Ferris wheel / Ringešpil

Today the weather was beautiful and we decided to go to the city with the kids. At Schlosspark we saw two Ferris wheels and I decided that Ada wants to take a ride with me, so today Ada took a ride in a Ferris wheel for the first time in her life.  I didn’t think she will like it but on contraire, she loved it and I loved to see her smile 🙂

Danas je bio tako lijep dan da smo odlučili otići u grad sa djecom. U gradu smo vidjeli ogromn ringešpil pa sam odluičila da če Ada otići probati sa mnom. Tako da je Ada danas prvi put se vozila velikim ringešpilom. Mislila sam da joj se neće svidjeti, ali naprotiv pravo je zavoljela vozikanje a ja sam se topila kad vidim Adin iskreni osmijeh 🙂

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