
Yesterday there was a very interesting documentary about the birth of Islam and how it affected the world the coming centuries. It was interesting to see how important science was to the society and how a group of persistent people can destroy a way of thinking throwing nations in development stagnation. What I missed in the movies was that they didn´t explain why negative things happened or how connected politics from western world was involved. In any case it was still an nice documentary (in German though) that I recommend to see.

Sinoc sam gledala jako interesantne dokumentarce o nastanku islama i kako je islam promijenio drustvo slijedecih vijekovima. Zanimljivo je kako je tad bila bitna nauka u drustvu i kako su grupa uporni ljudi uspijeli da uniste to, samim tim bacajuci drustvo u stagnaciju razvoja. To sto mi je nedostajalo u filmu je da nisu objasnjavali zasto su se desile neke negativne stvari i na koji nacin su povezani politicki dogadjaji iz zapadnog svijeta. Ipak smatram da je ovaj dokumentarac dobar za pogledati … iako je na njemackom.


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