Since Ada got tonsillitis I remembered the documentary called “Resistence”. It makes me really grateful that we can still use any antibiotics at all. Resistance is a movie about the use of antibiotics and how people, because of wrong behavior and use, have literally contributed to multi-resistant bacteria to literally all antibiotics we have today. It is scary, not to say horrifying.
We are so used to being able to use antibiotics but imagine just how it would be without them. The simplest conditions like tonsillitis could very fast turn into a life threatening disease. Imagine that no antibiotics work. We would really go back to a life before 1928 when Alexander Fleming detected the penicillin. Nothing would be the same, especially since this time we would have bacteria that are worse than in 1928.
Kako je Ada dobila gnojnu anginu, tako sam se sjetila dokumentarnog filma “Resistance” (Resistencija) . Stvarno sam zahvalna što uopšte možemo koristiti ikakve antibiotike.
Resistencija je film o korištenju antibiotika i kako su ljudi, zbog svog načina i ponašanje, doveli do situacije gdje su se multiresistentne bakterije stvorile bukvalno protiv svih antibiotika kojih danas imamo. Strašno je, da ne kažem užasno. Toliko smo navikli na život sa antibioticima da ne možemo ni zamisliti život bez njih. Najobičnije bolesti poput gnojne angine bi se vrlo brzo mogle razviti u po životu opasne bolesti. Zamislite da ni jedan antibiotik ne funkcioniše! Vratili bi se bukvalno u život prije 1928, kad je Alexander Fleming pronašao penicilin.