Almost killed / Skoro pa ubijena

The more he loves you the harder he hits you…That is the sick logic of women that have been mentally abused for years ending up with a husband hitting them whenever he feels for it. There is a feeling of power involved. For men but also for their wives. In some wicked way the woman gets to feel power when the husband is hitting her.
These kind of stories are usually stories I read in newspapers, so imagine my surprise when I heard that a childhood friend  almost got beaten to death.
I wonder how many times her husband has been beating her up during all these years that they are together? Did he do it in front of the children? How did her family, a normal ordinary family, cope with it? What stopped her from leaving him? And so on…
I cannot imagine the fear she has towards him. How lost she must feel letting these things happen to her? Does she know that it is literally life threatening situation in cases like this?
Whom can you discuss these issues with? Do you call a friend and say “hi, can you help me with my husband because he is beating the hell out of me?”. What are you supposed to do as an outsider?
I read a little bit about it and all the things I read where so civilized. Too often ending up with a dead woman because the police could not do anything. Probably, statistically, that is the best procedure to handle this kind of psychos. But still I am suspect because my experience with people show that there is a sort of people that you cannot talk to. They just understand violence and listen to the stronger one. You simply do not have time to talk them to sense.
I just wish this whole story with my childhood friend ends up good…nasilje
Sto te vise voli, to te vise tuce…To je neka bolesna logika zena koje su godinama psihicki maltretirana da bi na kraju bile i fizicki maltretirane od strane muza. Kazu da je osjecaj moci upetljan. Za muzeve…ali i za zene. Na neki cudan nacin ona dobije osjecaj moci kad je muz tuce. Ove price su za mene price iz novina, tako da zamislite moje iznenadjenje kad sam cula da je moju jednu prijateljicu iz djetinstva covjek iztukao skoro do smrti.
Pitam se koliko je on nju puta tukao kroz ove sve godine koje je snjom? Da li je tukao pred djecom? Kako je njezina familija, jedna sasvim obicna normalna familija, reagovala na to? Zasto moja prijateljica nije ostavila svog muza? Itd.
Ne mogu da zamislim strah koji ima prema njemu. Koliko se mora izgubljena osjecati kad dopusta da joj se desavaju ove stvari? Zna li da se ovakvi slucajevi rade bukvalno o zivotu?
Skim mozes uopste ovakve stvari diskutovati? Nije bas da ces nazvati prijateljicu i reci joj ”slusaj, mozes li mi pomoci. Imam muza koji me tuce ko do mile volje? Sta uopste uraditi kad si outsajder?
Citala sam malo o ovoj temi, ali sva rjesenja su mi djelovala tako civilizovana. Precesto zavrse na tome da je covjek ubio zenu jer policija nije mogla nista uraditi. Mozda je ovaj civilizovani nacin najbolji i najsigurniji nacin. Medjutim ja licno vjerujem, zbog iskustva sa raznim vrstama ljudi, da ipak postoji jedna sorta ljudi sa kojima ne pomaze razgovarati. Oni jednostavno samo razumiju jacu silu.
Sve se nadam se da ce ovaj slucaj dobro proci i da ce se sve rijesiti…ali nisam bas sigurna…

Za zene u Bosni ima stranica na kojoj  mozete informacije dobiti kako i sta uraditi u slucaju nasilja kod kuce

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