She´s german! / Ona je Njemica!

Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I experienced when someone leaves a small baby alone in the car. It was horrible to see that little boy crying and being unable to do anything.
We were at a parking place in front of the super market and his parents had obviously left him in the car while doing food shopping. Ensar tried to find them calling out a message in the store but no one came.
The boy was just crying and crying. And what felt as an eternity finally ended when the boys father came.
I couldn´t but tell him that it is not ok to leave a child in the car like that. He can choke (they left him with some food).
In my mind I would fear that someone crazy would come, break the windows and kidnap the child.
I told him, he´s lucky that his wife/ girlfriend didn´t know he left the child alone in the car she would probably be really pissed off.
He answered me – It is actually my wife that left our son in the car.
I was watching in disbelief. Probably he saw it and to explain this he gave me another shock.
He said to us: she´s German!
I didn´t and still don´t get it. What is that supposed to mean?make-sure-your-child-is-never

Jučer, po prvi put u mom životu, sam doživjela da neko ostavi dijete samo u autu. Bio je to grozan osjećaj gledati kako dječak plače a da mu ništa ne možeš pomoći. Bili smo na parkingu ispred supermarketa i tamo su ga roditelji ostavili dok su otišli u kupovinu. Ensar ih je probao naći, zvao ih je na mikrofon u supermarketu, ali se niko nije odazvao. Nakon nekog vremena što se osjećala kao vječnost, je došao otac od malog. Nisam mogla a da mu ne kažem da nije u redu da ostavi dijete tako u autu. Mali se mogao udaviti (ostavili su ga sa nekom hranom).
U mom mozgu najgore scene bi se dešavale, da dođe neki luđak, razbije prozor i kidnapuje mi dijete.
Rekla sam mu- sreća pa ti žena/ cura ne zna da si ostavio dijete u autu. Poludila bi. On mi je odgovorio- Pa upravo je moja žena i ostavila malog u autu. Bila sam šokirana i nisam mogla da to vjerujem. Možda mi se to u faci vidjelo jer je druga rečenica bila još gora.
Reče mi: „moja žena je Njemica“!.
Priznajem, nisam jučer kontala niti danas kontam. Šta to treba da znači?

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