Karlsruhe Zoo / Zoloski vrt u Karlsruhe

Yesterday I took a break of a couple of hours, ( from looking for our passports- can´t find them anywhere :/),  and went to the Karlsruhe zoo with my family and a couple of friends and their children. I loved the zoo.  It is cute and lies in the middle of the city somehow. There is also plenty of place just to sit on the grass if feeling for it (great when it is above 25 degrees). There are also a very nice playgrounds for the children. But most important was that they had the ice bear.. that is not sleeping.

20160522_130545_resizedJucer sam par sati odmora uzela, (od trazenja pasosa, nigdje ih nema), i otisla sam u sa familijom i prijateljima i njihovom djecom u Karlsruhe zoloski vrt. Zoloski vrt mi se pravo svidio. Bas je fino napravljen i nekako je u sred centra (kako sam ja skontala). Ima isto mnogo mjesta za izlezavanje ako to zelis – sto je super kad je iznad 25 stepeni. Ima i dobri igralista za djecu. Ali najvaznije je bilo da smo vidjeli polarnog medvjeda koji ne spava nego se kupao i igrao 🙂

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