unikat.



Finally, I could wear this violet coat fr. Laurèl. Bought it before I got pregnant and feared it will never fit again 😛

Napokon, sam mogla čak i mantil od Laurèl  obući. Kupila sam ga prije nego što sam zatrudnila pa sam se bojala da mi više nikad neće moći :/


Salsa here we go :)

Yesterday was one of these great days one can have. 25 degrees, sunshine, a yoghurt frappé …

Jučer je bio jedan od onih dobrih dana kad je vani 25 stepeni, sunčano, jogurt frape…


yoghurt frappe

a walk in the city with my daughter. Here we saw people fighting for the right of animals…

2014-10-09 16.34.13


and a salsa course (with my superduper friend) in the evening 🙂 (Last time I went to salsa I was 6 months pregnant and dancing like an elephant. This time I was just dancing as an elephant, but still it was fun.) Here is a video of our instructors showing us the steps…

šetnja u gradu sa kćerkicom i navečer salsa kurs (sa mojom superprijateljicom). (Zadnji put kad sam išla na kurs bila sam trudna u 6. mjesecu i plesala sam kao slončić. Ovaj put sam samo plesala poput slončića, ali je bilo pravo zabavno), Ovo je video kad naš instruktor pokazuje korake …