H&M Stocks / H&M Dionice

I previously wrote about my plan to have a portfolio (old post) where I can get some dividend every month. For some time the stock market is shaky, and when the old classic stock H&M finally dropped under 280 kr I decided to buy a couple for my daughter. I will keep them for at least five years unless something unexpected happens.
For people that want to start buying stocks maybe it is time to get some cash and start following the market. It is going down, so during some time there might be a possibility to get some stable companies for a fair price. Warren-Buffett-Life-QuotesPisala sam prije (stari post) o mom planu da svakog mjesec dobijem dividendu. Berza se trese vec nekog vremena, i kad su dionice poput H&M pale ispod 280kr tad sam odlucila uzeti par kcerci. Drzacu ih bar pet godina  ako se ne desi nesto neplanirano.
Za ljude koji hoce da pocnu kupovati dionice mozda je vrijeme da stede kes, i da pocnu pratiti berzu. Berza dosta fluktuira pa se mogu ponekad firme za dobru cijenu dobiti.

Prevod slike: Cijena je koju platis a vrijednost je koju dobijes!

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