What did we do before internet? / Sta smo radili prije interneta?

Yohoo, thanx to a surfstick that I finally bought ( why didn´t I buy it before? I am finally connected to the web again and I can read news 😀 (TV is not working arghhh) What did we do do before internet???Life-Before-the-Internet-SEO-Company-LeedsZahvaljujuci surfstick koju sam napokon kupila ( sto nisam prije?) napokon sam prikljucena na mrezi ponovo i mogu ponovo citati vijesti 😀 (TV ne radi argh) Sta smo radili prije interneta?

Anti heroes / Antiheroji

Yesterday, in the bus, Ada and I sat down next to an old man. He was talking in the phone like it was his living room. Loud and clear. Everyone could hear him. Unfortunately! Every second word he was mentioning the male organ and using f-k. I felt very uncomfortable when my daughter could here his bad language. I wondered in that moment should I tell a old man to watch his language? I feel it is somehow embarrassing to teach a 60+ year old man how to talk properly. What do you guys think?840665-q7fXocgmiyk4e7Ys

Jucer, u autobusu, Ada i ja smo sjedile pokraj jednog starijeg covjeka. Pricao je preko mobitela kao da je u svojoj dnevnoj sobi. Glasno i jasno je pricao. Nazalost! Svaka druga mu je bila “Boli me k-c”, i jos dodatnih nasih psovki. Bilo mi je pravo neugodno zbog Ade da slusa tako jedan primitivan jezik. Razmisljala sam da li da se okrenem covjeku i kazem mu da malo pripazi jezik, ali mi je bilo nezgodno starijeg covjeka uciti kako da prica u javnost. Sta vi smatrate? Sta treba u takvom slucaju uraditit?

Best soup in Munich / Najbolja supa u Minhenu

Is the Maschau soup in the Afghani restaurant Nigin. It is delicious. I hadn´t been at Nigin for ages so it was really nice to go visit the place again. Definitively a place to eat lunch/ dinner if visiting Munich.20160419_151255Definitivno najbolja supa u Minhenu je po meni Maschau supa i afganskom restoranu. Nigin. Nisam tamo bila sto godina tako da je vrijeme bilo opet otici. Nigin je definitivno jedno mjesto za rucak/ veceru ako ste u posjeti u Minhenu.


A couple of days ago there was this horrifying information on the news. They said that 5835 refugee children are missing… only in Germany. Of these 555 children are under 14 years old. Many are supposed to have moved on to relatives in other countries.I still feel awkward that the authorities do not know where 5835 people are. Can you imagine a village just disappears in Germany and no one knows a thing about it? I find it horrifying.
Especially, when it is known that these children are very easy target to pedophiles as sex slaves, and other criminals using them as slaves or as organ donors. I do not know why but I feel quite uncomfortable with it. Imagine that one has seen one such child not even knowing it!
The police are trying to catch a couple of terrorists meanwhile thousands of children are gone.. in the middle Europe and no one knows where they are. Maybe they should rather try to find the children instead…horrifying
Prije nekoliko dana su na vijestima bile uzasne vijesti. Saznali smo da je  samo u Njemackoj nestalo 5835 maloljetnika !!! Od tih su 555 ispod 14 godina. Mnoga djeca su, pretpostavlja se, nastavila svojoj rodbini u ostalim drzavama po EU, ali ipak mi se osjeca cudno da se ne zna gdje je 5835 ljudi. Zamislite da jedno selo tako nestane a niko ne zna gdje su. Meni je to strasno. Pogotovo kad se zna da su ova djeca vrlo lagana meta pedofilima i ostalim kriminalcima koji se bave robovlasnistvom ili trgovinom organa. Meni to daje jako neugodan osjecaj. Zamislite da ste vidjeli takvo jedno dijete? A ne znate. Policija probava uhvatiti par terorista dok je na hiljade djece nestali i to u sred Evrope a da niko ne zna gdje su. Mozda im je pametnije da nadju tu djecu.




Tommy Hilfiger

After a tough day yesterday with Ada having the fiever the whole day, I felt I need a couple of hours free today. These hours I spent with my friend Vindi in Schustermann:) Today was a Tommy Hilfiger day for me. Not only did I get two great t-shirts from her but I also bought a pair of cute pink Tommy Hilfiger platform sandals 🙂20160416_184446Nakon napornog jucerasnjega dana, kad je Ada citav dan imala temperaturu, osjecala sam da mi danas treba koji sat odmora. Ti par sati sam sa svojom dobrom prijateljicom Vindi provela u Schustermannu:) Za mene je danas bio pravi Tommy Hilfiger dan. Ne samo sto sam dobila prekrasne dvije Tommy Hilfiger od Vindi, nego sam i kupila preslatke roze Tommy Hilfiger platosandale.

Frustracija /Frustration

je kad kupis novi kompjuter, pa ti internet nestane 12 dana. Kad ti napokon internet proradi onda odjednom kompjuter nece da se prikopca na internet. Arghhhh!Stress And Frustrationit is when one buys a new computer and the internet breaks done for 12 days. When that is finally fixed then suddenly my new computer doesn’t want to connect to the internet. Arghhhh 🙁

unplugged / Iskljucena

Some say it is healthy to “detox” from internet. I guess they are right. I am doing it right now even if that is not really what I want. After having a computer break down, I have now great computer but no internet since days. Today,  I heard that is because some guys at Telecom are in strike, and that can take some more days until I get my internet back. Detox ? Yes, but only after psychological preparation…over and out! Screenshot_2016-04-06-22-02-33~2Neki kazu da je zdravo ici na “detoks”. Sigurno su u pravu. Upravo sam sad na detoksu iako to nije samovoljno. Nakon sto mi je kompjuter crko, imam sad novi kompjuter koji ne koristim jer vec danima nemam internet. Danas sam cula da je razlog sto iz telekoma strajkuju i da ce jos potrajati :/Detoks? Da, ali samo nakon priprema psihicki…ovako je to brate horor.



Hellabrunn Zoo/ Hellabrunn zoloski vrt

Last week on the first spring or rather summer day we went to the Hellabrunn Zoo with Suada and her family. Hellabrunn zoo is the first geozoo in the world and one of the richest zoos when it comes to the number of species living there. Hellabrunn was open in 1911 and today there are 750 different species living on  40 hectars. From 1928 it is the first geozoo with species from every continent. This means you can take a walk from Antarctica to Arctic. For the young visitors there are playgrounds and even carousel. The zoo is definitely a place to visit if you by chance visit Munich.

U prvom proljetnom, ili ljetnom danu mi smo otisli sa Suadom I njezinom familijom u Hellabrunn zooloski vrt. To je prvi geozoloski vrt u svijetu I jedan od najbogatijih zoloskih vrtova na svijetu. Napravljen je 1911. g I danas na 40 hektara zivi oko 750 vrsta zivotinja. Od 1928 zive zivotinje sa svih kontinenata (geozoloski vrt), sto znaci mozete setnjom da prodjete od Antarktisa do Arktisa. Za mlade posjetioce ima igralista pa caki ringispil. Definitvno za preporuciti ako ste igrom slucaja u Minhenu.

New computer / novi kompjuter

Couple of days ago my acer laptop just broke down without any notice so yesterday I got a new one yeah! There are soo many nice laptops to chose between, but in the end I chose the Asus zenbook… in GOLD 😀 new asus
asusPrije nekolika dana mi je odjednom crko kompjuter tako da sam jucer kupila novi, jupi ! Toliko je bilo dobri laptopa da je meni jako tesko bilo izabrati neki, ali sam na kraju izabrala Asus Zenbook u ZLATNOJ boji. Nadam se da ce biti perfektan za moje potrebe 😀