Europe’s largest collection of insects was having an exhibition in Karlsruhe, so I just had to go to check it out. Did you know that the centipede has “just” 750 feet? Ada was very brave and touched it!
Who would have believed that the wasps are the most dangerous insects of you look to the number of deaths it causes? 20 000 people it kills per year!! One always learns something new when visiting this kind of places 🙂
Najveća kolekcija insekata su imali izložbu u Karlsruhe, tako da smo morali otici tamo i provjeriti to. Znate li da stonoga ima 750 nogu? Ada je bila hrabra i čak je dodirnula jednu.
Isto tako ko bi rekao da su ose najopasniji insekt ako gledaš broj prouzrokovanih smrtnih slučajeva? Čitavih 20 000 ljudi ubije godišnje! Uvijek se nešto nauči na ovakvim mjestima 🙂
In the “The 10 % Entrepreneur” (Patrick J. McGinnis) I found the idea of being a 10 % entrepreneur quite interesting. Usually we hear about people that have given up everything to do what they love. They get so successful that they earn millions and millions… but how many of these do You really know?
Since, most of the people do not want to leave the safety line they have, the concept of having both a job AND being an entrepreneur is fitting to most of the peoples lives.
The book was interesting but I felt there where many generalizations like; surround yourself with right (successful) people, work hard, find the opportunity , you can be an investor and so on.
So if you want a comprehensive step-by-step plan on what actions to do to become an entrepreneur, than this is not the book for you.
U “10% poduzetnik” (Patrick J. McGinnis) smatram da je ideja da budeš 10% poduzetnik prilično interesantna. Obično se čuje za uspješne ljude koji su odustali od svega da bi radili ono što vole. Postali su toliko uspješni da zarađuju milione … ali koliko takvih stvarno poznajete?
S obzirom da većina ljudi ne želi da napusti sigurnost koju imaju, koncept imati i posao i biti poduzetnik odgovara većini ljudi.
Knjiga je zanimljiva, ali smatram da je bilo mnogo generalizacija kao npr. okružite se tačnim (uspješnim) ljudima, uporno radite, pronalazite prilike, možete biti investitor.
Dakle, ako želite detaljni sveobuhvatni plan koji će vam korak po korak pokazati šta treba učiniti da postanete poduzetnik, onda ovo nije knjiga za vas.
Today, I melted when Adrian kissed me on purpose. He understood that I got very happy of his kisses so he kissed me a couple of times why laughing 🙂 Now he is sending me kisses the whole time. So cuuuute 😀
The time flies by so fast! It feels like yesterday that he was born and now he is walking and trying to talk. I just want to cuddle with him but already now he is enjoys more to walk around and explore the world. I guess I will have to “steal” the cuddle time when he expects it at least
I tako mene sin prvi put poljubi. I to me pravo cmoknuo. Ja sam se istooopila. Razumio je da meni bude drago i onda me posuo poljubcima dok se smijao 🙂 I sad kad zna kako slati poljubce salje mi puse citavo vrijeme. Preslatko 😀
Vrijeme tako brzo prolazi. Osjeca se kao da se jucer rodio a sad vec hoda i probava pricati. A ja bih se samo mazila sa njim ali vec nece nego radije hoda i izucava svijet. Sad cu morati “krasti” momente da se malo pomazimo kad najmanje ocekuje 🙂
Inspired as we (Ada) are from Frozen and the fact that Ada got skates from her auntie, she badly wanted to go skating last weekend..
Theoretically, I wanted it too BUT last time I had been skating is some 20 years ago. And I was not good in skating back then either. So my fear was to break my legs and make a disaster show in public instead of simply showing Ada how to skate.
Then I forced myself to come a little bit outside my comfort zone… and I loved it 🙂
I felt like the ice queen at least Ada looked at me like that. People around us probably saw a person more like Bambi on ice. Who cares though! We had fun 🙂
Our fan club / Naši navijači 🙂 Inspirisane kako jesmo (bolje reći kako je Ada inspirisana) od Ledene Kraljice i činjenica da je dobila šlicure od svoje tetke, htjela je da ide na šlicuranje prošlog vikenda..
Teoretski, sam i ja htjela ALI zadnji put kad sam se šlicurala je prije nekih 20 godina a ni tad nisam bila dobra u tome. Strah me zato bio da slomim noge i napravim neki mega haos među narodom umjesto da u miru pokažem Adi kako se šlicurati.
Natjerala sam sebe da izađem malo iz svoje komforne zone i mogu reći da sam uživala u tome.
Osajećala sam se kao Ledena Kraljica, tako me Ada gledala, iako je su ljudi oko nas najvjerovatnije gledale osobu koja liči na Bambi na ledu.
Ali koga briga. Bitno je da nam je bilo super 🙂
After the hard stomachflu I thought Ada should do something fun.
I couldn’t find tickets for Frozen (she LOVES it) but I found tickets for Pinocchio and I thought that should be fine. It was Adas first musical and I was not sure how she would take it. She decided how she wanted to dress and one could see how important that was for her.
We were a little bit late because the first thing she did coming out of the apartment was to step in a pond getting wet so I had to go back and get new boots.
After arriving to the hall we speeded up and she fell INTO a pond and got completely wet and really sad. Typical! I had to cover her with my jacket and during first act put her leggings on the radiators. Later she could again wear them.
How about Pinocchio? Ada loved the musical. It was made for children and many times children where laughing so much that I actually enjoyed that more than the musical 🙂
So next musical according to Ada is Frozen. I have to admit..I would also love to see it 🙂
Nakon stomačnog virusa smatrala sam da je Ada zaslužila nešto zanimljivo doživiti.
Nisam mogla naći karte za Ledenu Kraljicu (Ada je obožava) ali sam našla karte za Pinokia i smatrala sam da je to sasvim ok.
Bio je Adin prvi muzikal i nisam bila sigurna da li će joj se svidjeti. Odlučila je sama šta će obući i vidjelo se da joj je to bilo jako važno.
Malo som kasnile jer je je prva stvar koju je uradila kad smo izašle da uskoči u lokvu i morale smo se vratiti po nove čizme.
Kad smo stigle do sale požurile som i Ada je zapela i upala u lokvu. Helanke su joj skroz mokre bile pa sam ih morala skinuti. Tako tipično i tako je postala tužna. Riješile smo to tako da sam je pokrila svojom jaknom dok su se helanke na radijatoru sušile. Već ih je nakon prvog čina mogla obući.
A Pinokio? Adi se muzikal pravo svidio. Napravljen je baš za djecu i toliko su se smijala da ih je bio merak ih slušati. Ustvari to mi je veće zadovoljstvo činilo nego sam muzikal:)
Ada je sad izjasnila da je slijedeći muzikal na koji ćemo ići Ledena kraljica. A mogu reći da bih ga i ja voljela vidjeti 🙂
While in Sweden I heard that in the kindergarten there where 19 kids with the stomachflu. Imagine my happiness having missed that horror. It is not even strange that the kids get it considering that they are not going outdoors… at all. I really have an issue with that and must say I don’t understand that philosophy.
Unfortunately, I didn’t stay happy too long. Two evenings back, Ada started complaining about having pain in the stomach and went to bed quite early. Ada going to bed early is a clear sign that she is not well. She didn’t sleep too long before the hell broke loose.
My husband was taking care of her because I cannot stand someone vomiting. But Ada was so brave even counting the times she was vomiting. Poor thing. Luckily, today she is better and I keep my fingers crossed that Adrian doesn’t get it…
Dok smo bili u Švedskoj čula sam da je u vrtiću bilo 19.oro djece koje su dobile stomačni virus. Tako da zamislite sreće što smo to promašili.
Mislim da nije ni čudno što djeca fasuju te stvari, kad ih nikako ne puštaju van iz zgrade. Stvarno mi je to problem i ne razumijem tu filozofiju.
Nažalost, nije me sreća dugo pratila.
Prije dva dana se Ada počela buniti da je stomak boli.Čak je otišla leći jako rano što je znak da nešto nije u redu. Nije dugo trajalo kad je poćeo pakao.
Mogu sve skoro gledati ali kad neko povraća meni se život smuči, tako da je onda Ensar bio sa Adom skoro čitavu noć dok je ona jadnica povraćala.. Ada, srce malo, je brojala koliko je puta povratila i meni raportirala (kao da nisam znala). Jadnica.
Srećom danas je već bolje i sad se samo nadam da i Adrian ne fasuje isto to.
I was thinking it would be fun to see a list of all the books I have read just to remind myself. I found the page where one can list the books read and one can also make a list of books that one would like to/going to read. I am now thinking of what books I have read this year, but can only remember these ones which makes me more motivated to read more books next year.
Razmišljala sam kako bi bilo zanimljivo imati listu svih knjiga što sam pročitala samo da me podsjeti ponekad i naletim na gdje možeš tako te liste praviti. Liste koje knjige si čitao ili koje bi voljeli čitati. Razmišljam koje sam knjige pročitala ove godine i samo se mogu sjetiti ovih i čini mi se premalo ali me isto tako to motiviše da ih još pročitam.
1, Min hemlighet -Petter Stordalen
Translated to My secret. The book is written by the billioner Petter Stordalen. I liked the book because it was interesting to hear about his different way of thinking. Moja tajna- Milijarder Petter Stordalen o sebi piše i zanimljivo je čitati o neobicnom načinu kako on razmišlja.
2. Finansiellt överflöd-Cathrin Nilsson, Annalena Mellblom
Financial abundance. A simple book that I feel is copying the ideas of “Eat that frog”. If you are not interested in economy then this book is a good start. Financijski višak pisale Cathrin Nilsson i Annalena Mellblom. Meni se čini da su mnoge ideje ustvari preuzete od Eat that Frog. Ako te ne zanima ekonomija onda je ova knjiga možzda i dobar početak.
3. Sell-Fredrik Eklund
Fredrik, top one broker, explains his way of thinking and gives some advices. The way he looks at the world is that you are selling yourself everywhere, in all areas in your life..which is true in a way.
Ok book. Prodaja- Fredrik Eklund Fredrik, top jedan broker, objašnjava svoj način razmišljanja i daje par dobrih savjeta. Njegov pogled svijeta je da se sve svugdje prodaje, čak i sam sebe prodaješ da bolje prođeš .. što je na neki način istina iako okruto zvuči Ok knjiga.
4. The monk who sold his Ferrari-Robin Sharma- Here again I feel many ideas come from “Eat that frog” except that the book uses stories to explain the ideas. The idea is fine but I believe that if you really want to change your life than the book Eat that Frog is better. Monah koji je prodao svog Ferrarija-Robin Sharma- Ponovo osjećam mnogo ideja iz knjige “Eat that frog”, samo što se koriste priče da objasne ideje. Ideja je u redu, ali verujem da ako stvarno želite da promijeniti svoj život onda je knjiga “Eat that frog” bolja.
5. Sapiens-Yuval Noah Harari
This book was full with interesting information and mostly I liked the book. However, there where parts in the book where the writer comments into political and religious ideas that I personally found where wrong conclusions based on the information provided. Sapiens-Yuval Noah Harari Ova knjiga je bila puna interesantnih informacija i većinom je fantastična knjiga. Međutim, postoje dijelovi u knjizi gdje pisac komentariše političke i religijske ideje koje ja lično smatram da su pogrešni zaključci zasnovani na pružene informacije.
I feel I have read so few books and for year 2018 I decided that one of my challenges will be to read at least one book per month. So do you guys want to join my challenge? What book(s) where your favourites in 2017?
Osjećam da sam pročitala premalo knjiga i za 2018. godinu sam odlučila da će jedan od mojih izazova biti čitati najmanje jednu knjigu mjesečno. Da li želite da se pridružite mom izazovu? Koje su vaše omiljene knjige u 2017?
For the first time we, the kids, Ensar and I flew together. We arrived to Stockholm last Tuesday and hoped for snow, but it was nowhere to be seen.
One of the highlights in Stockholm was the Technical museum. The kids loved it. There were so many things to explore and it is also interesting for the grown ups. Nice to visit if in Stockholm.
Po prvi put smo djeca, Ensar i ja zajedno letili. Stigli smo u Štokholm prošlog utorka i nadali smo se snijegu međutim nigdje ga nije bilo ni za lijeka.
Vrhunac za djecu je bila posjeta u tehničkom muzeju. Toliko interesantni stvari je bilo za vidjeti…i za djecu i za odrasle. Tako da ako ste igrom slučaja u Štokholmu predlažem posjetu u tehničkom muzeju.
We went to the city to buy a suitcase for our Sweden trip. We are leaving on Tuesday and just realised that we don’t have enough suitcases.
After a.while we got hungry and thought let’s go eat in Karstadt because there was also a place for kids to play.
And then it happened. Adrian ran after Ada. He took a couple of steps not getting that he actually had walked. And then came this special face when he undestood that what he has done. He got this amazing wow effect and wanted more.
I find it so fascinating that no matter how difficult it is the children are persistent. They really have the mindset persistence beats resistance. A mindset I would love them to keep when they grow up. The room where the first steps where made/ Soba gdje je prve korake napravio
Otišli smo u grad da kupimo kofere za putovanje u Švedsku. Idemo u utorak i upravo smo primjetili da nam fali kofer.
Nakon nekog vremena u gradu smo ogladnili i odlučimo otići u Karstadt jer tamo ima mjesto za djecu da se igraju.
I u momentu se desi! Adrian potrča za Adom. Nekolika koraka je prešao a da nije ni skontao šta je uradio. I onda je onaj posebni izraz lica došao kad je shvatio veličinu njegovog uspjeha. Dobio je onaj posebni aha-efekat izraz i odmah je htio opet šetati.
Meni je to tako fascinantno kod djece da nebitno koliko je nešto teško oni uporno vježbaju. Stvarno imaju mentalitet “upornost pobijeđuje otpor“. To je način razmišljanja koji se ja nadam da će im ostati i kad odrastu.
Sounds like some candy but it isn’t.
It is actually my second try to diversify my savings. My main goal is to one day have 10 000 Euro passive income from different kinds of savings and investments.
For now I have invested mainly in stocks but I am now trying the P2P loans.
P2P loans is a peer-to-peer or people-to-people loans. That means you can take 100 euro and lend it out to people who need it. The interest is different depending on the person asking for the loan and the safety of the loan. I have tried two P2P companies: the Swedish Lendify and the Latvian Mintos that is oriented towards international clientele.
Lendify has nicer overview and interface but the problem with Lendify is that there are hardly any loans to invest in AND the loans are usually long term for a lower interest. Zvuči kao neka bombona, ali nije. To je ustvari moj drugi pokušaj da raspodijelim svoju štednju. Moj glavni cilj je da jednog dana dobijem 10 000 eura pasivnog prihoda od raznih štednjih i investicija. Za sada sam uglavnom uložila u dionice ali sam sad probala i P2P kredite. P2P krediti su krediti gdje osoba lično iznajmi svoj novac drugima kojima treba novac preko firme koja nije banka. Ja sam probala dvije P2P firme, švedsku Lendify i litvansku Mintos. Mintos je veća i orientira se prema internacionalnoj klienteli. Lendify ima ljepšu stranicu ali je problem kod njih što rijetko ima kredita za investiciju a i krediti obično traju duže, što znači da meni treba duže vremena da vratim svoj novac.
In Mintos there are loans where you can get 17.5 % (?) return on your money, but then the risk is quite high.
Here are some pictures of how it looks like, and if someone wants to open an account you can use my refer-a-friend code : HXVFTT at Who knows maybe we get something for it 🙂
U Mintos ima kredita na kojima možeš čak 17.5%(?) povratak na uloženi novac dobiti, ali je zato i rizik dosta veći. Evo ovdje par slika kako to izgleda i ako nekog nešto zanima oko toga ili ako hoće da otvori račun možete čak i moj kod HXVFTT na koristiti. Ko zna možda nešto i dobijemo 🙂