
I guess everyone got a little surprised regarding UK and Brexit. Every expert says that today will be a dramatic decrease at  the stockmarket. I have some stocks I am looking at and hope actually that these following days they will deacrese in price so that I can buy a couple of stocks on sales. Last few weeks there has been volatility which has given mi opportunity to buy a couple of H&M stocks. Hopefully, this is a good buy and that it will increase with the time. I am still keeping my strategy or idea to try to get a portfolio that is giving me dividends that I can invest again. The interest on interest effect so to say.
2016-06-27 17.01.29Some of the stocks I keep an eye on / Neke od dionica koje pratim

Mislim da su se svi malo iznenadili sto se tice Velike Britanije i Brexita. Svaki ekspert kaze da ce danas biti prilicno velik pad na berzama u Evropi. Posto imam nekoliko dionica koje pratim onda se stvarno nadam da su ti eksperti u pravu da bih mogla kupiti par dionica na snizenju.
Zadnjih par sedmica su bile dosta volatilne i dale su mi mogucnost da kupim nekoliko H&M dionica. Naravno, nadam se da je to dobra kupovina bila i da ce se vrijednost dionice povisiti i da ce ostati dobra dividenda. Jer jos uvijek je moja strategija ili ideja da probam izgraditi portfolio koji mi daje dividende koje mogu ponovo uloziti u dionice. Tako reci da iskoristim efekat kamate na kamatu.

Estelles stock portfolio / Estellin portfolio dionica

I read in sparabloggen that the Swedish magazine Dagens Industri (DI), had made a stock portfolio for the future queen Estelle that she will get the day she turns 18. There are 10 stocks chosen and they are checked upon and changed if necessary only once a year. DI invested 100 000 kr (around 11-12 000 euro)  and until now with the strong stock market the money has increased by 80,89%. The dividends are reinvested in these 10 companies. This portfolio would probably fit most of us amateurs. Here are four things to think of when making such a portfolio:

  • choose 10 companies to have in your portfolio
  • choose quality company that are relatively stable
  • don´t touch the portfolio to often. Once or twice a year should do
  • Reinvest the dividends in the companiesestelleutveckling-diagram
    Procita u sparabloggen da su svedske novine Dagens Industri (DI) napravile jedan portfolio dionica za buducu kraljicu Estelle. Taj portfolio ce ona dobiti tog dana kad napuni 18 godina. 10 dionica su izabrane i jednom godisnje prelaze i mijenjaju ako smatraju da treba. DI su investirali 100 000 kr (oko 11-12 000 Eura) i sa berzom koja je zadnjih godina jaka i napredna bila taj novac je porastao u vrijednost sa citavih 80.89%. Dividende reinvestiraju u ovih 10 firmi. Ovaj portfolio pase vecini nas amatera i ako pravite ovakav portfolio mislite na slijede cetiri stvari:
  • izaberite 10 firmi
  • izaberite relativno stabilne kvalitetne firme
  • dirajte portfolio samo jednom ili dva put godisnje
  • reinvestirajte dividende u tih deset firmi

slike iz sparabloggen

pic. from sparabloggen