Let´s make money

letsmake moneyI was again  watching a documentary (ironing 😛 ) that everyone should watch. It is called Let´s make money, and shows the cruel and soulless, capitalistic world we are actually living in. What bothered me the most was the interview with the a guy named John Perkins, that has worked as an economic hitman.  Here is a part of that interview… So much of the fairy tale story that Americans wanted to “save” Iraq from Saddam Hussein and introduce democracy…it turns out the Iraqies wanted to get rid of the dollar and start the commerce in Euro, which would mean a total economic collapse of US…

Opet sam gledala (peglala :P) jedan dokumentarac koji bi svako trebao da pogleda. Zove se “Let´s make money” (Hajmo praviti novac), i koji ustvari pokazuje prljavu igru kapitalista u svijetu kojem zivimo. Najvise me zacudio (sto javno prica) John Perkins koji je radio kao ekonomski “ubica”. Evo dio intervjua. Toliko o bajkama kako su ameri htjeli spasiti iracane (zar stvarno ljudi jos uvijek to vjeruju?) od Sadama i da im pomognu da uvedu demokratiju.. Ustvari problem je bio sto su Iracani htjeli da predju sa dolara na euro sto bi dovelo citav ekonomski sistem amerike do kolapsa…

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