Update dividends 2018 / Ažuriranje dividende 2018

My goal is to achieve some 10 000kr (ca 1000 Euro) per month in dividends until my retirement and to reach that I am investing in different stocks. Last year I had an increase of approximately 45% (sounds more than it is) of dividend achieving over 4500 kr (ca 450 Euro) in dividends that year.
This money is all reinvested and will (hopefully) generate more dividends for this year…like Einstein said the compound effect is the 8th world miracle.

Cilj mi je dostiči 10 000kr (oko 1000 Eura) u dividendama mjesečno do moje penzije i zato ulažem u razne dionice.
Prošle godine sam povećala sumu dividendi za 45% (zvuči više nego što jeste) i dobila sam oko 4500 kr koje su ponovo investirane u nove dionice.
Kao što je rekao Einstein da je kamata-na-kamata efekat osmo svjetsko čudo.

Half year has passed and I am until now having only 15% less dividend this year than the whole last year which is motivating even though I admit I haven’t been buying as many stocks as I wanted lately due to movement and adjustments in US. In any case when I see the bars I do get a little motivated for the future 🙂

Pola godine je već prošlo i sad već u polugodištu imam samo 15 % manje dividende nego što sam imala u čitavu prošlu godinu što je motivirajući iako nisam kupovala toliko dionica koliko sam htjela. Ipak je tu bila i selidba i privikavanje u Americi. U svakom slučaju kad vidim diagram motivirame to za budućnost 🙂

Update stocks- March / Ažuriranje dionica – mart

This month Axfood, Sagax and SEB  are  paying the dividends. So A&A get 120 kr dividends from Axfood and 41 kr from Sagax . Altogether 161 kr that will be reinvested.
Even though H&M has been in negative discussions lately I bought 2 H&M stocks and hope that H&M will manage to recover. I give them this year for it, otherwise I believe I will sell them off and buy some other stocks. (In the picture the 55 kr from SEB are also included). It is nice to see that in March we are already getting half the dividends as we had for the whole year 2016.In my portfolio, I had obtained 250 Units of Dividend Sweden, because I used the 750 subscription rights that the owners got. I also got 246 kr dividends from Axfood. These I reinvested in 12 Sagax D stocks increasing the dividend 24 kr per year.
It feels nice to get the dividends even if right now every stock at Stockmarket feels too expensive.

Update stocks February 2017 / Azuriranje dionica februar 2017

This month has been quite disappointing. I have been sick the whole time and as that wasn’t enough Ada was also spending most of her time at home instead of kindergarten.
Thus, I had no time or energy to check or buy any stocks this month. This gives me a reminder of  the importance of saving. Despite feeling crap having the flu or tonsillitis for months, these are still not such bad diseases. I cannot even imagine the feeling of black hole when something really serious happens.
So even if doing nothing  I got 37.5 kr in dividends from Dividend Sweden, and also got 750 subscription rights (I think it is called) or in this case they called them units. I am not 100% sure what that is so I´ll have to read more about it.
In A&A portfolio I just bought Avanza Zero fund for 100kr. I hope now with a new month new energy comes.Ovaj mjesec je bio tako deprimirajući meni. Ne samo što sam ja bila bolesna čitav mjesec nego je i Ada više vremena provodila kod kuće nego u vrtiću. Samim tim niti sam imala vremena da čitam, niti da pišem, niti da se angažujem oko ićega pa čak ni u dionice.
Ovo me dovelo da počnem razmišljati o tome koliko je bitna štednja. Iako sam bila bolesna mjesecima, to nije neka teža bolest bila (meni je moja najteža da se zna), ali zamislite da je nešto stvarno ozbiljno. Ne mogu ni da zamislim tu crnu rupu osjećaja ili čak ekonomsku.
Iako ništa nisam ovog mjeseca radila dobila sam 37.5 kr dividendi od Dividend Sweden, i isto tako sam dobila nekih 750 units što nisam do sada nikada dobila, i nemam iskreno pojma šta je. Moraću malo pročitati i vidjeti šta je.
U A&A portfoliu sam samo kupila Avanza Zero fond za 100kr.
Sad kad smo ušli u novi mjesec stvarno se nadam da ću dobiti malo više energije i ići u nove pobjede.

2016 summary of our portfolio/ 2016 Ažuriranje naših portfolia

It is really motivating me to see how perseverance in doing one thing slowly takes you towards the set goal. My ultimate goal (when it comes to stocks) is to get 100 000kr dividend per year. Next goal is to get 5000 kr and then 10 000kr dividends per year.
Last year we had in total (Ada´s + my portfolio) a total of 783 kr.
This year we had in total 2373 kr. Some stocks are in Swedbank account so you cannot see them here. This year the sum will increase because I have bought stocks with respect to their dividends and they are distributing them mostly in the beginning of the year. Already now, doing nothing, the sum should be around 3000kr. All of the money will be reinvested.

Dividend month / Stock Zlatana Ada
Sagax Pref x x
Sagax D x x
Fast. Balder Pref. x x
Axfood x x
Sagax Pref x x
Sagax D x x
TeliaSonera x x
Fast. Balder Pref. x x
Cloetta B x
ICA-Gruppen x
Intrum justitia x
Acando  B x
Mycronic x x
Björn Borg x
H&M x x
investor x
Sagax Pref x x
Sagax D x x
Fast. Balder Pref. x x
Sagax Pref x x
Sagax D x x
Fast. Balder Pref. x x

Meni je baš motivirajući vidjeti kako upornost u jednoj stvari polako ali sigurno vodi prema postavljenom cilju. Moj glavni cilj (što se tiće dionica) je da dobijem 100 000 kr dividende godišnje. Slijedeći cilj sada je uspijeti dobiti 5000 kr pa onda 10 000kr godišnje.
Prošle godine smo ja i Ada ukupno dobile 783 kr dividende. Ove godine smo dobile 2373 kr. Neke su dionice na Swedbank računu tako da se ovdje ne vidi. Ove godine će se suma dividendi povećati jer sam kupovala dionice koje dobru dividendu dijele. Već bi sada, ako ništa ne uradim, trebala dobiti oko 3000kr dividende ove godine. Svu sumu planiram da reinvestiram u nove dionice.

November – stock updates / novembar -ažuriranje dionica

First month having two children has passed and I have been thinking of their future and their savings. I decided to make one portfolio for the children, instead of separated accounts, because it feels more fair to share the stocks at two at a given point than having to portfolios where one maybe is very good and the other is bad.
So Ada´s and Adrian´s portfolio was updated with 5 Axfood, 10 Cloetta B and 2 Sagax D stocks. This adds 34 kr (incl. tax) to the dividend per year. The dividends will be reinvested until Ada´s and  Adrian´s time comes to inherit these stocks.
My portfolio was updated with 9 Axfood, 5 of a new stock – the Intrum Justitia and 42 Sagax D. This adds to some 170 kronor per year.
As I said previously I have a dis-balance in the different areas that I have invested in which makes quite big fluctuations once one of these stocks goes up or down.
To avoid that I am thinking of which stocks to buy. I would be interested in some that have something to do with water so if anyone knows any stocks I would be interested to hear about itaktie-december-2016Prvi mjesec sa dvoje djece je prošao i razmišljala sam malo o njihovoj budućnost I štednji. Odlučila sam da ipak samo jedan račun imam za njih dvoje. Osjeća se malo poštenije u slučaju da jednom padne vrijednost dionica a drugom se dignu. Ovako djele na dva.
U novembru mjesecu sam u dječiji portfolio kupila 5 Axfood, 10 Cloetta B i 2 Sagax D dionice. Ovo ukupno daje 34 kr (sa porezom) dividende godišnje.
Dividende će I dalje biti reinvestirane u nove dionice dok ih ne budu djeca dobila.
Za sebe sam kupila 9 Axfood, 5 Intrum Justitia I 42 Sagax D. Ovo dodaje oko 170kr (sa porezom) godišnje.
Kao što se vidi dosta je velik disbalans u raznim tržištima koje imam što dovede do velikih promjena ako jedna od dionica padne/ naraste.
Da bih to izbjegla razmišljam koje bih još dionice kupila. Zanimaju me neke što imaju veze sa vodom, tako da ako znate bila bih zainteresovana da čujem o tome.

Top month of dividends / Top mjesec dividendi

This time I made a mistake with my stocks.I had them on a common stock account instead of the ISK (investment saving account). So I nicely payed  30% taxes on the dividends I got, instead of paying no taxes.
I guess the only way to learn is the hard way.
For the next round of dividends I had some of my stocks transferred  to the ISK account and hope next time will be better. My goal of having higher yield than the year before has come true (honestly, I hadn´t really much). Next goal is to get the double for this year. Let´s see if that works. This money I invested ( I hope it is an investment) by buying a couple of Mycronic stocks for me and 2 stocks of H&M for Ada.
My dream and one of my long term goals is to have such dividends yearly that it could at least partly pay off some of my bigger bills.
Imagine having so much dividends that you can actually pay the rent of it…luxury 😀dionice
Ovaj put sam napravila gresku sa svojim dionicama. Drzala sam ih na pogresnom racunu tako da umjesto da izbjegnem porez skroz, morala sam platiti 30% poreza na dividende. Sta ces, nema drugacije nego po dzepu.
Za slijedecu rundu dividendi sam zato prebacila neke dionice na ISK (Investment stednji) racun i tako se nadam da cu slijedeci put biti bolje. Ove godine sam uspijela ciljem da poboljsam dividendu od prosle godine (doduse nije bas neka dividenda bila :)), a cilj za iducu godinu je da uduplam dividendu koju sam imala od 2015.
Od prosle dividende sam kupila nekoliko Mycronic dionica i dvije dionice od H&M za Adu.
San a i jedan od mojih dugorocni ciljeva je da imam takvu dividendu godisnju da mogu dio svojih vecih racuna otplacivati sa tim novcem.
Zamislite koji je to luksuz kad bi dio kirije mogao biti placen od dividende 🙂