Sretan mi rodjendan…bio

Yesterday was my birthday. Honestly, I was not really in the mood for celebrating it. I even didn´t invite people to celebrate me. Ada and Ensar woke me up in the morning singing the happy birthday song and it changed my mood. After that my birthday felt more fun.

Jucer mi je bio rodjendan. Iskreno nije mi se nesto slavilo. Nisam cak nikoga ni zvala na rodjendan. Probudili su me Ada i Ensar i zapjevali mi rodjendansku pjesmu pa su mi promijenili raspolozenje. Tako da mi je poslije toga rodjendan lakse “pao”. rodjendn
Selfie sa strikom Omarom, Adom, Ensarom and moi.
Selfie with uncle Omar, Ada, Ensar and moi.

This year the gifts I got where surreal. I got a package to go to the Blue Spa in Bayerisher hof!! Blue Spa is one of the best spas in Munich. My dream to go there comes true and I just loooong for the day of visit. 

Ove godine sam dobila poklone nestvarne 😀 Dobila sam da idem u spa i to u Bayerisher Hof !!! Yees 😀 To je jedan od NAAAAJboljih spa´s u Minhenu i san mi je  bio da odem tamo. blue-spa
Dobila sam od svojih roditelja isto jedan zlatni prelijepi prsten.

I got this beautiful ring from my parents
In the evening Suada and Aida came spontanously with their families to a barbecue. My cousin Sejla was there. I really enjoyed the evening. Thank you soo much for the gifts 😀 It is fun how time passes by…Five years ago on my birthday there where no children on my birthday and yesterday five where running around in the appartment…

A navecer smo imali rostiljadu gdje su spontano dosli Suada i Aida sa familijama. I moja rodica Sejla je isto bila tu. Bilo nam je bas lijepo. Hvala vam na poklonima 😀
Zanimljivo je da prije 5 godina na rodjendanu nije bilo ni jednog djeteta, a jucer ih je petero trckaralo po stanu…Lete godine…rodjendan
Pozdrav svima i ako je neko za rostilj nek se javi…jos stoji vani 😀
If anyone wants to barbecue just tell us, the grill is still outdoors 😀

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