First step / Prvi Korak

We went to the city to buy a suitcase for our Sweden trip. We are leaving on Tuesday and just realised that we don’t have enough suitcases.
After a.while we got hungry and thought let’s go eat in Karstadt because there was also a place for kids to play.
And then it happened. Adrian ran after Ada. He took a couple of steps not getting that he actually had walked. And then came this special face when he undestood that what he has done. He got this amazing wow effect and wanted more.
I find it so fascinating that no matter how difficult it is the children are persistent. They really have the mindset persistence beats resistance.  A mindset I would love them to keep when they grow up.

The room where the first steps where made/ Soba gdje je prve korake napravio

Otišli smo u grad da kupimo kofere za putovanje u Švedsku. Idemo u utorak i upravo smo primjetili da nam fali kofer.
Nakon nekog vremena u gradu smo ogladnili i odlučimo otići u Karstadt jer tamo ima mjesto za djecu da se igraju.
I u momentu se desi! Adrian potrča za Adom. Nekolika koraka je prešao a da nije ni skontao šta je uradio. I onda je onaj posebni izraz lica došao kad je shvatio veličinu njegovog uspjeha. Dobio je onaj posebni aha-efekat izraz i odmah je htio opet šetati.
Meni je to tako fascinantno kod djece da nebitno koliko je nešto teško oni uporno vježbaju. Stvarno imaju mentalitet “upornost pobijeđuje otpor“.  To je način razmišljanja koji se ja nadam da će im ostati i kad odrastu.

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