Gynecomastia / Ginekomastia

Yesterday, I went swimming with Ada. It was really nice. She was diving (not holding her nose) and she has absolutely no fear of water.
Something that caught my eyes at the bathhouse this time… again… and has actually caught my eyes more often lately is that I see many young boys with breasts?? I have noticed that boys have become much thicker than a couple of years ago but now they have obtained breasts like girls get…when they are in adolescence! I find it disturbing.
I have read that to some extent that is normal, but I do not buy that suddenly so many boys have breasts at age of 9-10 years. I feel something is wrong there.  I thus talked with a friend, who´s a medical doctor, about it and he also agreed that there are more boys with breasts. He also believes that a big reason for this is the food we are eating!
We agreed that children are thicker today than 20-30 years ago. This increased fat is distributed for storage in the whole body including breasts.
The reason is probably the food we are eating!
The meat we eat today (that is not grown in ecological way) like chicken, cattle, pork and other kind of meat sources are filled with different hormones, including estrogen, to make these animals grow as fast as possible. These hormones then come into our bodies and make for sure quite an impact on small bodies that are under development.
We should take this threat seriously and this should be much more (professionally) discussed and researched about than it is today. Just to say that it is normal for a boy to have breasts when even a layman as me sees a difference at the streets is for me scaring.
For me,for a start, it seems that if one has children (or for yourself) that it is better to let them eat no meat at all, if one cannot afford ecological meat, than to give them any kind of “cheap”, mass produced hormone stuffed meat on the table. .types-or-grades-of-gynecomastiaJucer smo Ada i ja isle na bazen. Bilo je pravo lijepo. Ronila je, bez da se drzi za nos, i nikako se ne boji vode.
Jednu stvar sto sam na bazenu primjetila i primjecujem sve vise u zadnje vrijeme kako sam vise bila po bazenima je da jako mnogo djecaka ima dojke kao sto curice dobiju u pubertetu.
Citala sam da je do neke mjere to normalno, ali kad toliko djecaka ima dojke u dobi od nekih 9-10 godina meni to onda ne djeluje bas normalno.
Pricala sam o tome sa jednim prijateljem, ljekarom, koji je primjetio isti fenomen.
Slozili smo se da su djeca deblja danas nego prije 20-30 godina. Povecana kolicina masnoce se raspodijeli po tijelu i dio toga se slegne u dojkama kod djecaka.
Isto tako vjeruje da je velika vjerovatnoca da je to od hrane koju jedemo.
Npr. zivotinje koje jedimo su tovljene hormonima poput estrogena, da bi sto brze rasli. Ti hormoni ulaze u tijelo i poremete sistem tih malih tijela koji se razvijaju
Vjerujem da je ovo samo pocetak i da ove stvari profesionalci moraju puno vise diskutovati i izucavati. Reci da je normalno za djecaka da ima dojke kad i laik poput mene vidi da je znatno povecan broj ovoga kod djecaka je cisto ignorisanje situacije.
Za mene djeluje, da ako imas djecu (a i za sebe) da je bolje ne dati da jedu meso (ili bilo sta) koje nije ekoloskog porijekla nego da jedu bilo kakvo „jeftino“ meso koje je masovno producirano i puno hormona…

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