Hope / Nada

A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has only one…After having have experienced the worst month and a half ever it has made me think of myself. Last week I got tonsilitis, otitis a headache from hell where I had the feeling that my head will literally explode. No painkillers helped. My balance crashed, the fever was high no matter what I took. I dehydrated, I puked so finally the emergency docs had to come to check me up. My ligaments where hurting. I was lying for days in the bed. Whining of pain. sleeping and not sleeping. I don’t even know anymore. In all this misery I wondered how do people having much more serious health problems motivate themselves?

For the first time in weeks I felt good enough to get out from the apartment. It felt wonderful! This simple thing to take a walk is just magic. Unfortunately it is not in Hagapark or at the magic place in Ade in Krupa but still. It is good enough. Today, I had a walk in a small forest and felt hope when I saw the anemones. I am almost through this illness and I am lucky I made it. It is almost over. The spring is back! I am back…I hopeZdrav čovjek ima hiljade želja, a bolestan samo jednu … Nakon što sam doživjela najgorih mjesec i po dana otka znam za sebe, navelo me da razmislim malo o sebi. Prošle nedjelje sam dobila gnojnu aginu, upalu usiju, glavobolju iz pakla gdje sam imala osećaj da će mi glava bukvalno eksplodirati. Nijedan lijek protiv bolova nije pomogao. Moj balans se poremetio, temperatura je bila visoka bez obzira koje lijekove sam uzela. Dehidrirala sam se, tako da je na kraj doktor iz hitne dosao da me provjeri. Zglobovi su me bolili. Lezala sam danima u krevetu. Plakala sam od bolova. Spavala sam a i nisam. Vise i sama ne znam. U cijeloj ovoj situaciji sam se pitala kako se ljudi, koji imaju mnogo ozbiljnije zdravstvene probleme, motivišu?

Po prvi put u zadnjih par sedmica sam se osjećala dovoljno dobro da izađem iz stana. Bilo je divno! Jedna obicna stvar poput šetnje moze da bude poput magije. Nažalost,setnja nije bila u Hagaparku ili na čarobnom mjestu na Adama u Krupi, ali ipak dovoljno za sad. Prošetala sam malo kroz šumu i osjećala sam nadu kada sam vidjelao anemone. Skoro sam prevazisla ovu bolest i mogu reci da sam sretna za to. Skoro je gotovo. Proljeće se vratilo! Vratila sam se i ja… nadam se

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