Rose garden / Basta ruza

Yesterday I met my friend Suada and we went together to the Rose garden. A beautiful calm place in Munich, where one can take a walk among roses and other flowers. Suada is my first friend in Munich. It is the only person with whom I had a “blind date” and from that point on she was one of my best friends. I love her energy (even if now she is a bit tired with two Children :p) and that she is always so direct. When I came to Munich I was used to the swedish style, where you have to guess what the person wants from you and it was quite a refreshing experience that I tried to learn myself. Ada and Suadas daughter Lamija, where having some great time, and I was having some time removing the mud from Ada afterwards…



Jucer sam srela moju prijateljicu Suadu. Otisle smo u bastu Ruza, jedno prelijepo i mirno mjesto u Minhenu, gdje mozes prosetati i vidjeti ruze iz citavog svijeta. Suada je moja prva prijateljica u Minhenu…I jedina osoba s kojom sam imala “blind date”. I od tog naseg prvog sastanka ostale smo jako dobre prijateljice. Suada ima nevjerovatnu energiju (barem prije nego sto je dobila dvoje djece :P) i uvijek je bila negdje zakazana. To sto me najvise odusevilo kod nje je bila njezina direktnost. Kad sam dosla iz Svedske bila sam navikla na svedski nacin. Nista se ne kaze direktno  pa uvijek moras kontati sta je pisac htio reci. Uglavnom to sam probala od nje nauciti. Sto se tice Ade i Lamije (Suadine kcerke) one su uzivale u parku. Ada pogotovo. Kao sto se moze primjetiti po slici…

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