Wonderful visit / Voljena posjeta

Last week my mother, my sister and her two kids visited us. It was a BIG thing meeting little Adrian! PZ and PA loved it. Especially PA likes the fact that he is not the only boy in the family now…
Ada loves her cousins because they are playing the whole time…making such a mess it is quite impressive.
Having three kids running around is quite a drama. One moment they love each other and next they want to fight each other…and it is never silent. Yesterday, the cousins went back home and today it is so silent at home. For some time that is nice but then I do miss them already and so does Ada.
The whole week we have threatened that the kids won´t get any gifts from Santa if they are not keeping calm and so finally for the new year eve we had THE celebrity visit from Santa Claus. And he brought tons of gifts!
Children loved it, however PZ suspected it is Adas oncle Omar behind the dress 😛
Adrian slept through the Santa Claus visit so he didn´t get as many gifts as the others. I can´t wait for the next year to see childrens face when they meet Santa Claus again 🙂
From this visit I will remember the mornings when children, the first thing they did, ran to the Christmas tree to open up the deco that is filled with candies. It was fun to see their happy faces 🙂
Well Happy New Year Folks, hope next year gets better than last 🙂

Prošle sedmice su nas moja mama, moja sestra i njezino dvoje djece posjetili. Bila je to VELIKA stvar sresti malog Adriana. PZ i PA su bili oduševljeni. Pogotovo PA kojem se sviđa što nije jedini dječak u familiji više…
Ada voli svoju sestru i brata jer se igraju čitavo vrijeme… i takav haos u kući djeca naprave da je to impresivno.
Troje djece koja trće po kući je prava drama. Jednog momenta se vole i ljube, da bi se slijedećeg posvađali… tako da nikad nije tiho.
Jućer su moja sestra sa djecom vratila se kući… i ostala je tišina. Isprve mi to godi, ali nakon nekog vremena mi već nedostaju. A i Adi nedostaju, već prića kako će se seliti u Švedsku.
Čitavu sedmicu smo djeci prijetili da neće doći Djeda Mraz ako ne budu slušali, i za Novu godinu nam napokon dođe taj nečuveni Djeda Mraz. Djeca su bila oduševljena. PZ je ipak pretpostavila da je Djeda Mraz Adin striko Omar hehe.
Jedva čekam slijedeću godinu da vidim dječija lica kad Djeda Mraz dođe. Nema ništa ljepše od dječije radost.
Ovu posjetu ću se posebno sjećati po jutrima kad su djeca, prvo što su radila kad se probude, trčala do jelke da vide ako ima bombona u dekoracijama. Bilo je bajno vidjeti njihova sretna lica kad ih pronađu.
Nadam se da ste i vi lijepo proveli Novu Godinu. Sretna Nova svima i želim vam da slijedeća bude ljepša i uspješnija od prošle 🙂

Year summary / Pregled godine

2014 I started like this… / 2014 sam pocela ovako


The 26.th of February will be the date I´ll never forget. Then this little girl was born. Somehow I remembered here differently 🙂


/ 26. Februara rodila se mala bebica. Nekako mi se drugacija cinila tada…

I started a project with a friend that I hope will work next year. And hopefully I will learn new things with it. In any case that will be interesting project with an interesting person 🙂

Further, I got inspired by a couple of people on my friends list that are writing books and poetry so I decided to write a book for children. This is something I never did before so it was fun (and more difficult than I imagined). The big parts of the story I have but it needs to be fine tuned. Let´s see if it really turns out in a book one day. That would be fantastic!

Usually I have tons of goals for next year but they usually stress more than they help so I decided to keep it short this year. Short list of goals with a lot of work behind 😛 .

I wish everyone my daughter, husband, family, relatives and friends to be healthy and happy.


Ada 6.th months old/ Ada stara 6 mjeseci

Pokrenula sam projekat sa prijateljicom i nadam se da ce uspijeti iduce godine. Nadam se da cu se i nove stvari nauciti sa tim. U svakom slucaju interesantan projekat sa interesantnom osobom 🙂

Dalje, inspirisali su me prijatelji koji pisu knjige i poeziju, tako da odlucih napisati knjigu za djecu. Ovo je nesto sto prije nisam uradila i bilo je pravo zabavno (iako je teze nego sto sam mislila). Vecina price je vec gotova ali treba je jos popraviti. Vidjecemo ako mi se ostvari san i stvarno od ovog izadje knjiga. Bilo bi fantasticno!

Inace imam tonu ciljeva za slijedecu godinu, ali mi to isto tako obicno vise stresa daje nego pomoci tako da sam odlucila da ove godine skratim listu ciljeva. Ali iako je lista kratka treba puno truda da ih ispunim 😛

Svima kcerci, muzu, familiji, rodbini i prijateljima zelim da budu zdravi i sretni ….



Ada 10 months/ Ada 10 mjeseci

For next year / Za slijedecu godinu:
My personal goals are /Moji privatni ciljevi

  • to live healthier … hopefully do more sports and stress less / zivjeti zdravije sa manje stresa i vise sporta
  • to visit a new place / country where I haven´t been before /otici negdje gdje nisam prije bila
  • to read more books / vise citati
  • enjoy the company of friends and family /druziti se familijom i prijateljima
  • be happy / biti sretna
  • be with my daughter / biti sa kcerkom

My career goals / moji poslovni ciljevi

  • to find a new job  /naci novi posao
  • finish my “children´s book” /zavrsiti moju djeciju “knjigu”
  • get “my” projects working/ uspijeti “mojim” projektima
