Update Ada´s stocks October / Ažuriranje Adini dionica Oktobar

In October I bought Ada 2 H&M and 5 Axfood stocks for her child benefit (and dividends from Sagax Pref). I should have waited some time to buy it because the prices have fallen however my goal is to keep the stocks the next 20 years so small deviations in price, as long as the dividends keep coming in, are not such a big deal. For these 7 stocks she should get some 44 kr additional dividend per year.
Since, Ada also has a couple of Sagax Pref stocks she could join the new emission program. She will get (only) 2 Sagax D stocks and I decided not to join the 400 stock program offered by Avanza. Since, I am still in charge of our stocks I can always transfer or buy 200 stocks later on if I feel that makes sense. Let´s see what future decides. Looking at this diagram though I for sure have to weight her portfolio so some markets are not so exposed.  ada-aktie-oktoberOvog mjeseca sam kupila 2 H&M  5 Axfood dionica za Adin dječiji doplatak i od dividende koju je dobila od Sagax Pref dionica. Trebala sam pričekati sa kupovinom jer su cijene pale, ali u drugu ruku mi je cilj da ove dionice slijedećih 20 godina držim tako da su male devijacije u kursu manje više nebitne dok god dividenda redovno ulazi na račun.  Za ovih 7 dionica bi trebala dobiti oko 44kr dodatno dividende godišnje.
Kako Ada isto ima Sagax Pref dionice tako je i ona mogla u novoj emisiji dionica da sudjeluje i dobiće tim 2 dionice od Sagax D. Nisam je prijavila u program koji Avanza nudi da kupi 400 novih Sagax D. Pošto sam ja ta što vodi račun o našim dionicama osjećam da ako baš bude dobra prilika mogu uvijek ili pokloniti joj 200 komada od naših Sagax D dionica ili kupiti neki manji broj direktno sa berze. Vidjećemo šta budućnost odluči. Kad vidim ovaj diagram u svakom slučaju vidim da moram portfolio malo bolje raspodijeliti da ne budu
Kako vama ide štednja?


Drink and drive! / Pij i vozi!

I just read about a study that showed how important it is to drink water before driving a car. Even a slight dehydration can decrease the concentration and have the same impact as alcohol.
In first test men where drinking water the day before and the same day as the test drive. They made in average 47 mistakes by driving.
In the second test these men the water was restricted and they where slightly dehydrated. They made in average 101 mistakes. Just as a comparison this is the same number of average mistakes a drunk driver with a 0.8 Promille in blood is doing. So think about it next time you drive!27c1de2000000578-3045542-image-a-27_1429488313631
Upravo pročita o studiji što je pokazala koliko je bitno piti vodu prije nego sjednemo za volan. Čak i mala dehidracija može da bitno smanji koncentraciju.
U prvom testu su muškarci pili dosta vode dan prije i na isti dan test vožnje. U prosjeku su griješili 47 puta.
U drugom testu su pili malo vode i bili su malo dehidrirani. U prosjeku su griješili čak 101 put. Može se to porediti sa istim brojem prosječnih grešaka što uradi osoba sa 0.8 promila alkohola u krvi.
Tako da slijedeći put kad budete sjeli za volan prvo se dobro napijte vode!

1.st step towards more efficency – Think on paper / 1.i korak prema višoj efikasnost – Misli na papiru

According to the “Eat that Frog book”  only 3% of all people actually have their goals written down on paper. However, these 3% of the people on the other hand accomplish five to ten times (!) as much as people of equal or better education and ability but who, for whatever reason, have never taken their time to write down their goals.
THAT is pretty amazing I find… but also logic.
So the first step in getting more efficient is obviously to make yourself clear of what your goals and wishes really are. We need clarity and once we have that we can work specifically on our goals…
This sounds so simple but the fact that only 3 % can write down their specific goals tells me that it takes tiiiime to finish that list…
So I decided it to be my next project!
Make a goal / wish list for different parts of my life. Maybe these goals don´t stay fantasies but really turn true 🙂 worst-uses-of-time
Prevod: Jedan od najgorih načina za korištenja vremena je uraditi nešto, što se nije trebalo uraditi, vrlo dobro.
Čitam u knjizi „Pojedi tu žabu“ da samo 3 % od svi ljudi imaju zapisane svoje snove i ciljeve na papiru. Ali isto tako da upravo ti ljudi pet do deset puta više učine i urade nego ljudi iste ili bolje edukacije i sposobnosti ali koji nisu, nebitno zbog kojeg razloga, nikad nisu uzeli vremena da zapišu svoje ciljeve.
TO je meni prilično impresivno…ali i logično.
Tako da je prvi korak da postanemo više eficijentni, očigledno, da sami sebi kristalno jasno objasnimo i zapišemo koji su naši ciljevi i naše želje. Što jasniji ciljevi to lakše raditi na tome da ih ispuniš.
Ovo tako jednostavno zvuči,ali sama ta činjenica da samo 3 % ljudi piše te liste meni kaže da to puno lakše zvuči nego što je. I treba samim tim dosta vremena.
Tako da sam se odlućila da mi ovo bude moj slijedeći projekat!
Napisati listu ciljeva / želja iz raznih dijelova mog života (posao, zdravlje, putovanje itd) . Možda onda ti ciljevi ne ostanu samo želje već mi se možda i ostvare 🙂

1. Task – Finish a photo book/ 1.i zadatak – završiti fotoalbum

I became motivated to become more efficient after reading first page of Eat that frog :P. Well not more efficient but rather start a task and finish off some things that are taking ages to do, for example photo books.
I am planning since 2 years to make a photo book for Ada´s first year, than second…but but… With this speed she will turn out 3 and still not have a first year book.
Further my wish is to make photo books of our visits in Istanbul, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Bosnia, Iceland, Strasbourg and so on.
I have just pushed it in front of me because I know it takes such a loooooong time and these programs one is doing them on are a mess taking ages. There are so many features they can improve to make it more user friendly.
Well in any case I started with THE city weekend trip. Istanbul!
My absolute favorite city!!!
Wonderful and it gives me even energy to look at these old pictures and I am almost done after having worked on it for days. Yippiee 😀istanbul istanbul1 istanbul2 istanbul3Nakon čitanja “Eat that frog”- knjige postala sam motivisana da postanem eficijentnija. Ili bolje reći ne eficijentnija nego da uopšte nešto započnem i uradim od stvari koje mi se ne daju. Jedna od tih stvari je napraviti Adin foto album od prve i druge godine. Planiram to već 2 godine i ovim tempom napuniće i 3 godine a neće imati fotoalbum ni od prve godine.
Dalje mi je želja da napravim fotoalbume od mjesta što sam posjetila. Istanbul, St. Petersburg, Švedsku, Bosnu, Island, Štrasburg itd.
Čitavo vrijeme sam taj zadatak ispred sebe gurala jer mi se jednostavno ne da maltretirati sa onim programima. (Toliko stvari mogu popraviti na programu da olakšaju korisnicima da bih knjigu mogla napisati…)
Uglavnom počela sam sa NAJ vikend trip u moj apsolutni favorit grad. Istanbul !!!
Fantastičan je i daje mi nove energije kad gledam stare slike što me podsjete na naše predivno putovanje. I najbolje je to što sam, nakon nekoliko dana rada, skoro gotova. Jippiee 😀

Eat that frog! / Pojedi tu žabu!

I have come into the mode when I hardly do anything except resting for the D-day. I am procrastinating everything possible which motivated me to buy a new book that is supposed to be good. It is the famous Eat that Frog. Let´s see if it is life changing 😀20161022_205426_resized
Ušla sam u modus gdje ništa ne radim osim što se odmaram za D-dan. Prokrastiniram (stari post) sve moguće zadatke, što me motivisalo da kupim jednu knjigu koja je, po kritičarima, super. Zove se “Eat that Frog” (Pojedi tu žabu!). Vidjećemo ako će mi promijeniti život 😀


For good sex… / Za dobar seks…

Today I chatted with a friend I haven´t heard of for some long time. She is fabulous and there are always things happening in her life making her life look like a comedy.
In any case we discussed relationships and how people in general stay in relations only because they are comfortable with it and not because they really love the person they are in the relationship. Then we listed things we do not want or want to have in case of a new relationship…
Boring stupid guy only sitting in the sofa is not a highlight in someones life. But someone interested in life and travelling is definitely something that is high prioritized. Someone that is ready to explore the world, that wants to truly live the life and so on.
Suddenly, she says to me…- You know, sex is important. For good sex I´ll forgive 10 IQ-points!!!
She made my day, I was crying of laughter 🙂

Danas sam se čula jednom prijateljicom. Dugo se nismo čule. Fantastična je  i uvijek joj se dešavaju smiješne stvari u životu.
I tako mi upadnemo u diskusiju o vezama i kako ljudi ostaju u veze iz navike a ne iz neke ljubavi prema partneru.
Počele smo ti mi nabrajati šta apsolutno nećemo i šta hoćemo u slučaju nove veze.
Niko neće nekog dosadnjakoviča koji čitav da sjedi u sofi i gleda tv. Svi mi hoćemo nekog što je zainteresovan u život i hoće da putuje i uživa u životu. Nekog što interesuje da izučava svijet, da stvarno doživi život i tako dalje.
Odjednom će ona meni…-Znaš, za dobar seks opraštam 10 IQ-punkti.
Ja sam plakala od smijeha. Pa ko se sjeti takav jedan komentar reći. Predobra je. Uljepšala mi je dan jer se već ćitav dan tom komentaru smijem 🙂


Requiem for the American Dream / Rekvijem za američki san

The “Requiem for the American Dream” is a disqourse with the famous professor Noam Chomsky.
It should be mandatory to watch it AND to discuss it in schools to force children and youth to start thinking critically.
It should be mandatory for every American to watch it and understand it so the rest of the world doesn´t have to deal with their presidents and their sick politics destroying humanity, driving people into different kind of extremisms. It is a very good wake up call and shows how stupidification of the population has been going on for decades making it possible to manipulate people to such extent that they are happy to vote for candidates and politics that are against their own interests. The only important thing for these people is that the dream of a possibility of becoming one of these extremely rich people is there. So literally because of a dream of having yachts, mansions, beautiful expensive clothes and jewels they are voting against them having free education, four weeks holidays and so on. Propaganda is a powerful thing when used properly. This is valid for all countries in the world.
Must watch documentary!

U “Rekvijem za američki san” je diskurs sa čuvenim profesorom Noam Chomsky. Ovaj film bi trebao biti obavezan za pogledati i trebala bi se po školama djeca prisiliti na diskusiju i da počnu da razmišljaju kritički. Ovaj film bi, za svakog Amerikanca, trebao biti obavezan da ga pogleda i SHVATI tako da ostatak svijeta ne morati podnositi njihove predsjednike i bolesnu politiku koja uništava humanost i koja tjera ljude u različite vrste ekstremizama.
Ovo je vrlo dobar znak buđenja i pokazuje kako poglupljivanje stanovništva traje već decenijama tako da je moguće manipulirati ljudima do te mjere da su sretni da glasaju za kandidate i politiku koja je protiv njihovog vlastitog interesa. Jedino bitno je da postoji san da je moguće postati jedan od ovih ekstremno bogatih. Dakle, doslovno zbog sna da posjeduju jahte, vile, prekrasnu skupu odjeću i nakit ljudi su spremni glasati protiv politike koja bi njima donijela besplatno školovanje, četiri tjedna odmora i tako dalje. Propaganda je moćna stvar kada se pravilno koristi. A ovo ne vrijedi samo za Ameriku, nego za sve države!
Film je definitivno jedan od onih što se mora pogledati!


Apple cake / Kolač od jabuke

Two things I like with Swedish receipts are 1) they are usually very easy to make and 2) they are cheap (in comparison to Bosnian cakes at least)
Here is one I like that is really simple to make and is fitting when the nights get longer

For the start put the owen at 175 -200 degrees Celsius.

Ingredients needed:
125 g butter / margarin
1,5 dl sugar
2 eggs (I add 3)
2,5 dl flour
0.5 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp milk

3-4 apples
1-2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnemon

  1. Smear a mold with removable wall, around 24 cm in diameter.
  2. Melt the butter and let it cool
  3. Mix the butter and sugar so it gets puffy
  4. Add an egg at a time ( I sometime separate the egg white and mix it first so it gets even puffier).
  5. Add the flour and the milk
  6. Peel and cut the apples in thin wedges
  7. Pour the cake batter in the mold.
  8. Stick the apple pieces in the batter
  9. Sprinkle sugar and cinnemon over the cake
  10. Bake for 30-40 minutes
  11. Serve with vanilla sauce or vanilla ice cream
  12. Enjoy


Dvije stvar mi se sa švedskim receptima sviđaju a to su  1) obično su vrlo jednostavni za napraviti i 2) u odnosu na bosanske kolača su jeftini

Evo jednog kojeg volim i koji paše sada kada su noći sve duže

Za početak upali šporet na 175- 200 stepeni Celzijusa.


  • 125 g putera / margarina
  • 1,5 dl šećera
  • 2 jaja ( ja dodam 3)
  • 2,5 dl brašna
  • 0,5 kašičice sode bikarbone
  • 2 supne kašike mlijeka


  • 3-4 jabuke
  • 1-2 kašike šećera
  • 1 čajna kašika cimeta
  1. Razmaži kalup sa odvojivim zidovima (oko 24 cm u diametru).
  2. Istopite puter i pustite da se malo ohladi
  3. Pomiješajte puter i šećer, tako da smjesa bude paperjasta
  4. Dodajte jedno po jedno jaja (ja ponekad odvojim bijelance i prvo ga izmiješam, da bude još više paperjasto).
  5. Dodajte brašno i mlijeko
  6. Ogulite i osjecite jabuke u šnite
  7. Ulijte tijesto kolača u kalup.
  8. Poredajte šnite od jabuka u kolaču
  9. Pospite šećer i cimet po kolaču
  10. Pecite 30-40 minuta
  11. Poslužite sa sosom od vanilije ili sladoledom od vanilije. Možete isto malo šlaga istuči i pomiješati sa sosom od vanilije.
  12. Servirajte i uživajte

Enjoying a home spa / Uživanje u kućnom spa

Sometimes it is very important to recover and relax. One way is to make yourself a spa at home. These ideas are partially translated from this article, but most of them I use myself also. Prepare a home spa is simple and one of the cheaper things that we can do for ourselves and which we beautify one day. Especially when the days get colder.

  1. You need a couple unplanned hours. (If you want you can invite a friend).
  2. Turn off the cell phone and the computer and try to “switch off” from the world. That can be very effective and balm for the soul.
  3. Use your softest towels and lit some candles. Little tricks that make huge difference! Add a little relaxing music and it´s almost like you’re in a real wellness hotel.
  4. After a long week, a foot bath can be heavenly. Put some salt, honey and olive oil in the water and the feet will become super soft. After a while, when your feet are softened, remove the hard skin and your feet will be soo soft. After this you can make and paint your nails (if you want). For finish apply moisturizer to your feet and put some clean socks on.
  5. If foot care is not enough, you can proceed with a body scrub in the shower. Mix the olive oil and sugar or salt (salt is coarser), and if you want a nicer smell end with some odoriferous shower cream.
  6. Since you’re already in the shower some hair care can do. Mix 3 dl mayonnaise and an avocado. Distribute through the hair. If you have very oily hair, add a little squeezed lemon. If the hair is very dry, add some olive oil. Leave the mixture in the hair for 20 minutes and wash it out then.
  7. When you are done with the shower then the next nice thing is placing a facial mask. There are thousands of recipes for masks. Here are some few ideas:
    Banana and cereal pasture fits oily skin
    Egg white and some yogurt for a smooth face
    Crush an avocado and you have a finished facial mask
    Strawberry is good for skin problems. Mix with some yogurt!
    I sometimes put this mask on and I find it great dry skin!In fact you can mix various ingredients because they are all natural! When the mask has done its work, massage it off the face or wipe it away with warm wet towel.
    If you want put slices of cucumber on the eyes while the mask is on. The cucumber refreshes the skin around the eyes.
  8. Peeling lips! Especially in winter time lips dry and chap easily. You can put lip balm (or wax) overnight to make them softer, but from time to time it is not bad to peel the lips. Stir honey with some sugar. Rub the lips and massage them with your fingers for a minute until washing them out.
  9. Wash your body! After all peeling and washing finish up with a odoriferous body lotion and a facial cream.
  10. Make yourself comfortable! Wear the coziest clothes you’ve got!
  11. Enjoy a book, movie or something else that relaxes you
Spa and wellness setting. Sea salt in bowl, towels and bottles with aroma oils on white wooden background. Selective focus is on towels.
Spa and wellness setting. Sea salt in bowl, towels and bottles with aroma oils on white wooden background. Selective focus is on towels.

Ponekad nam je jako bitno da se oporavimo i opustimo. Jedan od načina je da pripremiš sebi spa kod kuće. Ove ideje su dijelomično prevedene sa ovog članka, ali ih većinu i sama koristim ili uradim. Sebi spa kod kuće napraviti je jednostavno i jedno od jeftiniji stvari koje možemo uraditi za sebe a koje nam uljepšaju jedan dan. Pogotovo kad dođu hladniji dani.

  1. Treba par slobodnih sati kad ništa nisi planirala. (Ako hoćeš možeš zovnuti prijateljicu).
  2. Ugasite mobitel i kompjuter i probajte da se malo „isključite“ od svijeta. Zna biti jako efektivno i melem za dušu.
  3. Koristi najmekše peškire i upali svijećice. Mali trikovi koji prave razliku! Malo opuštajuće muzike i imaš osjećaj maltene kao da si u spahotelu.
  4. Nakon duge sedmice jedno kupanje nogu može biti savršenstvo. U vodi stavite malo soli, meda i maslinovog ulja i noge će vam postati skroz mekane. Nakon nekog vremena kad noge omekšaju onda odstrani tvrdu kožu da vam noge budu mekane mekane. Sredi nakon toga nokte i ako hoćeš nalakiraj ih. Za kraj lijepo umaži noge i obuci čiste čarape.
  5. Ako nije dovoljna samo njega nogu, možete uraditi piling u tušu. Pomiješajte maslinovog ulja i šećera ili soli (so je grublja), a ako hoćete ljepši miris završi sa nekim mirišećim tuš kremom.
  6. A kad ste već pod tušem možete i njegu kose uraditi. Izmješajte 3 dl majoneze i jedan avokado. Raspodijelite po kosi. Ako vam je jako masna kosa dodajte malo iscjeđenog limun. Ako je jako suha kosa dodajte maslinovog ulja. Smjesu pustite da stoji 20 minuta u kosi dok je ne isperete.
  7. Kad ste gotovi sa tuširanjem onda dolazi stavljanje maske na lice. Ima hiljade recepata za maske a evo par ideja:
    banana i osvene pahuljice paše za masniju kožu
    bijelance i jogurt je za glatko lice
    izgnječi avokado i imaš gotovu masku
    jagode je isto dobra za problematičnu kožu. Može se sa jogurtom promiješati!
    Ja ponekad napravim ovu masku i jako je dobra za suhu kožu
    U biti možeš miješati razne sastojke jer su svi prirodni! Kad si pustila masku da djeluje, saperi je sa lica ili obriši toplim mokrim peškirom.
    Ako hoćeš možeš, dok maska djeluje, staviti kriške krastavca na očima. To osvježava kožu oko očiju.
  8. Piling usana! Pogotovo zimi se suše usne i lako ispucaju. Možete preko noći da stavljate balzam za usne (ili vosak), ali nije loše ni piling usana uraditi sa vremena na vrijeme. Promiješaj med sa toliko šećera da se dobro osjeti. Namaži usne i masiraj ih prstima koji minut dok ne sapereš.
  9. Namaži tijelo! Nakon sveg pilinga i pranja namaži se nekom kremom koja lijepo miriše. Lice namaži sa kremom za licem.
  10. Razkomoti se! Obuci najkomotniju robu koju imaš!
  11. Uživaj u nekoj knjizi, filmu ili nešto drugo što te opušta

Wouldn´t be too bad having something like this at home 😀
Ne bi bilo loše imati ovako nešto kod kuće 😀home-spa-bathroom-design-ideas