Pinocchio / Pinokio

After the hard stomachflu I thought Ada should do something fun.
I couldn’t find tickets for Frozen (she LOVES it) but I found tickets for Pinocchio and I thought that should be fine. It was Adas first musical and I was not sure how she would take it. She decided how she wanted to dress and one could see how important that was for her.
We were a little bit late because the first thing she did coming out of the apartment was to step in a pond getting wet so I had to go back and get new boots.
After arriving to the hall we speeded up and she fell INTO a pond and got completely wet and really sad. Typical!  I had to cover her with my jacket and during first act put her leggings on the radiators. Later she could again wear them.
How about Pinocchio? Ada loved the musical. It was made for children and many times children where laughing so much that I actually enjoyed that more than the musical 🙂
So next musical according to Ada is Frozen. I have to admit..I would also love to see it 🙂
Nakon stomačnog virusa smatrala sam da je Ada zaslužila nešto zanimljivo doživiti.
Nisam mogla naći karte za Ledenu Kraljicu (Ada je obožava) ali sam našla karte za Pinokia i smatrala sam da je to sasvim ok.
Bio je Adin prvi muzikal i nisam bila sigurna da li će joj se svidjeti. Odlučila je sama šta će obući i vidjelo se da joj je to bilo jako važno.
Malo som kasnile jer je je prva stvar koju je uradila kad smo izašle da uskoči u lokvu i morale smo se vratiti po nove čizme.
Kad smo stigle do sale požurile som i Ada je zapela i upala u lokvu.  Helanke su joj skroz mokre bile pa sam ih morala skinuti. Tako tipično i tako je postala tužna. Riješile smo to tako da sam je pokrila svojom jaknom dok su se helanke na radijatoru sušile. Već ih je nakon prvog čina mogla obući.
A Pinokio? Adi se muzikal pravo svidio. Napravljen je baš za djecu i toliko su se smijala da ih je bio merak ih slušati. Ustvari to mi je veće zadovoljstvo činilo nego sam muzikal:)
Ada je sad izjasnila da je slijedeći muzikal na koji ćemo ići Ledena kraljica. A mogu reći da bih ga i ja voljela vidjeti 🙂

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