For me, it was a big day today. My little boy went to kindergarten for the first time. It felt awkward because he is so little. Ada was 2,5 years when she started and was already speaking two languages. Adrian is not speaking any language and I fear that he will not be understood when he needs something. On the other hand he loves children so it should be fine 🙂
In kindergarten I react on the differences between the Swedish and German system. For example, here the induction takes 4-6 weeks! In Sweden it was a week at most (as far as I remember).
Another thing that caught my eyes is that in Sweden children eat some snack like half a banana or apple (or some other fruit) around 10h so that they don´t get too hungry until lunch. Here they got one mais curl as snack. Adrian doesn’t even like it so I am pretty sure that Adrian, that is used to eat much more, will loose some weight in the beginning before he gets used to it.
Danas je bio važan dan. Moj mali dječak je po prvi put išao u jaslice. Čudno se osjećalo jer je tako malen. Ada je ipak bila 2.5 godine kad je krenula i već je 2 jezika pričala dok Adrian ni jedan ne priča. Pitam se hoće li znati pokazati šta hoće,ali u drugu ruku voli djecu tako da bi mu trebalo biti fino.
U jaslicama sam primjetila neke razlike između Švedskog i Njemaćkog sistema. Recimo uškolavanje (ili kako se to zove) traje 4-6 sedmica. U Švedskoj ti niko živ ne bi išao u vrtić toliko vremena. Tamo je maksimalno sedmica- dvije (ako je ekstremni neki slučaj) i dijete odmah ostave same.
Druga velika razlika je da u Švedskoj jedu pola voća banane, jabuke ili nešto drugo oko 10h da ne pregladne do 12h. Ovdje dobiju jedan smoki, koji još na to Adrian baš i ne gotivi. Sigurna sam da će Adrian ispočetka smršati dok se ne uhoda.