Coolest hospital room / Interesantna bolnička soba

And then it happen. Ada fell and got hurt so we had to go to the hospital. It was nothing bad but worth checking up. Usually hospitals are quite boring, but here they had painted the rooms I just had to take pictures. Wonderful idea that doesn´t cost that much but means a lot for the small patients. I find it should be done in all hospitals. Cute isn´t it 😀

I tako se desi. Ada je pala i tako se udarila da smo otišli u bolnici da provjerimo da je sve ok. Srećom nije ništa opasno. Inače su sobe bolničke pravo deprimirajuće ali ovdje su prelijepo ih ofarbali.. Prekrasna ideja koja ne košta puno a puno znači za te male pacijente. Svaka bolnica bi trebala ovako nešto uraditi. Zar nije slatko 😀

Lightshow at the castle / Šou svjetla na palači

For some time I was planning to go to the light show at the castle (Badisches Landesmuseum) in Karlsruhe. It starts at 20h and ends around 00.15h. However, we happened to be in the garden of the castle waiting for Ensar to come and pick us up and he was quite late so when he finally arrived we thought we stay and watch a bit of it until Ada gets tired.
It was magical!!
I love light shows in general so I could sit and watch for hours. To have this idea what to show, which music, which effects it is all such a beautiful science.
I cordly recommend to watch this show and the best is that the entrance is free!20160923_200422 20160923_200434 20160923_200527 Neko vrijeme već planiram da odem na šou svijetlosti na palači (Badski Državni Muzej) u Karlsruhe. Počinje u 20h i traje do 00.15 h. Ada i ja smo čekale Ensara da dođe po nas ali je dosta kasnio tako da kad je napokon došao (a Ada je bila tip top budna) odlučili smo da ostanemo i pogledamo barem dio šoa.
Bilo je magično. Inače volim šouove svjetlosti i mogla bih ih satima sjediti i gledati. Samo ta ideja kako isplanirati sve, koju muziku, koji efekat. Meni je to čitava nauka. Definitivno za preporučiti a još najbolje u svemu tome je da je džabe.


The Human Experiment / Ljudski eksperiment

Previously writing about the gynecomastia made me interested in the changes in the bodies of grown ups and children. I found a very interesting and disturbing documentary at Netflix, called “The human experiment”. Everyone should watch it and reflect about it.
It is scary to the point that it shows how chemicals for decades are stored in our bodies and affect us in ways we do not even know of. Just the fact that there is an increase of leukemia or life threatening birth defects, problems to reproduce and so on in last 45 years (in the movie it shows the facts for USA) makes me uneasy. I do now want to risk my or my child´s life when sitting in the sofa, or touching plastics, eating “wrong” food, brushing my teeth with “wrong” toothpaste and so on.
The movie forced me to start thinking about my way of life and I am now trying to leave a smaller footprint on this planet and to think more about things I buy for the sake of Ada.
If you are interested in more information about safe products  you can get it at the human experiment webpage.the-human-experimentKako sam prije pisala o ginekomastiji , to me zainteresovalo u razlog zašto dolazi do promijena kod odraslih i djece. Pogledala sam jedan jako dobar dokumentarni na Netflixu koji se zove “The human experiment”, ili u prevodu “Ljudski eksperiment”. Svi bi ga trebali pogledati i malo razmisliti o njemu.
Strašan je jer opisuje kako se kemikalije decenijama slažu u našim tijelima i utiču  na načine koje su nama još uvijek nepoznati. Ali sama ta činjenica da je , u zadnjih 45 godina (u filmu prikazuju podatke iz Amerike) toliko povećanje dječije leukemije, opasnih po životu urođenih mana, problemi sa reprodukcijom itd. me čini malo nelagodnom.
Neću da rizikujem moj ili od mog djeteta život samo zato što sjedim na sofi, ili što dirnem plastiku, što jedem “pogrešnu” hranu, što perem zube pogrešnim kaladontom itd. Uglavnom, film me natjerao da razmislim malo o svom načinu života i počela sam se truditi da što više mislim na te stvari , na šta kupujem ako ništa zbog Ade i njezine budućnosti.
Ako hoćete da više o sigurnim produktima pročitate možete ući na webstranicu “the human experiment“.

To my daughter / Mojoj kcerki

This morning Ada woke up at 5.30h. That is fine, she fell asleep around 19h which is way to early for her. She was playing nicely until 8h but then she realized she has to go to kindergarten and then the hell broke loose. She was crying and crying and wanted to be with me. It was quite intresting to watch her try to get her will through.
Funny thing is once she is in kindergarten she really enjoys it. Reminds me of me when I have to do sports. I hate to go TO the sports club, but once I am there I really do enjoy it :/
In situations like this one would just love to get back to bed and wake up another day when you have a sunshine instead of a screaming monster…221071-to-my-daughter-who-likes-to-argue-with-mePrevod: Mojoj kcerci koja voli da raspravlja sa mnom. Sta mislis odakle imas svoj stav. Odustani od toga. Imam decenije vise iskustva nego ti 😀

Jutros se Ada probudila oko 5.30h. Ok je, jer je zaspala oko 19h sto je prepre prerano za nju. Lijepo se igrala do 8h dok nije skontala da mora u vrtic i tad je krenulo sve u vraga. Plakala je koliko je mogla i govorila kako hoce da bude sa mnom. Bilo mi je onako prilicno zanimljivo gledati kako pokusava da svoju volju provede.
Zanimljivo je isto, sto joj bude lijepo kad dodje u vrtic. Podsjeca me malo na mene i kad trebam ici na trening. Mrzim ICI do treninga, ali kad sam na mjestu onda mi bude fino.
U ovim situacijama bih se najradije samo vratila u krevet, odspavala i probudila neki drugi dan kad je Ada malo sunce a ne vristajuci monstrum…

That feeling… / Onaj osjecaj

When the daughter, after have been suspiciously silent, calls me to her room to show me “the beautiful painting she has made” ?20160917_090924Kad me kcerka, nakon sto je bila jako mirna, zove u sobu da mi pokaze “prelijepu sliku sto je crtala”… ?

Organized lounging / Organizovano lijencarenje

I am lately feeling tired. Really tired. I started to long to just lay down and relax.  I had this feeling for a couple of days and then yesterday I came up with this simple but grandious idea. Why not simple BOOK a massage or a facial treatment. I love massage,  I love facial treatments so first I booked a massage and thought ah what the hell, I want a facial too. Booked and done I went for the facial today. Must say I LOVE this kind of “organized lounging” in life 😀20160915_141123Osjecam se u zadnje vrijeme umorno. Pravo umorno. Pocela sam sanjati o tome da se samo pruzim i odmorim. I tako vec danima razmisljam o tome i onda sam dosla na tu grandioznu ideju da umjesto sanjanja jednostavno narucim vrijeme za masazu ili za tretman lica. Obozavam masaze i obozavam tretmane za lice tako da sam prvo narucila vrijeme za masazu i onda sam pomislila ma kojeg vraga idem i na i tretman za lice. I tako ti ja danas odem na tretman lica. Pravo volim ovo organizovano lijencarenje 😀

Shopping / Šoping

Tonight, Ada woke up around 3.00h, pretty fit, and then around 4 and 5, where after she fell asleep and was sleeping completely knocked out until late 8.00 o´clock. Leaving her in the kindergarten I just felt I need some facial mask for my swollen, tired face. So I went for a walk in the city and bought more than I had intended. Of course I couldn´t resist to buy some things to Ada also.
In LUSH  I bought a bath bomb (Ickle baby bot) for Ada because she loves bathing. I also got myself a facial mask the “Oatifix” that is supposed to be 100% natural. It felt good on the skin so I have to try it on my face. I also got a test package of the facial mask “Gorgeous“. Funny, how small “gifts” like this make a costumer happy. Some of the things I bought for Ada 😀
Ada se sinoć oko 3h probudila, pa oko 4h pa oko 5h kad je i zaspala i onda smo je jedva oko 8h probudili. Nakon što sam je ostavila u vrtiću sam osjetila da mi je potrebna (fol pomaže) maska za moje nateknuto, umorno lice. I tako sam prošla kroz grad i nakupovala sam se stvari. Više nego što sam planirala. A nisam mogla odoliti da i ne kupim Adi nešto.
U LUSH sam joj kupila bombu za kupanje jer Ada obožava kupanje. Sebi sam uzela masku „Oatfix“ koja je ko biva 100% prirodna bez dodataka. Dobro se osjećala na koži pa sam kontala haj da probam i na lice. Dobila sam i probno pakovanje maske „Gorgeous“. Zanimljivo kako mali „poklončići“ učine kupca sretnim. Evo na slici par slika što sam Adi uzela 😀

I also wanted to try the natural cosmetics and saw the Alverde brand from DM and thought let´s try that. Well, I needed a night cream and wanted to try the Lavera one. Which creams do you prefer?moj-poklonHtjela sam probati prirodnu šminku i izabrala sam Alverde marku u DM:u  za probavanje. Trebala mi je i noćna krema pa sam našla neku novu od Lavere koju ću isto probati. Koje vi kreme koristite?

I also found a Decleor aromessence serum IRIS for the face that I wanted to try so now I am full equiped for some time to challenge my wrinkles  😛
decleorNašla sam isto Decleor aromessence serum IRIS za lice koje sam htjela probati i sada imam punu opremu u borbi protiv bora 😛

Last but not the least. I found this cool video of how to make the bath bombes yourself. Maybe something for the handy ones 😀
I za kraj sam našla ovaj cool video za one koje same hoće da probaju napravit ove bombice za kupanje.  

Art / Umjetnost

Last week Ada brought home her first painting in aquarelle that she had made in the kindergarten. I must say I was quite impressed of the painting. Since, this weekend we needed some things from THE IKEA I decided to buy a frame and frame the painting. I must say it turned out better than I thought. And Ada, she was soo proud of it 😀
adino-remekdjeloProsle sedmice je Ada kuci donijela svoju prvu sliku od akvarel boja koju je uradila u vrticu. Moram reci da sam bila odusevljena slikom. A posto smo ove sedmice morali ici u Ikeu , kupila sam ram i uramila sliku. Ispala je bolja nego sto sam mislila. A Ada je bila takooo ponosna 😀


Seeing one woman at the bathhouse in burkini it reminded me of that lately, there have been so many discussions about whether women are allowed to wear burkinis at the beach or not.
I find the discussion quite remarkable. It would be much wiser to discuss things like for example how we are going to improve the world for our children.
I find it fantastic that someone has come up with the idea to make a burkini so that women around the would actually can come and bath at public places which has been restrained until now. It finally gets women out to bath in public places.
It is quite an embarrassing discussion for Europe, especially when half the world already wears these kind of suits for years to avoid the sun burn, or when divers come in their wet suits or the chinese with their “facekinis”.
We have become so proud of and sure of our “democratic values” that we without blinking erase other people’s human rights because we feel it is not following “our standard” and thus we have the right to “protect” our way of life or even our “freedom and thus democracy”. The freedom and the democracy turns out to be the freedom only for people thinking exactly the way we think, dress exactly the way we dress, believing exactly what we believe in and so on…
Kad sam vidjela zenu u burkiniju na bazenu, to me podsjeti kako je u zadnje vrijeme bilo prilicno puno diskusija oko toga da li zene smiju nositi burkinije na plazi ili ne. Meni je ta diskusija prilicno nevjerovatna. Pametnije bi bilo da se diskutuje kako poboljsati svijet za nasu djecu.
Meni je fantasticno da je neko dosao na ideju da napravi burkini tako da zene sirom svijeta napokon mogu da se pridruze kupanju na javnim mjestima.
Diskusija sama je nekako i sramotna za Evropu, pogotovo kad pola svijeta vec godinama nosi takav outfit da izbjegnu pocrnuti. Ronioci nose ronilacka odijela koja su daleko uza od burkinija, kinezi nose svoje “facekinije” itd.
Postali smo tako ponosni i sigurni u nase “demokratske “ vrijednosti da smo bez da trepnemo drugim ljudima uskratili osnovna ljudska prava jer se ne oblace po nasim “standardima” i zbog toga imamo kao biva odmah pravo da svoj nacin zivota ili cak nasu “slobodu i samim tim demokratiju” na svaki moguci nacin “branimo”. Tako se “sloboda i demokratija” vrlo brzo pretvore u slobodu koju imaju samo ljudi koji isto misle, koji se isto oblace, isto vjeruju i tako dalje…facekini
Facekini the new fashion for Europe? / Facekini nova moda za Evropu?
Pic / Artickle fr. here / Slika i clanak odavde

Pic fr. here