Happy 7th anniversary / 7 godina braka

Long time ago a couple of girlfriends where discussing what we wanted of the future man. Mostly, it was that he should be tall, well trained, blond, brown, educated and so on. I remember I said that I wanted someone I can argue with. I don’t know why I said it, but I really meant it. I guess I know I am not too simple a person to live with :p Then I met a person that I could argue with.  Today it is 7 years since we married. We have had our share of  disagreements but also great moments and a wonderful daughter. Who would have thought that long ago when we first met as students:)2016-07-25 23.10.36 Nekad davno smo ja i par prijateljica diskutovale kakav treba muskarac da bude. Vecina ih je govorila hoce visokog, istreniranog, plavih ili neke ipak radije hoce smedjih ociiju. Trebao je biti skolovan, zaradjivati i.t.d. Ja se sjecam da sam rekla da hocu nekog s kim se mogu svadjati. Ne znam zasto sam to rekla ali sam to stvarno mislila. Vjerovatno zato sto znam da sam malo “teska” :p

Uglavnom sretoh tako osobu sa kojom mogu da se “posvadjam”. Vec 7 godina smo vjencani i imali smo svojih ratova a i fantasticnih momenata. Imamo i jednu prekrasnu kcerku. Ko bih rekao da ce tako biti davne godine kad smo se kao studenti sreli..:)

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