Adrian 1 month / Adrian 1 mjesec

A month already passed since Adrian was born. He has gained 1.2 kilos in this time. It is more than 20% of his weight. Quite impressing!
In one way it feels like he was born yesterday in the other way…no sleeping at nights it feels like an eternity.
Here is the first picture I managed to take when he smiled for real. It is quite funny how small infants without hair and teeth are cute while old people with no hair and no teeth are not really considered beauties 🙂20161128_141529 20161129_125042
Prošao je tačno mjesec kako se Adrian rodio. Dobio je 1.2kg za tih mjesec dana. To je baš impresivno kad pomislim da je to više od 20% njegove kilaže!
Na jedan način se osjeća kao da se jučer rodio…a u drugu ruku se osjeća kao vječnost zbog nenaspavanih noćiju.
Evo prve slike gdje se zapravo smije što sam uspijela uslikati. Zar nije smiješno kako su mala djeca slatka iako su krezava i ćelava a stari ćelavi i krezavi nisu baš gledani kao ljepotice/ ljepotani… 🙂

The Pareto principle / Pareto princip

The Pareto principle states that for many events the 80/20 rule could be applied. It means 20% of the input makes 80% of the output. Some mean that reality is even 99/1 ratio, meaning that 99% of your output comes from 1% input.
So how can we use this to improve our every day life?
First of all, imagine you have very clear goals.
When you have it, it is easier to prioritize which of the goals is the most important for you. Which is second most important and so on.
Now write down all the sub goals you have to reach to reach your main goals.  The more detailed the list is the better.
Once you have the list of sub goals write down every single thing you need to do to reach that goal.
Prioritize! Here the Pareto principle gets important. Of 10 tasks to do 2 are more much much more important and give higher impact on your future than all the others together.  You have to find out which two tasks are “the top 20% ones”.
Once you know them proceed with the task and do not stop until you finished the task. Also do not start with some less important tasks.
Here the difficulties for me, and most of the people, is that we tend to procrastinate the more difficult tasks that often happen to be the ones that are “top20%”, and do the 80% of the less valueable tasks.
So what should we do?

  1. Make a list of all our key goals, activities, projects and responsibilities in your life today. Find out which of these represent the top 20% tasks that represent the 80% of the results?

From today and on, spend more time on the few areas that improve your life and career and spend less time on the lower valued activities. expectations-pareto1Pareto princip navodi da se za mnoge događaje može primijeniti 80/20 pravilo. To znači da 20% inputa čini 80% rezultata. Neki smatraju da je u realnost odnos čak 99/1, što znači da 99% rezultata dolazi od 1% inputa.
Dakle, kako možemo iskoristiti ovo znanje za poboljšanje našeg svakodnevnog života?
Prije svega, zamislite da imate vrlo jasne ciljeve.
Kada to imate, lakše je prioritetizirati ciljeve. Od najvažnijeg, drugog najvažnijeg i tako dalje.
Zapišite sve ciljeve koje morate postići da bi došli do do svog glavni cilja. Što detaljnija lista to bolje.
Kada imate sve pod – ciljeve zapisane, zapišite svaku stvar koju trebate učiniti kako bi do tog cilja došli.
Prioritizirajte! Ovdje Pareto princip postaje važan. Od 10 zadataka za uraditi su 2 mnogo, mnogo važnija od ostalih i daće veći utjecaj (kad se urade) na vašu budućnost nego svi ovi ostali zadaci zajedno. Morate zato skontati koja dva zadatka pripadaju “top 20%”.
Kada ih saznate, nastavite sa zadatkom i ne prestajte dok niste završili zadatak. Isto tako ne počnite sa nekim drugim zadatkom koji je manje važan.
Ovo predstavlja, meni i većini ljudi, najveću poteškoću. Većina je sklona da zapostavimo i da odlažemo teže zadatke koji često pripadaju “top20%” zadacima, da bi radili bezvrijednih ili manje vrijednih “80%”- zadataka.
Kako da se poboljšamo u budućem?
1. Napravi popis svih tvojih ključnih ciljeva, aktivnosti, projekata i odgovornosti u vašem životu danas. Saznaj koji od ovih predstavlja top 20% zadataka koji donose 80% rezultata?
2. Od danas i na dalje, provodite više vremena na tih nekoliko područja koje će vam poboljšati život i karijeru a provedite manje vremena na manje vrijednovanim aktivnostima.

Hysteria / Histerija

When a person is drowning they usually panic and grab everyone that is trying to save them. That is dangerous because they try to “climb” the person to get to the surface and thus can kill the supposed to be savior.
I was thought on a course that in these moments there are two things one can do to to force him/ her let go off you 1) is to dive deeper and the person will let you go, because he wants to the surface or 2) is to knock him out.  I always wondered if it possible to knock a person out in the water.
Two days back all this came back to me when a hysterical Ada screamed in front of me. It was real hysteria and I was wondering in that moment if it isn´t better to slap her ( just for notice, I didn´t slap her) to calm her down, than looking how she is hysterically crying for an hour.. not able to calm her down.
I have always been and I am against hitting children, but in this moment I really remembered the story of drowning people and I started to wonder if is possible that there is some truth behind the way how to calm them down?
For something that felt like an eternity we were trying to clam Ada down by talking and hugging. In the end she was so exhausted that she fell asleep. I felt so sad for her. The whole thing with moving, kindergarten and a new brother that is taking her mother away was simply too much for her. How do You deal with a hysterical child?
Kad se osoba počne gušiti obično paničari i hvata se za svakog što hoće da mu pomogne. To je opasno jer se probava “popeti” na površinu preko osobe i tako može ugušiti „spasioca“.

Na jednom kursu sam učila da u ovakvim situacijama možeš dvije stvari uraditi da smiriš osobu (sebe spasiš) 1) zaroniti dublje i osoba će vas pustiti jer hoće prema površini ili 2) nokoutirati (k.o) ga. Pitam se doduše da li je moguće nokoutirati jednu osobu, koja paničari u vodi?

Prije dva dana je Ada imala histerični napad i sjetila sam se gore napisane situacije. Upitala sam se da li je moguće da u ovakvom slučaju bolje dijete po guzici udariti (nisam je udarila) nego pustiti da dva sata histeriše? Ada doslovno nije bila kontaktibilna (je li se tako kaže?) koliko je vrištala. Uvijek sam bila protiv toga da se djeca tuku, ali kad sam vidjela ovo onda nisam mogla a da se ne upitam da li bi bolje bilo za Adu da sam je malo po guzi lupila?
Adu smo grlili i ljubili, pazili i mazili i onda je nakon tog napada bila toliko umorna da je zaspala. Bilo mi je pravo žao jer sam vidjela koliko se patila. Doživljava sve odjednom- selidbu u novi grad, vrtić, brata koji će joj „uzeti“ mamu i sve to joj je jednostavno previše postalo. Kako se vi bočite dječijim histerijama?

Winterboots / Zimske čizme

I find it very difficult to buy shoes for a child. It should fit to all weathers, it should keep the feet dry and should be light to wear and and… A problem is also when asking Ada which boots she likes then she would love to have them all. Additional to that I want the “best-on-test” boots and suddenly buying boots turns into real rocket science.
It ended the old fashioned way. Me ordering a couple of boots, letting Ada choose the one she liked to wear the most. She chose pretty cool ones from Viking. They remind me of the ones I had when I was a child 🙂
Smatram da je kupovati cipele djeci. Treba pasati za sve vrste vremena, držati noge suhe, trebaju biti lagane za nositi itd. Ako pitam Adu koje  joj se čizme najviše sviđaju ona kaže da hoće sve. Na to ja hoću da budu one najbolje iz testova i obična kupovina čizama se pretvara u čitavu nauku.
Završilo je s tim da sam nekoliko pari čizama kupila i pustila Adu jedne po jedne da probava i ipak sama odluči koje hoće. Izabrala je cool čizme od Viking-a. Podsjećaju me na one što sam ja mala kao dijete 🙂

The big short / Opklada vijeka

If you want to understand the financial crisis of 2007 – 2008 take a look at this great movie “The big short” based on the 2010 book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis. Financial instruments and words like subprime loans, CDO´s , tranche are explained in a very simple and easy way and makes you wonder how people working in banking business where so blind to see what was coming. Not to say how blind we are to what is coming. The problem is that things haven´t changed a bit so I guess we will just have more such crisis but in shorter intervals, making me reflect about how to save for the future.bigshort_fullAko hoćeš da razumiješ financijsku krizu od 2007-2008 pogledaj super film “The big short” (Opklada vijeka), baziran na knjizi (2010) istog imena od Michaela Lewis. Financijski instrumenti i riječi popu subprime krediti, CDO´s, tranche su objašnjene na jednostavan i lagan način i dovede te da razmišljaš o tome kako je moguće da ljudi koji su radili sa tim stvarima nisu vidjeli na šta će to sve izaći. I mi smo doduše slijepi tome što dolazi. Problem je što se stvari ništa nisu promijenile tako da sam sigurna da će krize poput 2007 sve češće dolaziti, što mene dovede da razmišljam o tome kako ustvari štediti za budućnost


Jealousy / Ljubomora

I celebrated my birthday on 14 .th of November. The same day my son celebrated his second week. Such a fantastic gift! Even if he has been with us just for two weeks it feels like he has been around for ever.
For Ada though it is a mega shock. It took her two weeks to accept him and still she is fighting with the fear that I, her mother, will forget her.
First, she didn’t want to take Adrian home, but she would have preferred us to leave the baby in the hospital.
At home when she understood that the baby will stay, she used every “opportunity” to try to “kiss” (throw something on) the baby. Then that phase was over and she turned into a big baby. Suddenly from time to time, she wants to wear diapers and have a pacifier.
For the whole week now Ada has been sick and at home with me and the baby so I hope this is just some kind of a temporary adaption phase.
Last three days she has started to kiss the baby (without throwing things at him) but she is still quite jealous and fears that she will lose me. I feel sorry for my little girl and hope her fear will pass fast, but in meantime that Ada adapts I´ll continue kissing and cuddling with her 🙂
14.g novembra sam slavila rodjedan. Isti dan je Adrian slavio svoju drugu sedmicu. Predivan poklon! Iako je tu samo dvije sedmice meni se čini da je bio tu vječno.
Za Adu, međutim, je on jedan megašok. Trebalo joj je maltene dvije sedmice da ga prihvati i još uvijek se boji da ću je ja, njezina mama, ostaviti ili zaboraviti.
Prvo, nije htjela Adriana ni kući da dovedemo, nego ga htjela ostaviti u bolnici.
Kad smo došli kući i kad je vidjela da je vrag odnio šalu, da Adrian stvarno ostaje sa nama, onda je iskorištavala svaku priliku da ga „poljubi“ (nešto slučajno baci na njega). Kad je prošla ta faza onda je htjela da je tretiramo kao bebu- da joj obučemo pelene i htjela je cuclu.
Čitavu sedmicu je Ada bila bolesna i bila je kod kuće sa nama tako da se nadam da je samo jedna prolazna navikavajuća faza.
Zadnja tri dana je počela zaprave ljubiti brata bez da baca stvari na njega, ali je i dalje dosta ljubomorna i boji se još uvijek da će me izgubiti.
Moram reći da mi je žao kad vidim kako se bezveze boji i nadam se da će je brzo proći. A u međuvremenu ću je ja ljubiti i maziti 🙂

Lactation Rheuma / Reumatski bolovi kod dojenja

Last time I had it, and now again I have it. The pain in my ligaments since I delivered the baby. It is quite amazing how many women have that problem and how seldom it is talked about. I just find some forum chats but nothing really serious. Like many other things we all expect that “a little pain” after the delivery is “normal.
The only thing said to prevent this pain is to take some painkillers. I mean if it persists for a couple of months (normally women are breastfeeding a couple of months) then eating painkillers every day doesn´t really sound as a solution.
I have to admit though, in the morning when one wakes up and the body is stiff it does sound inviting to take anything to relief the pain.
Someone told me that additional to the hormonal changes, this pain might come from lack of calcium also. Maybe it is placebo effect, but I tried to drink more yogurt and it felt a little better.
Have any any of you had this problem and could you solve it?motivation-quote
Prošli put sam imala ovaj problem, i sad ga opet imam. Otkad sam rodila imam bol u zglobovima. Prilično je nevjerovatno da toliko žena ima ovaj problem a da se tako malo o njemu zna ili da se malo priča o tome. Samo sam našla neke forume, ali ništa baš ozbiljno. Kao u dosta drugih stvari očekuje se kod mama da poslije poroda neke stvari “malo bole”.
Jedinu stvar koja se preporučuje je da se kljokamo tabletama protiv bolova. Ali ako će ovo ostati dok dojimo, to znači da bi u biti nekoliko mjeseci svaki dan morale piti tablete protiv bolova, a to ne zvuči baš kao neki dobar način rješavanje problema.
Moram priznati da ujutru, kad mi se svi zglobovi ukoče ipak to čini primamljivim.
Neka mi je rekla da može biti da je i od manjka kalciuma (dodatno hormonskim promjenama) . Možda je placeboefekat, ali sam probala piti više jogurta i malo mi je bilo lakše. A ako malo pomaže onda mi ne smeta ni što je placebo 🙂
Da li je neka od vas imala ovaj problem i ako jeste kako ste se “liječile”?

First laugh / prvi smijeh

Today Adrian laughed at me for the first time. It is so cute, even if it still isn´t on purpose :). The mother instinct wakes up and one would want to have 10 children in that moment. It is interesting that blind children that have never seen a smiling person, also smile themselves. smile
Danas se Adrian prvi put meni nasmijao. To je tako slatko iako to jos nije namjerno. Odmah se majčinski instinkt probudi i volila bih imati 10. djece u tom momentu. Zanimljivo je da je smijeh instinkt i da se čak i slijepa djeca, koja nikad nisu vidjeli nekog kako se smije, smiju.

The show goes on! / Šou se nastavlja!

I was quite convinced that Trump will win. It would fit to the level of USA population.
The other thing I was convinced about was that the stock market will crash, like when Brexit happened. Unfortunately, I missed the opening of the stock market and thus missed the opportunity of buying stocks on sales. By the time I could check it the prices had recovered. Too bad.
Another big thing that happened yesterday and today was my sons (it sounds so weird) first laugh. He laughed yesterday when I held him and my heart was melting. And today he had his first bath and he enjoyed it so much.
I guess in the end it doesn´t matter who wins the US elections. The show goes on there. People always adapt…
However, experiencing the first laughter of a child, your child, that is something priceless.20161109_133649_1478724191927_resizedBila sam prilično sigurna da će Trump pobijediti. To mi nekako paše nivou Američkog društva. Bila sam isto i sigurna da će berze puno pasti, kao za Brexit. Nažalost sam promašila otvor berze kad se moglo prilično jeftine dionice kupiti. Kad sam mogla pogledati berzu, berza se već sabrala. Šteta!!
Druge dvije velike stvari koje se desile jućer i danas su da mi se sin (kako čudno zvuči) po prvi put u životu na glas nasmijao i danas se prvi put kupao. Tako je uživaooo.
Na kraju se ipak pokaže da je nebitno ko dobije na izborima. Šou se nastavlja, a ljudi se uvijek prilagode.
Ali doživjeti prvi smijeh jednog djeteta, pogotovo svog, je neprocjenjiv!20161107_120806_1478724193239_resized 20161106_173600_1478724191039_resized

Fascinating- size of a newborn´s stomach/ Fascinantno- Zeludac male bebe

I believe every mother worries whether her child gets enough food or not. When I started breastfeeding  my daughter I was always worried and scared that my she did not get enough milk. When I found this (for me) fascinating picture I realized how small the stomach really was. Amazing…size-of-a-newborns-stomach-v2-5x7-printVjerovatno je svaka mama barem jednom postavila pitanje ako joj beba dovoljno jede ili ne. Ja sam se uvijek bojala da mi kcerka ne jede dovoljno, dok nisam vidjela ovu sliku. Tek sam tad ustvari razumijela koliko je mal zeludac kod beba. Nevjerovatno…