These houses do not yet exist but are planned to be built in 2017 in north Sweden. The project called Sápmi Jokk at Vindel river was started from the entrepreneur Christer Kvick, and these houses were designed by the architect Björn Ingridsson. They are supposed to function as a hotel with each house having two to four beds. I find the idea fantastic and immediately I was thinking of all the rivers in Bosnia and how cool that would look like to walk above the river… especially if the floor would be transparent 😀
Ove kuce jos uvijek nisu napravljene ali su planirane do 2017 u sjevernoj Svedskoj. Projekat, zvani Sápmi Jokk, je startovan od preduzetnika Christer Kvick a kuce su dizajnirane od arhitekte Björn Ingridsson. Ideja je da ovo bude hotel gdje svaka kucica ima dvije do cetiri kreveta. Ideja mi je fantasticna i odmah sam pomislilla kako bi to izgledalo kad bi se setkala iznad rijeka…pogotovo kad bi pod bio proziran 😀
Illustrations / Slike: Björn Ingridsson/Bierne arkitektkontor