Despite our loss of grandmother, we all decided to have the wedding of my brother and his fiance. It was also the wish of our grandmother in case of her death not to cancel the wedding.
Wedding itself was wonderful as weddings always are. Although it was a little bit weird to see my brother to be the groom. At least he did well, I thought he will be much more nervous 😀
There were many beautiful moments but the highlights for me where
1. The photoshooting at the beutiful river Una (at River Doc in Ripac, close to Bihac) with the closest family. I didn´t even know there are so beautiful places in the world.
Odlucili smo, po zelji nase majke rahmetli, da u slucaju njezine smrti ipak moj brat i njegova zarucnica odrze vjencanje onako kako je planirano. Svadba je bila divna kao sto to svadbe (barem meni) budu. Jedino malo cudno meni je bilo gledati brata da se zeni. Ali moram reci da je bio dobar. Mislila sam da ce biti puno nervozniji 😀 Bilo je prelijepih momenata ali su meni vrhunski bili:
1. Slikanje na prelijepoj Uni (u River Doc u Ripcu, blizu Bihaca) sa najblizom familijom. Nisam ni znala da ima takve ljepote u Bosni.
2.The group “KUD Grmec” of youngsters dancing traditional Bosnian folklore. The guests joined the dance and Ada danced “kolo” for the first time in her life. 2. Prvo Adino kolo! Grupa “K.U.D Grmec” sa mladima koji su tradicionalno bosansko kolo plesali pa kad su se gosti pridruzili Ada je naravno isto htjela plesati.
3.The “gypsy troubadours” playing gypsy music. I guess no one can get people to dance as they do. I also didn´t know they are living entirely of the tip the guests are giving.3. Romski trubaduri. Niko ne moze dici raju na noge kao oni. Nisam znala da zive samo od baksisa.
I knew it was the last time we saw each other when I was at the hospital in Skövde. Her will for life was broken. I prefer to remember her the way she was. Always had a smile on her face despite the hard life she has lived. She was grateful for all the things she had. Especially for her grandchildren and the beauty of seing the grandchildrens children. I remember a couple of things she always said and after 50 years of marriage and 9 children I guess she knew what she talked about. never ever allow anyone to hurt or hit you and 2. Take care of your husband. The children will one day move out and live their own life and you will stay alone with your husband. Take care of him because he is the one thay will take care if you when you are alone. I asked her do you regret anything and she said no. Such peace it must be regretting nothing. Even if it hurts I feel relieved that your suffering is gone. As I said I prefer to remember good things. Here is one of my favorite pictures of us.Znala sam da je to bio nas posljedni sastanak kad sam je posjetila u bolnici u Skövdeu. Volja za zivotom je u njoj bila slomljena. Ipak hocu da je se sjecam onakvu kakva je prije toga bila. Uprkos teskom zivotu uvijek je bila nasmijana. Pogotovo kad su joj unucad dolazila. I praunucad. Bila je zahvalna za sve dobre stvari u zivotu, a lose je nekako dobro prebrodila. Bila je i ponosna sto je svu svoju djecu iznijela na pravi put. Pitala sam je da li se kajala za nesto sto je uradila ili sto nije uradila. Odgovorila mi je da nije. Koji dusevni mir! Sjecam se najvise dvije stvari sto je uporno nama ponavljala. 1. Nikad, nikad ne dozvolite da vas neko fizicki ili psihicki maltretira i 2. Cuvajte muza jer ce on vas cuvati kad vam djeca odu iz kuce. Iako mi je zao i tesko isto tako osjecam olaksanje za majku jer se ne mora vise patiti. Kao sto sam rekla hocu da mi ostane u lijepom sjecanju. Ovo mi je jedna od omiljenih slika sa njom.
One thing I love to do when I am on vacation is to dream about all the things I want to do, all the places I want to see, people I want to meet, things I want to experience and so on. I reflect about my life and the way I want to live it. I love to read positive energy giving books about mental health and today I read two things worth noting.
1. It is very helpful to write down your own goals and wishes that you have. Your goals in private life, your goals at work and so on separately from each other. Once you know exactly what you want you are yourself able to form your life the way you want and not the way someone else wants.
2. Every Sunday evening one should have a “meeting ” with itself. One should plan what things you want to do to get closer to your goal and make a specific list of the tasks.
Next Sunday at the “meeting with yourself” you will then have black on white things you wanted to do, what you actually did and what you didn’t do. For the things you didn’t do you write “NOTHING”. You will then see what you have missed, and you will be able to find out what and why you have missed. Keeping a track of the things you do you will have a record and also get motivated to do things and to improve your well being.
If you have one “NOTHING” that would be fairly normal, 2-3 NOTHINGS you are probably drifting off and won´t be able to fulfill your goals unless you focus more at your task, and with more than 3 NOTHINGS you probably should re-analyze, re-think and re-plan your strategy to get back in the game.
Here are some examples of the different goals one can work more specific at. / Par prijedloga na ciljeve na kojima mozes specificno raditiKad sam na odmoru volim razmisljati o svom zivotu i svojim zeljama. Sta hocu da dozivim, koja nova mjesta da posjetim, koje ljude da sretnem, knjige da citam itd. Razmisljam o zivotu i kako bih ga voljela zivjeti. Volim citati pozitivne knjige koje daju novu energiju bas u toj oblasti. Danas sam procitala dvije interesantne stvari koje vjerujem, ako se tacno urade, mogu promijeniti ili usmjeriti nacin zivota u pozitivnom smjeru.
Mnogo pomaze kad svoje zelje i ciljeve napises na papir. Ciljeve mozes podijeliti u razne oblasti zivota u privatnom zivotu, poslovnom, ekonomske ciljeve, zdravstvene itd. Kad znas tacno sta zelis onda mozes i da svoj zivot tako promijenis da tebi pase i da ga ti zivis onako kako hoces a ne onako kako ga neko drugi zeli.
Svake nedjelje navecer treba imati “sastanak” sam sa sobom. Treba sam za sebe izplanirati stvari koje hoces uraditi da bi se priblizio svoj cilju i napraviti jednu specificnu listu zadataka koje trebas slijedece sedmice rijesiti.
Slijedece nedjelje tako kad opet imas sastanak sa sobom imas crno na bijelo sta si htjela uraditi i sta si stvarno uradila i sta nisi uradila.
Za stvari koje nisi uradila napises ”NISTA”. Vidis dobro sta si uradila i saznaces sta nisi uradila i zasto nisi uradila. Kad pises tako sve stvari koje radis imaces listu koja te motivise da jos vise uradis za svoje dobro.
Ako imas jedno ”NISTA” to bi bilo prilicno normalno, 2-3 ”NISTA” vec indicira da se malo gubis i da tako neces ispuniti svoje ciljeve ako se ponovo ne fokusiras na svoje ciljeve i zadatke. Sa vise od 3 ”NISTA” trebala bi ponovo analizirati, razmisliti i planirati novu strategiju da bi se vratila nazad u igru.
Today, I woke up to a rather stormy weather. I thought I will get sad about missed opportunity of sunbathing but au contraire. It turned out I needed a day off the beach and a day connected to the internet. I had some bills to deal with and I felt I wanted to sit more intense and write down many things that are keeping rolling in my mind. My brain starts to spin at light speed sometimes and then writing or reading are the best things that cools my brain down. And with this view it ain´t too bad to just relax such a day 😀Danas, sam se probudila uz prilicno nevrijeme. Mislila sam da ce mi biti malo krivo zbog profulane prilike za suncanje i kupanje ali upravo je bilo obratno. Ispalo je na kraju da mi je trebao dan “odmora” od plaze i dan kad imam dostup internetu. Imala sam par racuna za platiti i htjela sam malo intenzivnije se posvetiti i zapisati dosta stvari koje mi se trenutno vrte u glavi. Ponekad mi mozak krene trista na sat pa mi je jedini nacin da se smirim da pisem ili da citam. I sa ovakvim pogledom nije bas da mi je bilo lose 😀
Yesterday we reached our next destination Pag. On the way we took the ferry tl the Island of Pag which was highly appreciated by Ada. First thing we did when arriving to the city of Pag was to take a refreshing bath in the sea. That must be one of the greatest things one can do after a road trip a really hot summerday. (P.s isn’t Ensars hair just too wonderful?)Jucer smo stigli na nasu slijedecu destinaciju Pag. Isli smo trajektom sto se jako svidjelo Adi. Prvu stvar sto smo uradili kad smo stigli je bilo kupanje u moru. To mora biti jedna od najboljih stvari koju mozes uraditi nakon jednog duzeg puta po velikim vrucinama. (P.s zar nije friz od Ensara predobar ?)
…but you check her teeth up before you buy her. I couldn’t sleep this night and in the middle of the night I suddenly remember my late grandfather saying these words ” a cow is a cow but check her teeth up before buying her”. Great quote actually considering that it has described the essence of sexual selection. First time I heard it I cried of laughter, especially since my grandfather was drop dead serious about it. He wanted me to be careful which boy to choose when the “time was right for marriage, and not even to talk about the time for children”. I must say I considered him almost crazy when I heard it. However thinking about it though, years to come proved him right ( even though, I admit, it does sound sooo harsch and kind of extreme). In the end it all comes to health. My wealth, childrens health, your partners health, your families health, your husbands families health and so on. You just need one ill person in the (extended) family and the whole family is involved and experiencing constant stress that in worst case tears families apart. So I guess, to make your own future life easier it is not a bad thing to practice when looking for a partner… no matter how weird and calculating it sounds. …pa se gledaju zubi kad se kupuje. Ne mogu da spavam i iz vedra neba se sjetih mog “babe” (dido, ali su ga svi zvali babo) rahmetli kad mi je rekao to mrtav ozbiljan. “Krava je krava pa se gledaju zubi kad se kupuje”. Htio je da pripazim koga budem izabirala kad bude vrijeme za ozbiljnu vezu (udaju) a da ne pricam o mojoj buducoj djeci. Kad sam ovu izreku prvi put cula plakala sam od smijeha koliko je to meni bilo smijesno i apsurdno. Priznajem, smatrala sam “babu” malo cak i otkacenim da tako nesto kaze. Ali cinjenica je da je ta izreka ustvari opisala srz seksualne selekcije. Prodjose godine, ” babe” vec dugo nema, ali se ispostavilo da je bio u pravu. Jer se na kraju sve svede na zdravlje. Moje zdravlje, zdravlje djece, partnera/ muza/zene. Zdravlje njegove/ njezine familije itd. Dovoljna je jedna bolest u (siroj) familiji, da svi budu pod stresom. Tenzije koje nastaju su dovoljne da razore i najjacu familiju. Tako da, koliko to god zvucilo cudno, okrutno i izracunato, stvarno na kraju ispadne da je babo bio u pravu. Ako hoces da olaksas svoj buduci zivot (naravno ne mozes nikad biti 100% siguran) onda treba dobro gledati koga ces izabrati kao buduceg zivotnog partnera.
There is one thing one learns to appreciate when you are a parent and that is THE “me- time”. That is the time where you are entirely deciding what you want to do without a small saboteur running around and calling you every two seconds. In this moment Ada is at home with Ensar for a power nap. Meanwhile I took a cooling bath and now I am thinking about what stocks I can buy next. For me that is resting time 🙂 Jednu stvar sto naucis cijeniti kao roditelj je vrijeme kad ostanes sam(a). Kad mozes da sam odlucis sta ces bez da jedan mali saboter trckara oko nogu nonstop zivkajuci te. U ovom trenu su Ensar i Ada kod kuce. Ada bi trebala spavati. A ja sam se iskupala, i uz to imam cak vremena razmisljati i planirati koje slijedece dionice da kupim. To je pravi odmor 🙂
On the way to Pag, we managed to arrive to Crikvenica before Ada had her burst out and wanted to get out of the car. So we decided to stay here for the night.
The first thing she said was that she wants to see the sea and then when saw it she immediately jumped into the water to (and we did arrive quite late around 20.30-21.00 h) . She really loves water and has wonderful laugh when she plays. I get overflown by happiness when I watch her being so childishly happy while playing in the water. Na putu prema Pagu uspijeli smo doci do Crikvenice kad je Ada dobila mali ispad energije i nije vise htjela sjediti u autu. Izasli smo i prvo sto je Ada uradila je rekla da hoce da “ode na more” i otisla do vode i pocela se brckati, a prilicno smo kasno dosli (20.30-21h). Preplavi me sreca kad je vidim kako bude djeciji sretna kad se kupa.
Long time ago a couple of girlfriends where discussing what we wanted of the future man. Mostly, it was that he should be tall, well trained, blond, brown, educated and so on. I remember I said that I wanted someone I can argue with. I don’t know why I said it, but I really meant it. I guess I know I am not too simple a person to live with :p Then I met a person that I could argue with. Today it is 7 years since we married. We have had our share of disagreements but also great moments and a wonderful daughter. Who would have thought that long ago when we first met as students:) Nekad davno smo ja i par prijateljica diskutovale kakav treba muskarac da bude. Vecina ih je govorila hoce visokog, istreniranog, plavih ili neke ipak radije hoce smedjih ociiju. Trebao je biti skolovan, zaradjivati i.t.d. Ja se sjecam da sam rekla da hocu nekog s kim se mogu svadjati. Ne znam zasto sam to rekla ali sam to stvarno mislila. Vjerovatno zato sto znam da sam malo “teska” :p
Uglavnom sretoh tako osobu sa kojom mogu da se “posvadjam”. Vec 7 godina smo vjencani i imali smo svojih ratova a i fantasticnih momenata. Imamo i jednu prekrasnu kcerku. Ko bih rekao da ce tako biti davne godine kad smo se kao studenti sreli..:)
After a month and a half in Sweden, with a short trip in Iceland in between, me and Ada where again on the road…or rather up in the air.
The most important of this trip was that I have said good bye to my grandmother. I hope I will see her again, but in the bad shape she is in I do not believe I will. She is getting worse for each day and it is very depressing to see a her deteriorate. Here is one of the last pictures that I probably have with her. Nakon mjesec i po dana u Svedskoj, sa kratkim putovanjem za Island, ja i Ada smo opet bili na putu
Najvaznije sto sam obavila ovog putovanja je da sam vidjela moju majku i da smo se mogle pozdraviti. Nadam se da cu je opet vidjeti ali tesko. Svakim danom je sve gora i gora. Deprimirajuci je gledati je kako se “raspada”. Ovo je jedna od zadnjh slika sto imam od nje. Last couple of days have been quite hard. Since I was leaving I had to clean the whole apartment. I had to sort out tons of things. I am still tired of that work but I feel quite satisfied having finally done it. I also cannot thank my family enough because they have been there to help me.
Ada suddenly got very calm while I was clearing up some things. I now know why… Zadnjih par dana su bili dosta naporni. Posto idem morala sam citav stan ocistiti. Tako da smo tonu stvari sortirali i ocistili. Jos uvijek sam umorna od toga, ali sam zadovoljna sto smo to uradili. Ne mogu se dovoljno zahvaliti mojoj familiji sto su mi pomogli. Dok sam sredjivala neke stvari Ada se fino umirila…
Here are some pics from the time we spent together with the family. / Par slika od vremena sto smo zajedno proveli.
And finally a pic from our flight to Karlsruhe. We landed in Berlin- Tegel airport. We were flying with a propeller airplane and I thought it was fun that during the flight I couldn´t see them but in the picture they could be seen.
I noticed there was a difference in service between Norwegian air and Air Berlin. I definitely prefer Norwegian, except that me and Ada liked the chocolate heart we got from Air Berlin. Isli smo preko Berlina-Tegel u Karlsruhe. Isli smo sa propeler avionom i zanimljivo mi je bilo da se ne vide u letu, ali kad se uslikaju onda se vide.
Dalje sam primjetila razliku u posluzi izmedju Norwegian Air i Air Berlin. Definitivno su prijatni iz Norwegian, osim sto se na kraju leta dobije ukusno cokoladno srce od Air Berlin.