Kumovanje / Birthday celebration…


In some parts of Bosnia there is a tradition when the child gets one year old to cut the hair and thus the person doing it becomes the godmother/godfather of the child. Since, the parts where my husband comes from does not have it I had free hands to choose the Pate 🙂 Usually, one selects the best friend or someone they know will buy nice gifts (though this is not usually admitted officially). I adapted this tradition to fit me and chose my best friend and someone that I know buys good gifts (who can be a better friend or buy better gifts than a sister / brother :))…My sister got the honor this time because she is the older one 😉

U nasim krajevima Bosne kad dijete napuni godinu dana bude i kumovanje. Znaci po prvi put se dijete nastrgne- sisa. Po propisu to se izabere dobar prijatelj ili prijateljica ili kako to kod nekih biva izaberes nekog dobrostojeceg “prijatelja/prijateljicu” 😛 Ja sam te propise prilagodila sebi. Izabrala sam svog najboljeg prijatelja (prijateljicu) a i nekog sto znam da ce dobar poklon kupiti :P… znaci koga drugog izabrati nego sestru ili brata. Sestru sam izabrala jer je starija.  

The oldest and the youngest guests. My grandmother with her great-granddaughter. 

Najstariji i najmladji gosti .

Thank you auntie for your wonderful gift.


Hvala tetka na predivnom poklonu


Many thanks to Amira Sadis that baked this wonderful cake. /
Hvala Amiri Sadic koja je napravila ovu prelijepu i ukusnu tortu.

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