Wedding / Svadba

Despite our loss of grandmother, we all decided to have the wedding of my brother and his fiance. It was also  the wish of our grandmother in case of her death not to cancel the wedding.
Wedding itself was wonderful as weddings always are. Although it was a little bit weird to see my brother to be the groom. At least he did well, I thought he will be much more nervous 😀
There were many beautiful moments but the highlights for me where
1. The photoshooting at the beutiful river Una (at River Doc in Ripac, close to Bihac) with the closest family. I didn´t even know there are so beautiful places in the world.

Odlucili smo, po zelji nase majke rahmetli, da u slucaju njezine smrti ipak  moj brat i njegova zarucnica odrze vjencanje onako kako je planirano. Svadba je  bila divna kao sto to svadbe (barem meni) budu. Jedino malo cudno meni je bilo gledati brata da se zeni. Ali moram reci da je bio dobar. Mislila sam da ce biti puno nervozniji 😀
Bilo je prelijepih momenata ali su meni vrhunski bili:
1. Slikanje na prelijepoj Uni (u River Doc u Ripcu, blizu Bihaca) sa najblizom familijom. Nisam ni znala da ima takve ljepote u Bosni.

2.The group “KUD Grmec” of youngsters dancing traditional Bosnian folklore. The guests joined the dance and Ada danced “kolo” for the first time in her life.20160806_220138_resized
2. Prvo Adino kolo! Grupa “K.U.D Grmec” sa mladima koji su tradicionalno bosansko kolo plesali pa kad su se gosti pridruzili Ada je naravno isto htjela plesati.

3.The “gypsy troubadours”  playing gypsy music.  I guess no one can get people to dance as they do. I also didn´t know they are living entirely of the tip the guests are giving.IMG-20160810-WA00183. Romski trubaduri. Niko ne moze dici raju na noge kao oni. Nisam znala da zive samo od baksisa.

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Pozitivno iz Bosne 1. dio / Positive things in Bosnia part

Being in Bosnia for vacation I want to bring the positive things, that we usually do not think of, out to you. If you have some suggestions for things one should visit, try or see I would be happy to hear.

One thing I adore in Bosnia is the huge choice of cakes. One of my favorites is the Boem cake that I have ate in so many places in Bosnia and Croatia and until now the best one is the one in the confectionary in the city of Bosanska Krupa. Last time I was there they had another new cake in their collection called Sand (I think it was) that was made of Cocos and was also really tasty.
Arriving in Tuzla we had a slight fall in our sugar levels so we bought a couple of different cakes and I don´t have to tell how thrilled Ada was with them.
Another cake I love is the chocolate souffle and I have eaten that cake in many places. Until now the best one was in Limoni in Munich, but I have to admit that I ate one as good as that one here in Bosnia. To be more specific in Bihac in Hotel Emporium. It was not only tasty BUT it was huge so I could really enjoyyy it, which is not the case in Limoni. In Limoni it is quite small cake so I always want a couple of more bites leaving me a little unsatisfied. It also costs something like 7 Euro in Limoni, and here it was half the price (or something like that). In any case if you are around Bihac then I recommend you to rest a moment and enjoy the soufflé.
p.s. what  is your favorite cake and where can one buy it?

Uvijek kad počnem pisati nešto kad sam u Bosni ispadne neki iritirani post jer se toliko živciram oko nekih bezmislenih stvari pa sam odlučila da svoje misli malo usmjerim u nešto pozitivno. Ako imate prijedloga šta zanimljivo vidjeti, probati ili posjetiti slobodno recite. Otvorena sam za sve.

Bosanski kolači:
Jedna stvar koja me svaki put oduševi je izbor kolača. Meni su naši kolači izvan lige švedima a pogotovo njemcima (nisu nikako po mom ukusu). Jedan od mojih par favorit kolača je boem kolač i do sada sam ga jela u pola Bosne ali najbolji je u slastičarnoj u Bosanskoj Krupi!! Imaju neku posebnu smjesu koja je BAŠ dobra :D. A ovaj put kad sam bila tamo imali su neki novi kolač sa kokosom čini mi se da se zvao pješčani kolač. Bio je isto pravo ukusan.
Kad smo došli u Tuzlu imali smo pad šećera pa smo kupili kolače i Ada je bila oduševljena s tim 😀
Inace sam isto ljubitelj souflea (ili kako se to pise) i jela sam ih na dosta mjesta. U Limoniju u Minhenu mi je bio najbolji do sad, ali moram priznati da sam jela jedan isto tako dobar u Bosni. I to u Bihaću u Hotelu Emporium. Ne samo što je bio ukusan, nego je bio i povelik da se baš moglo oćeifiti, što nije slučaj u Limoniju. Tamo je poprilično malen kolač (a košta 7 Eura) pa ostaneš željan još kolača. Tako da ako ste slučajno u prolazu kroz Bihać i volite souffle onda definitivno preporučujem jedan kolačić tamo. Ovdje je sa sladoledom od jagode, ali bih vam preporučila da uzmete od vanilije jer bolje paše sa čokoladom…

p.s koji je vas favorit kolac i gdje se moze kupiti? 😀