Fantastic pole dances / Fantasticni plesovi na stangi

Sinoc podjosmo sestra i prijatelj nesto diskutovati i zavrsismo na ples na stangi kao sport. Pogledasmo par smijesni videa gdje manje vise zene poput sloncica plesu, ali kad smo vidjeli ovo slozili smo se da bi ples na stangi definitivno trebao biti  olimpijski sport, sta jest jest. Sta vi mislite? A istovremeno da iskoristim priliku da svima cestitam bajram i zelim vam lijep dan.

Yesterday evening, my sister and a friend of ours started to discuss some things ending up in discussing pole dance as a sport. We were looking at some hilarious videos where women where dancing like elegantly as small elephants, but seeing this video with Emily Moskalenko we definitely agreed on that pole dance should become a olympic sport. What do you think?

Young pole dance woman. Bright white colors.

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