Despite our loss of grandmother, we all decided to have the wedding of my brother and his fiance. It was also the wish of our grandmother in case of her death not to cancel the wedding.
Wedding itself was wonderful as weddings always are. Although it was a little bit weird to see my brother to be the groom. At least he did well, I thought he will be much more nervous 😀
There were many beautiful moments but the highlights for me where
1. The photoshooting at the beutiful river Una (at River Doc in Ripac, close to Bihac) with the closest family. I didn´t even know there are so beautiful places in the world.
Odlucili smo, po zelji nase majke rahmetli, da u slucaju njezine smrti ipak moj brat i njegova zarucnica odrze vjencanje onako kako je planirano. Svadba je bila divna kao sto to svadbe (barem meni) budu. Jedino malo cudno meni je bilo gledati brata da se zeni. Ali moram reci da je bio dobar. Mislila sam da ce biti puno nervozniji 😀
Bilo je prelijepih momenata ali su meni vrhunski bili:
1. Slikanje na prelijepoj Uni (u River Doc u Ripcu, blizu Bihaca) sa najblizom familijom. Nisam ni znala da ima takve ljepote u Bosni.
2.The group “KUD Grmec” of youngsters dancing traditional Bosnian folklore. The guests joined the dance and Ada danced “kolo” for the first time in her life.

2. Prvo Adino kolo! Grupa “K.U.D Grmec” sa mladima koji su tradicionalno bosansko kolo plesali pa kad su se gosti pridruzili Ada je naravno isto htjela plesati.
3.The “gypsy troubadours” playing gypsy music. I guess no one can get people to dance as they do. I also didn´t know they are living entirely of the tip the guests are giving.