Robert Friman International

This must have been the stock that I could have earned most money on among my stocks and where the psychology of human mind is so clear to see. For a while I was 180% plus. It looked good and I wanted more. So when the course started to go down I waited and waited thinking of it as just a period and it will get better again. I had the plan to keep them for 5 years.
But I didn’t!
Suddenly, there was a pm that there might be a problem with tax declaration. The stock dived from having been on + 30% or 40% of my invested money, I was suddenly -30% down. I was annoyed because it gives you a sour taste having been +180 and now being -30%.
I started to follow it more closely. It was pending a lot and suddenly one day it was again +25%on my account. I decided to sell it off, but my phone had a mental breakdown and refused to cooperate. From +25% the order came through and I sold it off for +5%. ( I sold them for 6.10kr) .
First I felt annoyed because I had missed the opportunity, but then I felt relieved… it is never fun to loose money. The reason is that I had said to my self that when a profit is so high as 180 % than it is better to take out the invested money + 10% and then the rest is used for playing around. Well, I didn’t listen to myself. I have to read more about market psychology.
But it is not the end of the story!
NO, I had forgotten about these stocks and wanted to see what happened in the with the tax declaration- The former Vice Director was sentenced 1.5 year prison for gross tax breach.
And people say stocks are boring…

Ovo je bila dionica na koju sam najviše mogla zaraditi od svih mojih dionica i gdje je toliko očigledno kako ljudski mozak funkcioniše. Jedno vrijeme sam bila čitavih 180% u plusu. Naravno pohlepa je tu bila i htjela sam još. Kad je kurs počeo padati čekala sam i mislila sam proće nakon nekog vremena. (Planirala sam ih 5 godina držati).
Međutim, nije pad stao!
Odjednom, dođe raport da može postojati problem sa deklaracijom poreza. Dionice su potonule od +30% -40% na investiranim novcem, i sad sam odjednom bila 30% u minusu. Bila sam iznervirana jer je kisel ukus biti od 180% u plusu na minus 30%.
Počela sam da pratim ove dionice i odjednom jednog dana skočiše na +25% na računu. Odlučila sam ih prodati, ali je moj telefon doživio nervni lom tako da je prestao raditi. Od 25% plusa je prodaja mojih dionica prošla na 5% plusa. (Prodala sam ih za 6.10kr) .
Prvo sam bila iznervirana što sam “samo” 5% zaradila, ali je poslije došao osjećaj reljefa (? mislim da se tako zove na našem).
Bila sam malo iznervirana zato što sam sebi x puta rekla kad je bilo na 180% plus da prodam ulog plus 10% i ostalo nek bude kako bude. Ali pohlepa je teška, uvijek hoće više, tako da nisam sama sebe slušala. Moraću više o psihologiji na berzi čitati.
Ali nije ovo kraj priče.
Kako sam prodala ove dionice, onda ih nisam neko vrijeme pratila i sjetim ih se pa rekoh da vidim šta se desilo sa poreznom deklaracijom. Bivši direktor je dobio 1.5 g zatvora zbog prevare porezom….
I ljudi kažu da su dionice dosadne…


My secret/ Moja tajna

Actually it is called “Min hemlighet” a story of Petter A. Stordalen. A selfmade billionaire writing a book of his experiences but also of his mentality. What is the difference of the way he is thinking in comparison to how ordinary people think. How is his time management? This and many more interesting things one can read in this interesting book.
One thing that caught me and reminded me of my sister was a situation where Petter has not enough money but still wants to buy a hotel. The money he has he should pay for the interests in the loan he has…but… he doesn’t pay the rate, instead he buys a hotel…for the money he doesn’t have. Hilarious and brave…
Zapravo se zove knjiga “Min hemlighet” (Moja tajna). Priča o Petter A. Stordalen. Jedan “samostvoreni” milijarder koji je napisao knjigu o svojim iskustvima i još interesantnije o njegovom mentalnom sklopu. Kakva je razlika u načinu razmišljanja njega i običnih ljudi? Kakav je njegov menadžment vremenom? To i još mnogo interesantnih stvari se može u ovoj knjizi pročitati.
Jedna situacija koja mi je pažnju privukla i koja me na sestru podsjetila je momenat kad Petter ima dovoljno novca da plati kreditnu ratu ali ne za hotel koji hoće da kupi. Ali ipak uspije na neki način kupiti hotel. Meni je to bilo preludo i hrabro.

My cloud / Moj oblak

The “new” trend with adding every possible information that one has in a cloud on a server somewhere reminds me somehow of having my own cloud in my head with hundreds of thoughts constantly crossing my mind and I have no time to sort them. Today is the first time since ages where I left both kids in kindergarten, even if Adrian is staying just 2hrs. Long enough not to sit around there but too short to go back home.

“Novi” trend gdje sve moguće informacije stavljaš u oblak na nekim serverima me podsjeća na moj oblak u glavi gdje skupljam na stotine misli bez ikakve šanse da ih sortiram. Danas je prvi dan na duugo vremena gdje sam ostavila oboje djece u jaslicama, iako je Adrian samo 2 h ostao. Dovoljno dugo da ne čekam tamo, dovoljno kratko da mi se ne isplati kući otići. 
Ada is in the “Frozen” -world… / Ada u svijetu “Frozen”

I, on the other hand, ended up in a XXXL möbeln. Strolling around there I realized how genious Ikea is when it comes to selling things and how bad XXXL is. I am sure I would increase the turnover in XXXL for at least 2-3% if I could put things as I want them to. Strolling around here made me also think of my stock investments and my wish to get stocks where sustainability is an issue. I am also thinking of a friend that I am not managing to get on phone for ages now. Adrian is also becoming 1 year soon. How could the year pass so fast? I met a friend that is always having tons of stories and with whom I can chat forever. I have hundreds of thing I want to do or experience but for now these have concentrated to one…sleep. Sleep depriviation with kids is a killer! And so on and so on. Still lucky me I got a really fun and interesting book from one of my best friends that I highly recommend. So in all “my cloud” at least I can enjoy a book for a couple of minutes 🙂
Tako sam ja završila u XXXL prodavnici namještaja. Kako sam tamo malo šetala skontala sam koliko su genijalni vlasnici od Ikea. Sigurna sam kad bih ja poredala stvari kako ja hoću u XXXL da bi im barem za 2-3 % obrt skočio. 
Tako isto, dok sam se šetala, sam razmišljala o svojim dionicama i moju želju da buduće investicije budu više usmjerene prema održivost. 
Razmišljam o jednoj prijateljici koju nikako da uhvatim na telefon. 
Adrian je uskoro godinu dana. Kako tako brzo prođe godina?
Srela sam prijateljicu s kojom uvijek mogu stotine stvari da razglabam i satima možemo da pričamo. 
Ima stotinu stvari koje bih htjela uraditi i doživiti koje su se sve svele na jednu… da se dobro naspavam. Manjak spavanja kad imaš djecu je baš ubitačan.
Ipak kako imam sreće dobila sam jednu pravo smiješnu i zanimljivu knjigu od jedne od mojih najbolji prijateljica.  Knjigu “Bringing up Bebe” preporučujem za čitati. 
Tako da iako je “moj oblak” pun barem mogu par minuta da oćeifim dobrom knjigom. 🙂

First day in kindergarten / Prvi dan u jaslicama

For me, it was a big day today. My little boy went to kindergarten for the first time. It felt awkward because he is so little. Ada was 2,5 years when she started and was already speaking two languages. Adrian is not speaking any language and I fear that he will not be understood when he needs something. On the other hand he loves children so it should be fine 🙂
In kindergarten I react on the differences between the Swedish and German system. For example, here the induction takes 4-6 weeks! In Sweden it was a week at most (as far as I remember).
Another thing that caught my eyes is that in Sweden children eat some snack like half a banana or apple (or some other fruit) around 10h so that they don´t get too hungry until lunch. Here they got one mais curl as snack. Adrian doesn’t even like it so I am pretty sure that Adrian, that is used to eat much more, will loose some weight in the beginning before he gets used to it.
Danas je bio važan dan. Moj mali dječak je po prvi put išao u jaslice. Čudno se osjećalo jer je tako malen. Ada je ipak bila 2.5 godine kad je krenula i već je 2 jezika pričala dok Adrian ni jedan ne priča. Pitam se hoće li znati pokazati šta hoće,ali u drugu ruku voli djecu tako da bi mu trebalo biti fino.
U jaslicama sam primjetila neke razlike između Švedskog i Njemaćkog sistema. Recimo uškolavanje (ili kako se to zove) traje 4-6 sedmica. U Švedskoj ti niko živ ne bi išao u vrtić toliko vremena. Tamo je maksimalno sedmica- dvije (ako je ekstremni neki slučaj) i dijete odmah ostave same.
Druga velika razlika je da u Švedskoj jedu pola voća banane, jabuke ili nešto drugo oko 10h da ne pregladne do 12h. Ovdje dobiju jedan smoki, koji još na to Adrian baš i ne gotivi. Sigurna sam da će Adrian ispočetka smršati dok se ne uhoda.