Two days back, I had one of these bad days. First, the internet guy was supposed to come to us to get internet working. Someone called me on my cell phone, there was no number shown, I answered, the person didn´t say a thing and hang up. I was busy with Ada so I assumed it was a wrong call. Later during the day, I noticed that no one was coming and called then the O2. They told me the technician had already been here, but that I hadn´t been available (?) and he can offer another appointment the 10th of May. I started to argue, because I am so fed up with O2. For two months they are not delivering proper or rather any internet connection. I asked what will change if the guy comes the 10th. I was at home the whole day and he was not capable of ringing the bell on the door… If this continues I can wait until end of 2016 to internet.
The customer service guy got annoyed. He started with some stupid and bad excuses that I didn´t accept and he got mad and said he won´t discuss any more and hang up!!!!
I have never experienced that someone from a customer service line hangs up on me. I got so angry that in that moment I wanted to throw my cell phone in the wall and take the next flight to Sweden.
During the talk my dear daughter used the moment and peed on some of my things. In the evening when my poor husband came home VERY LATE I just was the worst partner ever. I hated the world.
And today, O2 calls and tells me they have an appointment to activate the internet the 12th of May.
Isn´t it funny how shameless a company (or a person) is when it comes to money?
Prije dva dana, imala sam jedan od onih dana kad je najbolje ostati u krevetu. Trebao je doci tehnicar da prikopca internet. Neko me zvao, bio je tajni broj, ja sam se javila i…nista. Osoba je spustila slusalicu i ja sam pretpostavila da je neko pogresno zvao jer sam bila zauzeta Adom.
Malo kasnije primjetim da niko nije dosao i nazvala sam O2. Rekli su mi da je tehnicar vec bio ovdje ali se nisam bila dostupna (?) i mogu mi ponuditi drugi termin 10.g maja. Ja sam pocela da diskutujem jer se apsolutno nisam tim slagala. Bila sam kod kuce citav dan i ko garantuje da nece tako biti i 10.g da tehnicar nije sposoban na vrata pozvoniti?
Covjek iz O2-a je postao iznerviran. Poceo je nekim glupim komentarima koje jednostavno nisam htjela prihvatiti i nisam popustila. On se naljutio i spustio mi slusalicu!!
To mi se jos nije u zivotu desilo!
U tom trenu sam samo htjela uzeti mobitel i od zid ga razbiti, sjesti na avion i otici za Svedsku.
Dok sam sa tim covjekom iz O2 diskutovala, Ada je iskoristila priliku da se po mojim vrijednim stvarima ispiski.
Navecer je moj muz dosao JAKO KASNO s posla, i imao je, ja mislim, najgoreg partnera na svijetu. Mrzila sam citav svijet.
A danas, me zovu iz O2 i pitaju ako hocu da dodju 12.g maja da aktiviraju internet.
Zar nije zanimljivo koliko su firme (ili ljudi) bezstidni kad se radi o parama?
Author: au
Inspiration children room / Inspiracija za djeciju sobu
We need to prepare a new room for Ada and we want it to be the perfect place for a child to play. Of course I started to check through the net and I found so many things that I would love to have. I am jealous at people that have this wonderful gift of making even a stone look beautiful and with tight budgets they make a room look like a fairy tale.
The one thing I learned though is that when furnishing the room there should be three colors that are used as a base and all other colors are then introduced by the decorations.
I think for Ada´s room we will use white, beige and…good question. I would like to have pink and my husband wants green. Probably in the end it will turn something as exciting as … grey 😛
Just loved this tent / Ovaj sator mi je genijalan.
Hocemo da pripremimo Adi djeciju sobu i hocemo da bude perfektno mjesto za igranje. Naravno, pocela sam da trazim inspiraciju po internetu i nasla sam toliko stvari koje bih voljela imati. Ljubomorna sam na ljude koje uspiju da naprave krasne stvari cak od obicnog kamena, tako da iako imalu malo para naprave sobe koje su kao iz bajke.
Jednu stvar sam se uglavnom naucila a to je da kad se soba uredjuje da trebas izabrati maksimalno tri boje koje su kao baza. A sve ostale boje se onda dekoracijom unesu.
Mislim da cemo u Adinoj sobi imati bijelu, bez i jos neku… ja sam za rozu, a muz za zelenu boju. Tako da ce najvjerovatnije na kraju ispasti nesto uzbudljivo poput … sive boje 😛
Mint water / Voda sa nanom (pepermintom)
I have seen cucumber, lemons and oranges and inside the water. Saw this in a magazine and thought how come I never did it when I am in Bosnia at my summer place? There I have different kinds of peppermint growing in my garden and I never really used it for anything except maybe tea. This is something I will definitely try this summer.
Mint water is simply water with a large bunch of fresh mint inside, chilled in the fridge, preferably in a closed bottle (keeps the mint taste better).
Vidjela sam krastavce, limun i narandze u vodi. Kad sam vidjela ovo u jednim novinama upitala sam se kako to da nikad nisam napravila vodu sa nanom kad sam bila u Bosni preko ljeta. Imamo tri vrste nane koja raste u dvoristu i nikad je nizasto nisam koristila osim mozda caja. Ovo cu definitivno probati ovog ljeta.
Voda sa nanom je jednostavno voda puna friske nane, ohladjena u frizideru. Po mogucnost u zatvorenoj flasi jer se bolje odrzi ukus nane.
pic. fr. here
Karlsruhe moving stress / Karlsruhe stres selidbe
First my husband waits for months to move to Karlsruhe and then suddenly it happens on a three days notice. Talk about stress. There where some guys from a company packing all the things and the whole apartment was cleared empty in one day. Like no one has ever lived there before. It felt quite sad. In Karlsruhe, the same guys should have unpacked but there where other guys that came instead. So now there are 90 packages with things and no one knows what is inside each of them. The kitchen is not set up yet, so some 50 packages cannot be unpacked. In any case it is for sure that one should move every couple of years to get rid of unnecessary things…
Prvo muz mjesecima ceka da se preseli za Karlsruhe i onda se odjednom sve desi u toku tri dana. Koji stres. Neki momci su iz neke firme citav stan bukvalno spakovali za dan. I ostao je stan kao da niko nikada tamo nije zivio. Osjecaj je bio pomalo tuzan. U Karlsruhe, isti momci su istovarili sve i trebali su da ispakuju sve…ali nisu tako da sad ima nekih 90 kutija i gdje nemamo pojma gdje su stvari. Kuhinja jos nije postavljena tako da nekih 50 paketa ne moze ispakovati. U svakom slucaju sam skontala da covjek svako malo treba da se seli da bi se nepotrebnih stvari rijesio…
What did we do before internet? / Sta smo radili prije interneta?
Yohoo, thanx to a surfstick that I finally bought ( why didn´t I buy it before? I am finally connected to the web again and I can read news 😀 (TV is not working arghhh) What did we do do before internet???Zahvaljujuci surfstick koju sam napokon kupila ( sto nisam prije?) napokon sam prikljucena na mrezi ponovo i mogu ponovo citati vijesti 😀 (TV ne radi argh) Sta smo radili prije interneta?
Anti heroes / Antiheroji
Yesterday, in the bus, Ada and I sat down next to an old man. He was talking in the phone like it was his living room. Loud and clear. Everyone could hear him. Unfortunately! Every second word he was mentioning the male organ and using f-k. I felt very uncomfortable when my daughter could here his bad language. I wondered in that moment should I tell a old man to watch his language? I feel it is somehow embarrassing to teach a 60+ year old man how to talk properly. What do you guys think?
Jucer, u autobusu, Ada i ja smo sjedile pokraj jednog starijeg covjeka. Pricao je preko mobitela kao da je u svojoj dnevnoj sobi. Glasno i jasno je pricao. Nazalost! Svaka druga mu je bila “Boli me k-c”, i jos dodatnih nasih psovki. Bilo mi je pravo neugodno zbog Ade da slusa tako jedan primitivan jezik. Razmisljala sam da li da se okrenem covjeku i kazem mu da malo pripazi jezik, ali mi je bilo nezgodno starijeg covjeka uciti kako da prica u javnost. Sta vi smatrate? Sta treba u takvom slucaju uraditit?
Best soup in Munich / Najbolja supa u Minhenu
Is the Maschau soup in the Afghani restaurant Nigin. It is delicious. I hadn´t been at Nigin for ages so it was really nice to go visit the place again. Definitively a place to eat lunch/ dinner if visiting Munich.Definitivno najbolja supa u Minhenu je po meni Maschau supa i afganskom restoranu. Nigin. Nisam tamo bila sto godina tako da je vrijeme bilo opet otici. Nigin je definitivno jedno mjesto za rucak/ veceru ako ste u posjeti u Minhenu.
A couple of days ago there was this horrifying information on the news. They said that 5835 refugee children are missing… only in Germany. Of these 555 children are under 14 years old. Many are supposed to have moved on to relatives in other countries.I still feel awkward that the authorities do not know where 5835 people are. Can you imagine a village just disappears in Germany and no one knows a thing about it? I find it horrifying.
Especially, when it is known that these children are very easy target to pedophiles as sex slaves, and other criminals using them as slaves or as organ donors. I do not know why but I feel quite uncomfortable with it. Imagine that one has seen one such child not even knowing it!
The police are trying to catch a couple of terrorists meanwhile thousands of children are gone.. in the middle Europe and no one knows where they are. Maybe they should rather try to find the children instead…
Prije nekoliko dana su na vijestima bile uzasne vijesti. Saznali smo da je samo u Njemackoj nestalo 5835 maloljetnika !!! Od tih su 555 ispod 14 godina. Mnoga djeca su, pretpostavlja se, nastavila svojoj rodbini u ostalim drzavama po EU, ali ipak mi se osjeca cudno da se ne zna gdje je 5835 ljudi. Zamislite da jedno selo tako nestane a niko ne zna gdje su. Meni je to strasno. Pogotovo kad se zna da su ova djeca vrlo lagana meta pedofilima i ostalim kriminalcima koji se bave robovlasnistvom ili trgovinom organa. Meni to daje jako neugodan osjecaj. Zamislite da ste vidjeli takvo jedno dijete? A ne znate. Policija probava uhvatiti par terorista dok je na hiljade djece nestali i to u sred Evrope a da niko ne zna gdje su. Mozda im je pametnije da nadju tu djecu.
Tommy Hilfiger
After a tough day yesterday with Ada having the fiever the whole day, I felt I need a couple of hours free today. These hours I spent with my friend Vindi in Schustermann:) Today was a Tommy Hilfiger day for me. Not only did I get two great t-shirts from her but I also bought a pair of cute pink Tommy Hilfiger platform sandals 🙂Nakon napornog jucerasnjega dana, kad je Ada citav dan imala temperaturu, osjecala sam da mi danas treba koji sat odmora. Ti par sati sam sa svojom dobrom prijateljicom Vindi provela u Schustermannu:) Za mene je danas bio pravi Tommy Hilfiger dan. Ne samo sto sam dobila prekrasne dvije Tommy Hilfiger od Vindi, nego sam i kupila preslatke roze Tommy Hilfiger platosandale.
Frustracija /Frustration
je kad kupis novi kompjuter, pa ti internet nestane 12 dana. Kad ti napokon internet proradi onda odjednom kompjuter nece da se prikopca na internet. Arghhhh!it is when one buys a new computer and the internet breaks done for 12 days. When that is finally fixed then suddenly my new computer doesn’t want to connect to the internet. Arghhhh 🙁